Weight Lifting techniques and tips | Page 18 | FerrariChat

Weight Lifting techniques and tips

Discussion in 'Health & Fitness' started by Skidkid, Nov 19, 2021.

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  1. Scott98

    Scott98 F1 Rookie
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 3, 2004
    Weston, FL
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    Just over two weeks out. Down to 1,790 calories a day (normal is 3,000) and doing 5 days a week of 30 minute LISS cardio sessions…..
    Skidkid and Thecadster like this.
  2. Skidkid

    Skidkid F1 Veteran
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 25, 2005
    Campbell, CA
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    John Zornes
    Good luck Scott. Looking forward to seeing the pics.
    Scott98 likes this.
  3. Scott98

    Scott98 F1 Rookie
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    Nov 3, 2004
    Weston, FL
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    anunakki, Skidkid and Thecadster like this.
  4. MikeJF488

    MikeJF488 Karting

    Oct 6, 2018
    Full Name:
    Mike joseph
    Looking good , nice work, worth all of the effort
    Scott98 likes this.
  5. Maximus1973

    Maximus1973 Formula 3

    Oct 29, 2016
    congrats, well done!
  6. Hellenmarc

    Hellenmarc Rookie

    Aug 10, 2024
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    Hellen Marc
    If I am hitting quads much in a deadlift I am definitely out of form. It is almost all glutes and hamstrings with some inner leg since I use sumo. When I use standard form, my knees are so far over the bar it just doesn't work well. I also try to extend uniformly, if the hips rise too fast it leaves my back very vulnerable. And of course get the upper back tight before launch so you don't slump.
    Skidkid likes this.
  7. Maximus1973

    Maximus1973 Formula 3

    Oct 29, 2016
    I'm not sure what the question exactly is? Can you please explain a bit more?
    Deadlifts sure are not an exercise everyone can/should do. It's an amazing exercise that has a lot of real life overspill, but it can also be a double edged sword due to high risk of injury.
    if you feel like this exercise isn't 'doing it for you, by all means don't do it. '
    There are no Golden/Must Do exercises you need to do.
    Do the ones you feel good at and can do with picture perfect form.
  8. Skidkid

    Skidkid F1 Veteran
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 25, 2005
    Campbell, CA
    Full Name:
    John Zornes
    Agreed, form is everything on this lift. If my hips go up too fast/far, I bail out because the risk of back injury is much too high. I would rather drop the bar and try again than injure myself.

    I am very tall and, like you, I used to lift sumo. Then I switched to the traditional form, and my lifts improved. It definitely took a while to get the form dialed. The trick to clearing the legs is to lean far enough back, you would fall over backward if it weren't for the weight of the bar. You want the arms vertical, or very close to, when you lift off the ground. They can be in front during setup and when you start, leaning back and tightening lats will put you in a good place for the launch.
  9. HotShoe

    HotShoe F1 Veteran
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    Nov 3, 2008
    Lake Worth, FL
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    Anthony Lauro
    I love deadlifts! I don't do sumo though, not a fan. I'd rather use the trap bar if I couldn't do traditional safely.
    Thecadster likes this.

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