Wanted - Tubi Capristo Ansa Exhaust for 1977 Ferrari 308 GTB | FerrariChat

Wanted Tubi Capristo Ansa Exhaust for 1977 Ferrari 308 GTB

Discussion in 'Ferrari Parts & Collectibles' started by RicSinger, Dec 9, 2020.

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  1. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
    Looking for used in good condition or new exhaust for 1977 Ferrari 308 GTB
  2. Tony Baunach

    Tony Baunach Karting
    BANNED Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Mar 20, 2007
    All around the world
    Like new Tubi but it is a pain in the a** to ship from Europe... and i think US models are different connection points... Image Unavailable, Please Login

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat
  3. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
    Hi Toni
    What would the price be and where are you located?
    I am sure I can coordinate the shipping.

    Please let me know
    My email is
    [email protected]

  4. George Vosburgh

    George Vosburgh F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    A Tubi will sound better!
    RicSinger likes this.
  5. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
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    That looks to be correct, for an early car....
  6. miketuason

    miketuason F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Feb 24, 2006
    Cerritos, CA.
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    Tubi or not Tubi, that is the question. :D
    built2grind likes this.
  7. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
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    Loud and shrill, to get ur thrill!!!
    miketuason likes this.
  8. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
    Thank you for the confirmation.
    If the pice is fair, then its a done Deal.
    Just purchased my 77 GYB and very excited to receiving it

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  9. Tony Baunach

    Tony Baunach Karting
    BANNED Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Mar 20, 2007
    All around the world
    It is not as easy as you think folks... we ve been laying below a US gtsi recently here in Germay with this exhaust and due to the us bumper design it seemed like frame attachment points and thus exhaust attachment brackets are at different position... so really you should get below the car and measure approx distances of brackets and lengths of tubes...

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  10. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
    I will run this by my mechanic who really knows his stuff plus he has an expert in-house fabricator who would be able to make any modifications needed to make it fit.

    I only need price from the seller.


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  11. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
    Do you want to sell it?
    What it the price?

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat
  12. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
    Full Name:
    You have to have the spring isolators, to clear the bumper, are they present???
    As the North American trim piece indicates the tips need about an inch, below the bumper, to avoid heat problems..
  13. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
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    Are you Ric Singer of the automobilia business in California??
  14. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
    No I am not.
    My name is Ricardo Singer from San Diego Ca.

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat
    BigTex likes this.
  15. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
  16. Tony Baunach

    Tony Baunach Karting
    BANNED Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Mar 20, 2007
    All around the world
    Go ahead Ric as i will not be able to ship it that cheap. The size is killing it...
    Need at least 1925€ + shipping since it is like new!

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat
  17. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
    Full Name:
    It is a muffler after all so a new one will be more effective than used, IMO.

    That price is certainly in the normal range I have paid, for my ANSAs!!
    f355spider and RicSinger like this.
  18. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Eurospares has a free shipping offer until 12/18, but I don't think heavy items like mufflers are included....but inquire, maybe they will offer a discounted shipping if you mention the promotion?
  19. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
    Thank you for letting me know, I sure will mention this
    I am also buying 3 car covers from them so maybe they will do it for these
  20. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Free Shipping Conditions: orders up to 15kg and over L350 value
    There is no limit to the number of orders you can make or the size of individual orders within the qualifying terms. Weight is calculated based on the chargeable weight which is the larger of the physical weight or volumetric weight.

    In the case that your European Union or Rest of World shipment exceeds the 15kg limit, you will not be charged for the first 15kg of shipping (i.e. a 20kg chargeable package will be charged at 5kg).
  21. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
    Just placed the order and was not charged for shipping
    f355spider likes this.
  22. RicSinger

    RicSinger Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2016
    Rancho Santa Fe
    I have to give a Shoutout and highly recommend the incredible folks at @Eurospares I placed my order fo 3 car covers on December 16th and receive them on the 17th.

    WOW WOW WOW, the coordination to bring them from the UK to California in such short time is mind blowing.

    Thank you

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    jjason981 and dinoart like this.
  23. dinoart

    dinoart Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 30, 2004
    Westminster CA
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    That's awesome to know. Congrats on your B. Enjoy it for the holidays.
    RicSinger likes this.
  24. Sean O'Neill

    Sean O'Neill Karting

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Sean O'Neill
    I have the same car. Would love to hear this when installed. Hard to firnd a good audio clip to compare....
  25. dinoart

    dinoart Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 30, 2004
    Westminster CA
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    All you need is a new Gopro 9, extension cord and a good mike. I experienced it with my 67 Fiat Dino 2.0 and 85 QV GTS. You just have to mount it on the license plate between the pipes and you will have it.o_O

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