Tickets... :( | FerrariChat

Tickets... :(

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by bluekawala, Jan 24, 2004.

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  1. bluekawala

    bluekawala Formula Junior

    Jan 22, 2004
    Ormond Beach, FL
    Well... its happened. I finally got a ticket. It was bound to happen eventually I suppose. Only 13 over, but even so. I just hope that it doesn't raise my insurance too much! Fun times I suppose can only be around for awhile... lets hear your ticket stories!
  2. J Nicks

    J Nicks Karting

    Dec 4, 2003
    The last ticket, I got, actually reduced my insurance premium.
  3. KKSBA

    KKSBA F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
    SBarbara-La Jolla CA
    Full Name:
    You may be able to do traffic school and get the ticket erased. In California we get the option of traffic school every, I think 3 years, so one ticket every 3 years is like a freebie. If you do traffic school, the ticket doesn't go on your record and therefore your insurance is not affected.
  4. midnite360

    midnite360 Rookie

    Dec 20, 2003
    I was pulled over last week doin 57 in 40 in the rain. Cop asked me do I know how fast I was goin. I told him 55 and he corrected me. Long story short..because I was honest and didn't try to b.s with him I only recieved a warning. This is the 4th warning I've got in 2 years. No tickets yet.(knock on wood)
  5. KKSBA

    KKSBA F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
    SBarbara-La Jolla CA
    Full Name:
    I haven't gotten a ticket for yearssss. Last time I got pulled over a couple of years ago I was straight up with the CHP and he let me off with a warning. BS'ing the cops guarantees you get the ticket, being nice lets you play the odds.
  6. AMA328

    AMA328 F1 Rookie

    Nov 12, 2002
    ABQ-67me68-OKC :)
    might wanna have a local atty. 'fix' the ticket for you; less time, when i've done it in past is usually around $100 or so, and allows you to save the defensive driving class for a time
    when you really need it.

    check phone book, newspaper, etc., the vulture attornies make sure it's easy to find themselves...
  7. Debbie

    Debbie Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
    Central Florida
    Full Name:
    In some states you can do traffic school on-line and have the points taken off. You may want to check it out on your DMV site. I just had a friend represent me in court. I still had to pay the fine but he did get the points removed. Good luck. :) I was doing 82 in a 55 zone. The cop did not have a sense of humor!
  8. rudy

    rudy Formula Junior

    Jan 13, 2004
    Los Angeles California
    Full Name:
    Rudy Hassen
    NEVER admit guilt, even if guilty.
  9. rivee

    rivee F1 Rookie

    Jan 20, 2002
    Nowhere important, USA
    Full Name:
    All the CHP's I've ever dealt with in Calif are a$$holes. Who else would want a job where all you do is give out revenue producing tickets to irate motorists, and go to bloody and gruesome accidents.

    I had a CHP a couple of months ago go past me as I was coming up hwy 1 past Big Sur, and he flipped a u-turn to site me for having no front license plate!! It was a fix-it ticket, but c'mon!

    Then two weeks ago on a 4 lane freeway my Valentine 1 went off even before I saw the CHP so I slowed down a little to go with the flow of traffic. After spotting him about 30 seconds later he pulled up behind me and turned his red light on and pulled me over. He said I was going 73 in a 65 zone. Hell I had just entered the freeway a few miles back. After waiting 25 minutes for him to f$$k around with my information and write the ticket, he comes back and says sign here. I looked at the ticket and it said 78mph in a 65. When I ?? him about it and asked to see the radar he said NO. I told him that it was my right to do so. He said he never told me that he said it was 73mph, and to take the radar matter up with the judge.

    I then proceded to tell him what ****** and other choice things he and his mother were. I was very cordial and cooperative at the beginning with him. But it didn't seem to matter with this ******* CHP.
  10. bluekawala

    bluekawala Formula Junior

    Jan 22, 2004
    Ormond Beach, FL
    Thanks for all the tips everyone! I'll look into the schools and all to get it off my insurance. I really appreciate it! :)
  11. rivee

    rivee F1 Rookie

    Jan 20, 2002
    Nowhere important, USA
    Full Name:
    On Christmas morning a cop on horseback is sitting at a traffic light, and next to him is a kid on his shiny new bike. The cop says to the kid, "Nice bike you got there. Did Santa bring that to you?" The kid replies, "Yeah."

    The cop says, "Well, next year tell Santa to put a tail-light on that bike." The cop then proceeds to issue the kid a ticket for the bicycle safety violation.

    The kid takes the ticket and before he rides off, he turns back to the cop and says, "By the way, that's a nice horse you got there. Did Santa bring that to you?"

    Humoring the kid, the cop says, "Yeah, he sure did."

