Street Racing.... | FerrariChat

Street Racing....

Discussion in 'Chicago' started by FerrariFrank1, May 30, 2006.

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  1. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Well, here we go again...Last year, it was some numbnut driving a Ferrari out in West Chicago. Who killed an innocent BABY and Mother, along with his own dumb ass, while he was speeding recklessly...maybe even racing....

    Now, I just saw on the TV news that 2 young brothers from Mundelein were Drag Racing up in Unincorporated Libertyville with their Suburu Sportscars. (Probably those little WRX's. One was Black, the other was Blue.) One brother, who was just a 17 year old KID, lost control, hit a Honda and a Jeep Cherokee. Luckily those people were not Killed, they were injured, but he was ... He was just a Kid...only 17 years old...Life over. Apparently with not enough Common Sense, Life experience or Drivers Training and Experience to know that Street Racing is STUPID! It's no wonder why I am so down on idiots that Street Race! Not only can they kill themselves, for no reason other than to TRY to "be Cool", (Which, they definitely are not) in their own mind...But...they always take out innocent people in the process! This has got to stop! What a totally unneccesary waste! And all for what? Now, that kids parents just lost one of their children over something so stupid and unneccesary....And, the other people that got hit in the process could have very easily have been killed, too. Why?

    I wish that Jesse White would make it MANDATORY....FIRST Offense...NO Plea take away the Drivers License, AND the Car, of anyone caught Street Racing. That might stop it if some kid knew that they'd lose their precious Drivers License....which, is a Privelege, BTW, NOT a Right. And, their car that they spent so much time and money into fixing up.

    And, maybe get their parents involved and fined, too.
  2. Dino V

    Dino V Formula 3

    Sep 21, 2005
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    It's unfortunate because many don't realize it until it's too late.
    I don't see street racing ever stopping, especially with movies like the Fast & Furious series coming out every so often.
    Next thing you know they are gonna try drifting across an intersection because they saw it in F&F: Tokyo Drift.

    I wonder if they built a road course and drag strip in Chicago, if it would reduce the amount of street racing. That way there would be a track very close.
  3. heckler40

    heckler40 Karting

    Apr 18, 2006
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    There is a road course and drag strip within 1 hour of the city. Unfortunately, that will never fix the problem.
  4. RocketBoy

    RocketBoy Formula 3

    Feb 13, 2004
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    Professor Hajji
    I sadly think its the mentality of the nation, not just an age group, that is so in love with speed at the moment. I travel so much and with your past of truck driving Im sure you altered your style and awareness after witnessing some of the most terrible wrecks on the toll and freeways as I have in the past 4 years. I was just talking to a Ferrari owner the other day and we both were ill at ease that cruising at 75-80 mph in the middle lane returning from the Ill/WI border, one is passed like they're standing still. Isn't the speed limit 55, out in the rural areas 65? I agree with your street racing wishes but I think even the simple speeding tickets should have larger fines. It is a sickening sight to see a minivan filled with unbelted kids jumping up and around the DVD player while Dad flies down on the tolls doing 90+ mph with one hand on the wheel near the congested exits for Great America. I would think that insane costs of tickets might reduce such behavior.

  5. screentime

    screentime Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    Malibu & Chicago
    Full Name:
    Sean McKee
    I was just in Florida last week, and the speed limit on I-75 was 70 MPH. We were averaging 85-90 and were still being passed by most people. Since it was a rental car, I didn't want to push it. I guess since it's Florida, and the bulk of the population is geriatric, they need to get where they are going in a hurry before they die.
  6. racespecferrari

    racespecferrari F1 Veteran

    Jan 31, 2006
    Suffolk, Uk
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    Pete.G By The Sea
    I'm surprised that a 17 year old would get insurance on a Subaru, here in the Uk it would cost about £1200 to insure any ordinary small car let alone a Subaru, maybe all young drivers should be 'restricted' to a limited bhp in cars, this would help to a certain extent
  7. adamr

    adamr Formula Junior

    Aug 16, 2002
    Maybe the car was insured under the parents and the kid was an 'add-on' to the policy.

