the 360 has arrived! A couple of questions | FerrariChat

the 360 has arrived! A couple of questions

Discussion in '360/430' started by RayJohns, Jun 9, 2006.

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  1. RayJohns

    RayJohns F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    May 21, 2006
    West Coast
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    They delivered the 360 tonight. The thing looks beautiful. A couple of questions however.

    1. When I drive it, the red alarm light is always on. Shouldn't that be off? Can anyone check their 360 and let me know. I know how to operate the alarm, but having that red light on the dash is a bit of a drag. I seem to remember my friend had a similar problem on his 355, but I can't remember how he cured it. In the 360 manual, the LED being on appears to indicate a system problem or a door open, etc. Any ideas?

    2. Is there a tag or label any place on the car which gives the official body and interior color? My interior looks black, but I want to confirm it's black and not dark blue (I may have better luck with this in the sunlight, since I took delivery of the car at night


  2. Neak

    Neak Karting

    Jul 31, 2005
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    Answer to your second question:
    There is a label with the official body color under the front-bonnet in the 360. I don't know if it says something about your interior color. Don't you have your sticker? There are all options and colors mentioned, if I'm right.
  3. RayJohns

    RayJohns F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    May 21, 2006
    West Coast
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    I noticed in the manaul about the body color and will check that. If you mean the window sticker, no I do not have that. I checked all the manuals that came with the car, but no mention of the interior color. It looks black, but I just want to make doubly sure.

  4. Neak

    Neak Karting

    Jul 31, 2005
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    Maybe somewhere under the seats?
  5. Donie

    Donie Formula Junior

    Jan 14, 2006
    The alarm red led being on while you are driving more than likely means that the batteries in the Siren unit, (mounted close to the brake servo), are flat are no longer capable of taking a recharge from the car's electrical system.

    If you have warranty the siren unit will need to be replaced since it is not a service part, however if you don't have warranty and have to bear the cost yourself ($400-500) you can't 'cut' the unit open and replace the batteries yourself.

    If you do a search on the forum, you will find a thread devoted to this.
  6. Tubi

    Tubi Formula Junior

    Jul 1, 2004
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    Lift the bootlid..and there should be a sticker there at the top with the colour code
  7. tstafford

    tstafford Formula Junior

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Donie is correct - the red light is an "alarm fault". It could be a number of things but dead alarm battery is likely.

    Mine had the same thing when I first got it and they actually replaced the Siren itself.
  8. GCalo

    GCalo F1 Veteran

    Sep 15, 2004
    Northern California
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    Greg Calo
  9. AndyD

    AndyD Karting

    Feb 20, 2006
    Snellville, GA
    Full Name:
    Andy D.
    Congrats Ray....enjoy it in good health. The 6 speed will be awesome!

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