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Tell me about Linux

Discussion in 'Technology' started by RacerX_GTO, Aug 4, 2014.

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  1. Fast_ian

    Fast_ian Two Time F1 World Champ

    Sep 25, 2006
    Campbell, CA
    Full Name:
    Ian Anderson
    For anyone thinking of getting their feet wet, this is a pretty good free ebook... You've got to register to get it, but hey, you've got to register to post here too right!

    A Newbie's Getting Started Guide to Linux Free Guide

    All kinds of interesting free ebooks on the same site. Not just Linux either! No affiliation, just impressed!


  2. RacerX_GTO

    RacerX_GTO F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    Gabe V.
    Ok, it's been a while; milked Windows for all it was worth, now I've let go.

    Since my initial post, Linux has come a long way with many of the features I have wanted, included. I've researched, I've compared and I have made my decision. I am making this comment on the OS I have chosen:

    Zorin OS

    and am doing this solely on a USB boot only notebook with, no hard disk drive. This is my experimental internet terminal and so far, and thrilled beyond all expectations. The Zorin OS site has made everything so damn easy, it's absolutely unreal how easy it is to make the change.

    Microsnot is now a thing of the past.
  3. TestShoot

    TestShoot F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 1, 2003
    Beverly Hills
    I am playing a lot on Raspberrian these days. I am a Debian or Ubuntu guy myself.
  4. RacerX_GTO

    RacerX_GTO F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    Gabe V.
    Just an update for anyone considering jumping off of Windows. There seems to be a general consensus with some concerns over privacy, security, reliability and MicroSNOT deciding for you when its time to interrupt what you are doing and perform an update. With MicroSNOT announcing another Windows release, it's a safe bet that there is even less privacy, extensive snitching AI, little to no control over your system settings, updates guaranteed to boot you off of your critical work, cracker jack box reliability and security, since all the haxors have it in for MicroSNOT these days.
    I'm still using Zorin OS 15.3 which is Ubuntu under the hood. There are many versions(distributions) of Linux/Ubuntu to choose, but the primary reason for my choosing Zorin, is how near spot-on it is setup like Windows, so the learning curve is low. You can jump right into it and go, right away. As of late, the Zorin OS has adopted many of the shortcut keys used in Windows, where earlier versions from when I first started, did not. The stability of Zorin is rock solid. Like Windows XP, virtually no problems with this OS. I'll cut to the chase;

    -Ease of setup, is plug and play with most of the name brand systems out there
    - Rock solid performance, low to almost non existent system failures
    - ASKS YOU FIRST, if you want to proceed with an download of updates. And even then, it runs in the background, doesn't interrupt what you are doing.
    - Updates hit when news breaks of some major hack, Team Ubuntu is on top of it, ensuring latest security is available.
    - Great for surfing the net, and you don't have a Windows OS bullseye on your head to malicious wares.
    - You have control over your system, Zorin doesn't just do things on its own without your consent
    - Not so much crap running in the background to dog your system down. This OS runs clean and uses a low amount of hardware resources
    - Layer of privacy, Zorin doesn't collect data on you like Windows. They leave you alone.
    - A free software store app comes built in, which gives you access to shareware programs developed by the Linux community. There is a compatible Office suite that comes
    with Zorin.
    ( For example, I've used Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw extensively. The Linux equivalents are GIMP and INK, they're just as powerful, and they are freeware)


    - Exclusive Windows programs are not going to run, this is something to strongly consider if this OS is going to work for you
    - Most name brand computer systems will work with Zorin for drivers during the install. I'm using an HP, and everything installed flawlessly. There are some oddball
    computers that Zorin may not like, let me rephrase that, there are computer systems out there that contain hardware components that are deliberately coded to not support Linux.
    - Printers, choosing a printer to work in Ubuntu world goes like this; check the supported list, THEN go buy that printer.
    - WiFi Adapters, other hardware works the same as choosing a printer. See what is on the supported list, then go buy it. For example, NetGear has no support for
    Linux, so their hardware isn't going to plug-n-play at all. Search for a Linux friendly hardware product, then go buy it.
    - DVD/BluRay play on Linux is not available out of the box on Linux/Ubuntu systems, because there isn't a license agreement(paid fee) with the DVD/BluRay encoder for the OS.
    Somebody hacked the driver, and the install instructions are out there. But it's a hack, and that doesn't sit well in the legal eyes.
    - As a user who has experience with Photoshop, many of the True Type Fonts that come standard in Windows are not there in Zorin, and any additional TTF fonts needs to be
    added manually using a simple line of code in the Terminal. Zorin comes with its own line of fonts, which are neat and helpful, but none of them go by any of the TTF names
    Windows users are accustomed.