    Obviously a lot of this comes down to the parents' responsibility, but I think there are a lot of things which will get worse due to TV, video games, & internet influences.
  8. Travis Bickle

    Travis Bickle Rookie

    Feb 16, 2006
    Someone told me in the Court Clerk's office that the Matthew Lane civil case had been settled. Don't know if that's true or not.

    Kids don't respond to harsh penalties because they don't associate the bad behavior with the penalty at the time of the offense. They have poor impulse control. Look at how many kids become unwed parents - that's a pretty big consequence for a little bit of fun.

    No matter how many harsh laws get passed for something it's always going to happen once in a while.
  9. RunningOfTheRings

    Jan 5, 2006
    Extremely Dumb, and very easy to say at the Ripe age of 46. Kids, no matter the age, need time to mature.. Just because someone is stupid at the age of 16 doesnt mean they cant grow into a mature adult in the future.. and you want to take their license away before our society even gives them a chance to mature?

    Lets not forget, a Drivers License is EARNED, not "Given Out".. if the state wants to dedicate more time to teaching kids safety PRIOR to getting their license, then thats fine. Hell, if the state wants to decide 18 is the new Driving Age, even that I'd be fine with, But when it comes to kids living their own lives, choices are often made poorly in Every aspect of life when you're young.. its called GROWING UP.

    150,000+ people a year die on the US Highway Systems as a result of Alcohol.

    Insensitivity is often mistaken for Disrepect, when in this case its just Fact.

    If you really want to "Save Lives".. why dont you try and get more Drunks off the road, not 16 year olds just going through THEIR course of life. I've been there, you've been there, we've all been there.

    Low-life Alcoholics deserve Zero respect when they sit behind the wheel after a night of drinking.

    Taking away someones car and license because a cop "witnessed" whatever it is they consider "Street Racing" is much dumber than doing the same for a first time DUI.
  10. Travis Bickle

    Travis Bickle Rookie

    Feb 16, 2006
    I'd like to see talking on the phone while driving outlawed. Peeps make fun of me because I don't do it, but I find it way too distracting. I'd bet lots more crashes are caused by "distracted" driving than drunk driving. How many times have you seen some nut in a crappy car on the freeway tailgating someone while talking on the phone? If the person in front makes a startling maneuver, that dude and everyone near him is toast!

    But whatever laws you make, everything that you outlaw will still happen. Even if the potential penalty was 20 years in the pokey, kids will still drag race. Guns have been outlawed in Cook County for years but there are still plenty of shootings.

    <<<150,000+ people a year die on the US Highway Systems as a result of Alcohol.>>>

    I'm not buying that statistic. That's probably 10x inflated.
  11. bill365

    bill365 F1 Rookie

    Nov 3, 2003
    Chicago area
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    say... 19. Kids, no matter the age, need time to mature.. Just because someone is stupid at the age of 16 doesnt mean they cant grow into a mature adult in the future.. unless the all knowing and invulrenable teenage supermen, kill themselves first, in a stupid car accident before they have learned to drive at a high horsepower level.

    Yeah, sure take the street-racer's licenses away and take away the licenses of the drunk drivers also. Not one or the other. The laws are already on the books, it isn't like they'd have to pass a new one. Both show a wanton disregard for the safety of themselves and all others. They will get them back eventually, if they can behave in a sensible fashion long enough, but the insurance cost might then be a restrictive factor.

    I generally oppose the seizure of personal property, in all of it's forms, but in the case of drivers, whether it be simply suspended privileges or revocations, they usually wind up driving while unlicensed. So in some cases, you have to take their cars or at least, the license plates away.

    There are never simple answers, and that applies to this problem also.

