What is the Baldwin Part# for TR Oil Filter? | FerrariChat

What is the Baldwin Part# for TR Oil Filter?

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by kerrywittig, May 6, 2006.

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  1. kerrywittig

    kerrywittig Formula 3

    Nov 10, 2005
    Ithaca, New York
    Full Name:
    Kerry David Wittig
    I have searched the various BB's and surfed the net.....I checked the shop manual....the TR currently has a different brand, so that was of no help..........If someone would post the Baldwin oil filter part # required for a 1987 TR it would be appreciated. Kerry
  2. Ricambi America

    Ricambi America F1 World Champ
    Sponsor Owner

  3. kerrywittig

    kerrywittig Formula 3

    Nov 10, 2005
    Ithaca, New York
    Full Name:
    Kerry David Wittig
  4. Steve Magnusson

    Steve Magnusson Two Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jan 11, 2001
    30°30'40" N 97°35'41" W (Texas)
    Full Name:
    Steve Magnusson
    Kerry -- Daniel meant that the TR oil filter is odd enough that no one has found/posted a substitute (Baldwin or otherwise) -- the UFI is the only known option.
  5. kerrywittig

    kerrywittig Formula 3

    Nov 10, 2005
    Ithaca, New York
    Full Name:
    Kerry David Wittig
    OK..............So UFI is what "originally" came on the 1987 TR? I thought that Baldwin was the OEM..........my mistake. Thanks for all responses....Kerry

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