    All that aside, I feel I should have made the switch earlier, the OS is highly reliable above all else. Windows to me, seems to be getting nasty. As a stand alone, cut off from the net, it
    would have some worth with Windows specific programs, but connect it to the net and all bets are off...
  5. RacerX_GTO

    RacerX_GTO F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    Gabe V.
    Update ~bump~

    I've been using Zorin exclusively. Upgraded to the 17.1 version, which is still Ubuntu under the hood. It now uses less RAM while still giving users more power.
    However, some glitchy things popped up with program usage and internet usage where it would hard lock the system. Hard lock as in, 'big red switch' time. Not good.
    Updates and even a re-install were to no remedy.
    I downloaded the Mint Cinnamon 21.3 ISO and wiped my drive and installed Mint. Big difference in overall support. It even found hardware drivers specific to my network card rather than a generic compatible.
    Lock up glitches are gone and runs normal again. Going from Zorin to Mint is like going from a Cadillac XT6 Luxury to an XT6 Premium Luxury, you get the same shell and performance, just one has more toys than the other.
    Mint's quirky little mouse pointer didn't sit well with me. To my surprise was a big selection of pointer arrows, so I went with the classic black pointer.
    Image Unavailable, Please Login

    I'm very impressed with Mint, so much is plug and play now.

    Anyone still on the fence about dumping Microsoft, and if you are not heavy into dedicated Windows programs, using Linux is similar to using XP with its stability, ease of use and asking you first if you want to do anything, rather than just doing it for you and to hell with what ever you were in the middle of doing, and your system becoming a brick over a botched update; I can say, it's nice not having to worry about those things anymore.
    TestShoot likes this.
  6. TestShoot

    TestShoot F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 1, 2003
    Beverly Hills
    Interesting. I have a spare n100 based mini pc, maybe i'll try mint out
  7. vraa

    vraa F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:
    Mr. A
    RacerX_GTO and TestShoot like this.
  8. TestShoot

    TestShoot F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 1, 2003
    Beverly Hills
    I'm suddenly on the NAS train like a load of people, so I have a few distros to try out so I'll make a bunch of OS flash drives and start booting from them and playing around. Add another to the pile
  9. vraa

    vraa F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:
    Mr. A
    TrueNas for the NAS? Using ZFS?
  10. TestShoot

    TestShoot F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 1, 2003
    Beverly Hills
    Also looking at unraid.
  11. RacerX_GTO

    RacerX_GTO F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    Gabe V.
    Just another plug for Mint Cinnamon

    I don't print all that often. I have a two year old Canon printer that I had hooked up when I was running Zorin. Well I needed to print, and I was prepared to do the whole routine of SUDO commands and playing with the CUPS to pick my printer out of the list of Canon printers. As most know, Canon printers are not Linux friendly, but it can be done. It's just a little P.I.A. to get it going.
    I turned on the printer, plugged in the USB, Mint recognized it, installed the drivers for it, and everything works! Scanner n' all. WOW! :cool:
  12. BerkeS

    BerkeS Karting

    Jul 27, 2021
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Full Name:
    Berke Sinan Yetkin
    That's nice to hear. A few months ago I nearly fell victim to the Linux printing trap without a printer present. Needed to print out a document regarding the centralized university acceptance exam we have here. I was going to email it to the stationary store to get it printed and used print to PDF, unbeknownst to me ubuntu adds the file name as a header on top of anything you try to print so what should've been a full one page paper came out in 2 pieces. Had I rushed it I may have not been able to enter the exam at all.
    RacerX_GTO likes this.

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