    But to bring another topic into a debate, only demonstrates an inability to intelligently discuss the topic at hand.
  12. bill365

    bill365 F1 Rookie

    Nov 3, 2003
    Chicago area
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    I'd say you are probably correct. Statistics are usually bent a bit to suit the user's purpose.

    You would probably be included in these numbers if:
    You had a drink, were well within the legal limits of sobriety sitting at a stoplight and were rear ended by a tea-totling little old lady.
  13. Fred 02

    Fred 02 Karting

    Aug 12, 2004
    Not that I agree with racing, especially not at 100 mph which was their estimated speed... but there was talk of the car actually pulling out infront of him which is what caused the tragedy.... The young man made a poor decision to race but if what the press said was true about the car pulling out infront of him, which happens way to often as it is, it makes this story even worse!

    This is a sad reminder on why we all need to be careful with making decisions... My parents are wigging out about this and have currently taken the keys to their porsche and benz away temporarily.

    My prayers are with the family of this young man!!
  14. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Great responses, folks! (LOL! I think it's apparent who is a teenegar, and who isn't....;) )

    Well, the first thing that I'd like to see happen is to get these kids real "Driver TRAINING"....NOT....just learning how to pass a test after being taken for a few rides around the neighborhood by the school gym teacher!

    My own personal case: I was lucky. I was allowed to start driving when I was 14....BUT....only at places like Cemetaries, Industrial Parks, places where there weren't any other people around. Then, when I got my Drivers Permit at 15. I bought my first car., (a 1966 Pontiac GTO. 335 H.P. Stock!) I could drive with my family, or my best bud who was a year older and had his Drivers License already.

    Then when it came time for me to have the "behind the wheel" part of Drivers Ed. I had a 06:00AM starting time, with another kid who had Never been behind the wheel of a car before. My instructor was one of the School Deans at York High School in Elmhurst, 'Dean' Fisher, where I went. Anyway, first day out, this guy said "I see that you've been driving already and have some experience". I told him that I had basically been driving, for almost 2 years already. Well, he would always let me go first. After the second day, this guy would actually fall asleep while I was driving! I guess he had confidence in my driving ability....:) Then, at 06:30AM, I'd pull over and wake him up, saying: "O.K., it's 6:30. It's his turn" referring to the other kid in the back seat. And, believe me. When this kid drove, we were Wide Awake!..:( (BTW... I passed with a 99!....:) He took one point off for me putting my turn signal on a little too soon as we were headed back to school. I didn't care! I Passed! But, maybe I should have mentioned that he always fell asleep while I was driving, and he would have made it 100....;) ) No, I'm not saying that I am "Joe Pro" Driver here. I only wanted to use that as an example showing the difference between somebody that has gotten alot of training and experience before getting their Drivers License, as opposed to somebody that does not. And, it really does make a big difference.

    Anyway. I think that they need to include more Driver 'Training'. Especially, for the kids that didn't get the chance to get alot of practice beforehand like I did. (I have also taken a Drivers course in my 20's.) And make the Insurance Companies become involved. If a kid completes a Driver TRAINING Course of some kind. Give him a lower rate. If not, a much higher rate.

    Actually, if you think about it. The Insurance Industry has probably more power over this than the Government does. They COULD say that they will not insure anybody under, say, 20. Unless they've completed a Driver TRAINING Course. But, ofcourse, you'd never be able to get them all to go along with it. Too bad. This would benefit the young Driver the most. Probably save their Life! Not to mention their parents, who would be put less at a chance of getting that phone call some night..... And even more importantly, the general public who so often become innocent victims of inexperienced, and irresponsible drivers. The numbers don't lie. Every Insurance Company. The Government studies....They all say that the highest rate of Motor Vehicle Accidents and Vehicle Deaths are among Male Drivers from age 16-24. That's fact, not fiction! And, it surely isn't caused by "Safe Driving". It's solely caused by Goofing off. Showing off. Recklessness. Carelessness. Immaturity. And, IMO, there's no room on our public roads for that kind of a powerful, heavy, piece of steel machinery....Especially, when innocent people can get hurt or killed by it. I mean, am I wrong here? Yeah, try to tell me that I am wrong here.

