Thinking of taking nephew to Ferrari's on Oak Street | FerrariChat

Thinking of taking nephew to Ferrari's on Oak Street

Discussion in 'Chicago' started by 996TTnoprob, May 25, 2006.

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  1. 996TTnoprob

    996TTnoprob Karting

    May 14, 2006
    What is up with this child predator that takes pictures of kids at this show? Guess a couple of members pulled his camera away from him last year and didn't give it back??? It had lots of kid pictures on it that were borderline edgy? Is this a safe show for kids or does it attract some false sense of security with this child predator running around. Heard by accident from several people, the guy that runs this show Mike something is a great guy, very well respected, and handles things tactfully, hopefully he is aware of it. Maybe this guy could attend one of the Dateline car shows, they would like to talk with him. Creepy!!!!!!!
  2. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    I bring my own son (who is 8) along with me to almost every event, drive, show, cruise night, etc..that I can. It is always a nice, family, father and son outing. And we haven't experienced anything like far, anyway. He really loves cars, well, everything with engines on them, really. (Yes, he definitely has inherited "the motor oil in the blood!"....And thats definitely a good thing! :) ) And is really learning a lot about cars already.

    But, he NEVER leaves my side for even a second when we are out in public. And, if I caught anybody taking pictures, or ANYTHING that even RESEMBLED something inappropriate, by somebody that I felt uncomfortable with. I have no qualms whatsoever about opening up this 6 FOOT, 2 INCH, 325 POUND Can of Former Biker Whoop Ass on him! Then....notifying the proper authorities.

    Yes, bring your nephew along. He will absolutely LOVE IT! But, keep him right along side of you all of the time! A pervert will have a very hard time trying to get a picture of a kid with an Adult immediately beside him.
  3. 996TTnoprob

    996TTnoprob Karting

    May 14, 2006
    That is funny, I have a dry sense of humor and you got me laughing. I am issued a Tazer by the hospital due to seeing sometimes arrested folks claiming complications after being detained. I wouldn't think twice of tagging this guy if I caught him taking photos, although It would turn into my first assualt charge and not real good public pr. Nice to meet you.
  4. bill365

    bill365 F1 Rookie

    Nov 3, 2003
    Chicago area
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    I have not heard of such a person, this of course, doesn't mean there isn't one, just that I have no knowlege of any.

    Where did you hear this?
  5. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
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    I never heard of this either.

    The show itself is as safe as anything can be in the streets of downtown Chicago. So don't leave your kid unattended, but otherwise you should be ok. Keep in mind the show had thousands of visitors last year during the day. Very possible there is a bad apple amongst them. As it is true for all gatherings with a large number of people.
  6. MikeAR303

    MikeAR303 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2004
    Chicago, IL
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    It's a shame that it isn't legal to just kill those sick, worthless pieces of ****, without having to get the authorities involved.
  7. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Nice to meet you too! LOL! No, I sincerly doubt that I would need a Tazer....If you know what I mean....:)

    Hey, you have every legal right to protect yourself and your kids with whatever force is neccessary if provoked first.

    I would not see any problem at all at that event. There are so many people there with that are with the Club, The Cars, Friends, Family, the Police. I can bet that you would be completely safe there.
  8. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Well, at least it would be better if our already strained Law Enforcement would concentrate on those bastards. Instead of using all of that Manpower, Money and Resources in some "Sting Operation" trying to bust some guy looking to buy a Joint, or trying to get a B***J**. Know what I mean? Where are their priorities?
  9. bill365

    bill365 F1 Rookie

    Nov 3, 2003
    Chicago area
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    Not that I have any sympathy for child-predators or other parasites in general, but...

    IMO, this thread is getting people a bit heated up, for what I can only, so far, describe as baseless rumor.

    As I sort of indicated earlier, I am not, what I would term an "informed source," I have heard nothing about this person or particular subject before this thread and see no real reason to get overly worried if due concern is exercised, in the care and supervision of children in modern urban settings.
  10. MikeAR303

    MikeAR303 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2004
    Chicago, IL
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    17 year old kid who possibly has a joint in his pocket is far more important to most (at least in the suburbs) cops than the child molestor hanging out in the park.
  11. 996TTnoprob

    996TTnoprob Karting

    May 14, 2006
    A Moderator softened my first post a bit for my protection. I didn't realize that naming the state and model he was from became rather pointed, I appreciate that. From what I heard and told the moderator it was dealt with discreetly without drawing any attention. I guess the incident was dropped, I don't even know if the show heard about it, and the individual never asked for the camera back. Gets everybody back to the really important stuff, admiring rolling artwork in the windy city.
  12. MikeAR303

    MikeAR303 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2004
    Chicago, IL
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    So let me get this straight... they're actually protecting this scumbag's identity?
  13. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Yeah, you a right Bill. I suppose that it has gotten a bit out of hand, simply over a baseless Rumor. But, being a parent. Stuff like that really gets me riled!

    Yes, where Did that rumor come from anyway? I wonder.....I'm sure that if it did have any credibilty at all, something like that would have been publicized in some sort. Don't you think?

    I was just going on because I thought that it actually Was something that happened. And that it had spread.
  14. bill365

    bill365 F1 Rookie

    Nov 3, 2003
    Chicago area
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    Please everbody....

    Think about these possibilities,
    Maybe it's just a rumor...
    Even if there was someone taking pictures, How racy could they be, when they were taken in front of thousands of people on Oak St.??
    Maybe someone just got over-sensitive about having pictures taken of their family members and started complaining...
    and on
    Think about it.

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