    The kid says, "Well, next year tell Santa to put the dick under the horse rather than on top."
  12. bluekawala

    bluekawala Formula Junior

    Jan 22, 2004
    Ormond Beach, FL
  13. normhuff

    normhuff Formula Junior

    Dec 14, 2003
    Peoria, IL
    Full Name:
    J. Norman Huff, Esq.
    Worst non-ticket...doing 67 in a 65 (2 MPH over). Cop saw skis on top of (non-F) car roof, pulled us over to talk about skiiing for a half hour, and then let us go on our way. Get a life...
  14. becker

    becker Formula Junior

    Feb 20, 2001
    Arlington VA
    Full Name:
    Becker Cuéllar
    I rarely speed and hold it for the track but a few times when there was an open road I had let the car go a little bit. I think I've been pretty lucky so far: a couple of years ago in TX driving a Bimmer I got caught doing 105 in a 75-zone and the cop lowered the ticket to 95 which was just a fine. Another time in Alexandria VA driving a p-car got caught doing 50 in a 25-zone again the cop lowered to just a fine, everytime I politely greeted the cop when he approached me and told him I was not checking the speedometer. That safety school gives you 5+ points in VA and it can be taken every 2 years and so far my insurance actually has given me a long term safe driver(no accidents) discount. Have yet to be pulled over on the f-car.
  15. F360@20

    F360@20 Karting

    Nov 24, 2003
    San Diego
    Well, I got everyone beat on this subject.
    Ok, first of the thing for cali (every 3 years you can do traffic school to get out of it) Thats every 6 months! I used that alot in High school.

    Now as far as traffic schools go the best one is a On line school. I can not remember the name but you took the test at comp Usa so look for that one, but either way it does not matter becuse you never have to study or anything all you do is sign up and then go and take the test.
    And YOU will pass it works like this-
    YOu know on your browser how you can click back and it will show what you just looked at? Same thing with the tests, all they have you do is go in a room with computers and log on to the net to the test site and take the test you click done it tells you how many you missed you click back write in the correct answers click forward BAM you passed sends the papers to the court for you and your done.

    - I realize that was a long sentence haha. Too lazy to fix
  16. Auraraptor

    Auraraptor F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Sep 25, 2002
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  17. sparta49

    sparta49 F1 Veteran

    Mar 3, 2001
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    I then proceded to tell him what ****** and other choice things he and his mother were. I was very cordial and cooperative at the beginning with him. But it didn't seem to matter with this ******* CHP.[/QUOTE]

    I think if this would have happened you would be telling us what ****** he was for hooking you up and taking you to jail.
  18. M.James

    M.James F1 Rookie

    Jun 6, 2003
    Worcester, MA
    Full Name:
    Remedial driving school erases NOTHING. The points may go away, but the infraction STAYS ON YOUR DRIVING RECORD FOREVER. Like I said before, Insurance Companies will pull your driving record periodically - they are not bound by any rules of law on how to interpret your driving record. You may not have any points, but they WILL see the infractions. That, and only that, is what coverage and premiums are based on. Some insurance companies will go back as far as seven years to look for evidence against you. If you have a history of speeding, they can and often will deny coverage altogether - they DO NOT have to cover your vehicle.
  19. 62 250 GTO

    62 250 GTO F1 Veteran

    Jan 9, 2004
    Nova Scotia Canada
    Full Name:
    Flipped a car on a thursday around 6 pm, around 7 pm I went home... ticketless. :) :) :)
    Edit~ this was a couple of years ago, not last week.
  20. bluekawala

    bluekawala Formula Junior

    Jan 22, 2004
    Ormond Beach, FL
    How did you manage to flip a car?

    Its all good because this kid in my neighborhood has flipped, and totalled, two in one year! His parents keep buying him NEW cars too. Its not that he races or has bad luck it crappy weather he just... SUCKS at driving. Needless to say I will not ride with him. He's a pompous prick too which is funny because he has no legs to stand on when it comes to driving.
  21. 62 250 GTO

    62 250 GTO F1 Veteran

    Jan 9, 2004
    Nova Scotia Canada
    Full Name:
    65-70 mph going through a medium uphill lefthand turn, car bottoms out, grab a whole wheel full of oversteer, keep the bi*ch planted {because I can drive out of anything}, drift into the curb, tag the lamp post with the rear end, roll it twice, ending up with the car resting on the drivers side door, the only thing not wrecked beyond repair was me. No glass left intact, all body panels were scraped and crunched, the roof was buckled, passenger door was in the middle of the passenger seat.
    Me- "I didn't see those dogs in the middle of the lane. Who's going to pay for this car?"
    Officer- "You are lucky, not to be injured."
    Me- "I know, bye."
  22. bluekawala

    bluekawala Formula Junior

    Jan 22, 2004
    Ormond Beach, FL
    J***s, I'm glad your ok to chat here about Ferrari's! Happy driving to everyone.

    *I've almost hit some dogs myself 'doing the speed limit', the bloody things are everywhere* ;)
  23. 62 250 GTO

    62 250 GTO F1 Veteran

    Jan 9, 2004
    Nova Scotia Canada
    Full Name:
    I was a salesman at work that day {when is a salesman not?} The officer was looking like this was somehow my fault! The nerve of that guy, so I quickly changed the subject to "OMG, I'm a victim, help me fix my car". No ticket = good afternoon.
  24. rivee

    rivee F1 Rookie

    Jan 20, 2002
    Nowhere important, USA
    Full Name:

    Are you telling me that I didn't say those things to a CHP?

    And that if I had of he would of taken me off to jail? For going 13 miles over the speed limit?

    Wow, that's a new one on me!!

    I would own him

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