    And hey, another benefit would be that Insurance Rates would go way down for everybody. Because, when the Insurance companies have to pay out Millions and Millions and Millions of Dollars in Car Repairs. Death benefits. Lawsuits. Legal Fees. Etc... WE 'ALL' END UP PAYING FOR IT!!!!! Even if we have a clean driving record!

    No, I'm not saying that young kids shouldn't be allowed to drive. Not by all means! IMHO, the sooner they start driving, the sooner that they can start accruing experience. But....I think that they really need to get REAL Driver TRAINING. Not just learn how to pass the drivers test!

    "Runningoftherings"....How old are YOU, Man? You actually think that some 16 year old kid should get a "Pass" if getting caught Drag Racing? Come on, Man! Are you nuts?! That is when they should LEAST be given one! At that age, and when they have just been driving for less than a year or two, they should be CONCENTRATING on DRIVER SAFETY...NOTHING ELSE!!!...NOT on seeing how fast Moms Mini Van will go! (Or if they can beat the old guy in the Ferrari with their Ricer....;) ) That is just plain Stupid, Man! Sure, they do need time to "Grow Up". But, not on my time, not on my roads! (and I mean that for everybody, individually.) But, when it involves OTHER People on PUBLIC Roads. No, I just can't agree with that. There is No room for Error....No place for them to "stretch their little wings and see what they can do". No. Not when OTHER Peoples lives....LIVES....may be at Risk!

    And, absolutely! Take away the Licenses of Drunk Drivers, too! I agree with you about that. They don't belong driving a 3000+ pound potential death machine either! And habitual offenders who constantly get speeding tickets, etc.... Road Ragers. Etc... these types of people have no business, or right, really, to be "allowed" to drive.

    I think that the Government in general, (and believe really hurts me to say that, as, I don't like Bigger Government as it is already at all! But if people won't take the initiative on their own, then somebody-the powers that be- has to do it.) The Governments, from your local little Towns, all the way up, need to start taking dangerous traffic infractions more seriously. They need to make the fines so big, that they really do impose a burden on the driver. No more "Slap on the Wrist" fines. And, you know as well as I do. That if some Government official, or somebody in his family got hurt. He'd rush some kind of Law or Bill into Legislation immediaitely! So why not for everyone else? Make "Plea bargaining" gone....a thing of the past. Some schmuck in a Beemer, simply because he can afford a good Lawyer to "get him off", shouldn't get any preferential treatment over a 16 year old kid in a '87 Corolla. You break the law, you pay for it. Simple as that! Hey, maybe if the Governments starting getting alot of money from Fines. They could drop taxes a little bit. Let the law Breakers pay! Not always the law abiding citizen!

    Driving, IMHO, needs to be treated more seriously. Like the Privelege that it is. Right now, the Government doesn't care....All that they care about is the Taxes and Fees that they get from each and every driver. Each and every Car. License Fees. License Title and Plate fees. City Stickers. Parking Meters and garage taxes. Taxes on Cars, car repairs, Parts, Tires, Tolls, Gas, anything and everything that has to do with cars and driving, ETC....That's some Big Money! So, do you actually think that the Government cares if YOU or one of YOUR LOVED ONES dies in an auto accident? Hell no! The Insurance companies pay out, and that money gets taxed, somehow, someway. Somebody gets a big Insurance settlement. And, the money from that gets taxed. They go out and buy a new car. And that gets taxed...Every penny that they spend or invest gets taxed. It doesn't matter!

    I mean, the roads are already way too crowded as it is. What a nice difference it would make if we were to take some of the unneeded traffic off of the roads. Less Pollution. Less gas used. More Parking. Safer Roads for everybody, too. And, to me, those are all good things.....

