Wheel alloy refurbishment recommendations - London/Essex/Kent | FerrariChat

Wheel alloy refurbishment recommendations - London/Essex/Kent

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by demus_uk, Nov 3, 2020.

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  1. demus_uk

    demus_uk Rookie

    May 5, 2017

    Needing to refurb 19 inch split rims on my 612. I have looked online, but not been any able to get much background. Hence keen to hear your recommendations especially for split rims and general workmanship.

  2. Teejay

    Teejay Rookie

    Sep 12, 2017
    Full Name:
    Tim Jenner
    I had my split rims on 575 done at Lepsons in Gillingham. See www.lepsons.com Generally recognised to be one of the best nationally (and there are some definite cowboys around) and I was certainly extremely pleased with the work they did.

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