Stupid Drivers... | FerrariChat

Stupid Drivers...

Discussion in 'Northwest' started by enzof355f430, May 18, 2006.

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  1. enzof355f430

    enzof355f430 Formula Junior

    May 2, 2005
    Gulf Breeze, FL
    Full Name:
    Ok, First off let me start by saying i wasnt sure if this is the right forum for this, but i think we need a specified place for some of us to vent our troubles with the dangers of the road. As im driving home from school, to head to college, (i am in running start and take classes at my high school as well as college) i encountered a first. I had been following a silver Pontiac Grand Am for about 10 miles, he was anywhere between 50-65MPH in a 55 zone. As we approached a large hill with two lanes on our side, he moved over to the right lane, as well as slowed down. I started to slowly move past him, and as soon as i got a car length ahead he guns it. I am, by the way, in a Plymouth Neon. Well we start to run out of road, me still ahead of him, im still maintaining the 65mph i had started with to pass him. WE had caught up to another car and i wasnt able to make it by so i slowed down, he couldnt get by me nor the car in front so he merges over and gets right on my @$$. All the way down the hill, it is probably 1 mile from bottom of one side to the other, he is right on my tail. I decided brake checking probably wasnt the best thing to do, so i let it go knowing the road wwould widen into two lanes at the bottom of the hill. When the road widens, he pulls up along me and starts showing his lack of vocabulary. "Learn how to drive stupid ****" a few other stuff but didnt really care to listen cuz he was the moron. When we got to the light, he stops right next to me leaving three car lenghts between him and the next car. I politely ask, ok maybe not politely but i asked "You got a Problem?" he starts cussing and offering to "take it over there and work it out" Obviously a a challenge to fight. I told him to grow up and then the lgiht changed and we startedgoing again. I think he mentioned something about following me home, but i seriously didnt care for his threat. i wouldve just pulled up to the cops house right down the street. Anywayz what you guys feal about this? Any other people wanna vent? It just ticks me off that he thinks i was the jagoff who had to "race" up the hill. Apparently some people just cant be passed.
  2. walawdog

    walawdog Formula Junior

    Nov 9, 2004
    Bluefield, WV
    Full Name:
    There are a lot of brain dead people out there. My favorite is the person who has to merge with my lane but doesn't bother to either look, or use a signal showing that they know they have to merge. Then, at the last second, just as my car is right next to them, they finally look over (well maybe they look) and then they freak out and do something else stupid. Oh well, you can't drive for other people.
  3. GWat

    GWat Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
    I had the same thing happen to me EXACTLY in 1998 with my then new C5 Corvette. The guy jumped out of his car at the light and started kicking my car. Having my Glock in the car I could have just shot the F***, but was really in shock over how pissed this guy was and it wouldn't have been justifiable.

    I still can't believe how people just don't like to be passed.
  4. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    I don't have an opinion...I'm just trying to bump some of these other threads above Ashley's silly thread.... ;)
  5. etip

    etip Formula 3

    Apr 4, 2004
    Washington State
    Full Name:
    ha, ha, ha... I was wondering why you were responding to every thread...
  6. enzof355f430

    enzof355f430 Formula Junior

    May 2, 2005
    Gulf Breeze, FL
    Full Name:
    lol what ever works....:)
  7. SectorNine50

    SectorNine50 Rookie

    Apr 24, 2006
    Oregon, USA
    Full Name:
    Justin Wiley
    I for sure know what your talking about.

    Just recently, I was following a buddy of mine to someone's house (I didn't know where I was going), well he changed lanes, and I was about to do the same when some Jetta comes FLYING out of the lane behind me and starts tailing my buddy, probably about 1/4 of a car length's in distance. Seeing the exit we were taking coming up quickly, I flip on my signal and slowly start to inch over, thinking that the average person would take the hint and back off and let me in so I can follow my friend. Well, she didn't, she decided to lay on the horn for probably 30 seconds as I'm still slowly inching over. Of course, she just started freakin out and swearving in her lane, so I gave up. Well, I ended up having to get in front of my friend and wait for him on the side of the road so that he could pass me to lead the way. The best part was that the INSTANT I got in the lane in front of my buddy, the girl in the Jetta switches lanes, and SLOWS DOWN. I about **** myself in amazement of how badly she did not want me to get in front of her, yet, she didn't have any reason to be in that lane.

    Okay, so now a story about myself...

    I was... goofing around... having fun in the rain... And basically flying around on a curvy road. So I see this interection comin up, and think to myself: You know, that would be really fun to pull the e-brake on and bend the corner to the right. I didn't see any headlights on the road or signs anywhere near so I figured it was clear (it was nighttime). So here I come and SLIDEEEEEE out in front of some car, which probably would have hit me if the other person hadn't been paying attention and/or I didn't swing into the other lane... Yeah... I get mad at people, but sometimes, I have to wonder why... Hahaha

    Oh man, joys of driving like you have nothing to lose...
  8. Ace503

    Ace503 Formula 3

    Feb 22, 2006
    Full Name:
    Korben Dallas
    Ya that chick was a HORRIBLE driver. I have never had anyone tail me so close. For no apparent reason...

    Oh godl you scared me on that one.
  9. Dave46

    Dave46 Formula Junior

    Jun 5, 2006
    Central Washington
    Full Name:
    Robert Davison
    She wasn't a blond in a green Honda Civic was she? I had one tailgate me while I was towing my fixed keel sailboat through the tunnel and across the Lake Washington Bridge she was about 3 ft off the back of my rudder on my boat but since she could see under the boat she probably felt safe.
    I have discovered long ago that when you are driving a performance car there is always one idiot who will kill himself to pass you just to tell his buddies how he " Blew the doors off that---------" on the freeway.

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