    Hey, just my opinons!!!! But, I am certainly not going to apologize for taking something like this so seriously. Every Day, year after year, way too many people get Killed Needlessly! And it's especially painful when it is an innocent victim-especially a baby or a child-that gets their life snuffed just because of some Careless IDIOT!
  15. Rabsox386

    Rabsox386 Karting

    Feb 11, 2006
    Clarendon Hills, IL
    Full Name:
    I agree with you 100%. I am 20 years old right now. When I was in high school I would always show boat and drive fast and that stuff. I had a close call one day and have never driven like that since. I still like to drive fast, but if I do its usually late at night when I am totally sober and no one else is on the road.

    Street racing is something that I have never done (probably bc i don't drive a fast car). But I have heard about the reprecussions of it. Racing should only be done on the track. There really isnt too much to say besides that.

    Severe penalties should be mandatory for both racing and drunk driving. If someone does either of those once. They are more than likely to do it again. Which is why there should be severe penalties for the first time they are caught.
  16. Travis Bickle

    Travis Bickle Rookie

    Feb 16, 2006
    The insurance industry doesn't have nearly as much power as the gov't. First, they don't have their own army. Second, do you think carriers want to write hurricane insurance in Florida this year? Hell no. But the government forces them under the penalty of tossing the company out of the State altogether.
  17. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    I'm with you all the way, Frank. It makes me crazy at how carelessly people drive. It's easy to say that a 16 year-old may mature, but where are people supposed to develop good driving habits? The concept that talking on a telephone while operating a 5000 pound vehicle is legal still blows my mind. My wife and I do a LOT of walking in the city, and the vast majority of drivers are oblivious, pushy, rude and drive too fast. We don't have as many teen drivers, but these people all developed their habits at some point in their lives.

    Remember that little girl who was hit and dragged to her death a couple weeks ago, right across from Lincoln Park Zoo? The guy blew a stop sign, and residents there complain that it happens all the time. Well, it happens ALL OVER, all the time. The rules are in place, but don't do a lick of good if they're ignored. Our system is way too lenient on traffic offenses, since they don't punish people for what could happen. I can't tell you how many times I've watched a car doing 50 on a side street blow a red light in front of a cop who didn't bat an eye. Our governments need to get some teeth and toughen the laws and repercussions. Our streets are cluttered with reckless drivers who never seem to get punished.

    So, if some little 16 year-old $hithead thinks street racing is cool but gets caught, he should do 30 days and lose his license for a year. Then he should get probation for another year. If he fncks up before then, he loses his license for 5 years. Too harsh? Too bad. You don't need to be on the road, and we sure as hell don't want you out there. How quickly do you think word would spread on myspace after the first few kiddies got to go away and spend a month at juvie?
  18. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Thanks for that, Jack. I appreciate it! Yeah, I bet you see alot more of it going on on the City, with the streets being narrower and more traffic.

    And, just yesterday afternoon. We have a 17 year old kid, out in Hanover Park, driving in a 40MPH zone. Witnesses didn't say he was speeding, but he was weaving really bad in Traffic....(Screwing around with the Stereo, if you ask me...) Anyway, this kid drives off the street, over a long grass parkway, and hits and kills a 64 year old Grandma who was pushing her baby Grand Daughter in a stroller. Luckily, the Baby was O.K.., but the Grandma died. Again...For what? Because some stupid kid was not paying attention to his DRIVING....

    What's it gonna take?

    And, I'll tell you. You will start noticing stuff like this more and more now that you are a Dad. I know that I certainly did.

    I'm probably a little more 'over the top' than most people are about this....Probably because I was hit and nearly killed in 3 different Motor Vehicle Incidents, (I don't call them Accidents. They weren't. they all could have easily been avoided had the other driver been paying attention to what they were doing.) by somebody who was negligent while Driving...not paying attention to the business at Operating a Motor vehicle in Traffic on a Public Road!.....

    But, it is especially painful when you see innocent people, and especially babies, get killed needlessly by negligent drivers. They don't even get a chance at life.

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