I am so pleased that the children were found ok. I hope this guy gets the chair. http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/South/01/08/children.missing/index.html
Hopefully, this moron won't change his mind about wanting to die. He could simply plead guilty, forego the 11-12 year appeals process and take his needle... saving taxpayers a cool million or more in room, board and the public defender. BUT............ DL
I'm with you DL! However, the needle is too good, maybe he will just go away from the self-inflicted shot. I understand the justice system but it just makes me crazy why we try so hard to keep this trash alive so we can spend another million or so on a trial.
I was late to work yesterday because the police had a red Explorer pulled over on the highway, and traffic was at a standstill. SO glad they caught that sack of sh@t.
Down here in Brasil a paedophile who abducted, sexually abused and then murdered about a dozen 10-12 year old boys was sentenced last week to 27 years in prison. Technically he could get parolled in 1/3 of the sentence.........but the beauty of Brasilian prisons for most convicts, and if you've ever seen one you'll understand, is that there is no "protective custody" for these kinds of people (that is reserved for drug dealing kingpins and politicians) the rest go into the general population. I am giving him 12 months at the best before he gets beheaded by a rusty knife after being tortured for a few hours. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
I would have booked the SOB before taking him to the hospital then gotten lost on the way there. It is unfortunate though since he survived. I see the case now, he was mentally disabled at the time of the shootings and kidnapping your honor. This man did not know what he was doing. I just hope there is some big, hard up guy in prison who will personally attend to this guy.
Even here in the states, they don't take kindly to pedophiles or child abducters... Once the other inmates find out, they're likely to hang you on a wall and play butt darts with you all day long...