Which Perematex for 79 308GTB T-Stat Gskt? | FerrariChat

Which Perematex for 79 308GTB T-Stat Gskt?

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by christopher, Feb 1, 2004.

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  1. christopher

    christopher Formula 3

    Nov 29, 2003
    Ontario California
    Full Name:
    Hello Gentlemen,

    I'm installing a T-Stat & Gskt as well as the "O"-ring for the Waterpump Housing, Which Permatex silicone product should I use? There seems to be a lote of choices. I'd like to get close to O.E..... Oh also, should I use silicone on the Water Pump Gskt??

    Thank you, Chris.
  2. pma1010

    pma1010 F1 Rookie

    Jul 21, 2002
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    Nope. Just gaskets. Only O ring takes silicon.
  3. ChrisfromRI

    ChrisfromRI Karting

    Jan 28, 2003
    Foster, RI
    Full Name:
    Chris F
    I just used the bare gasket for the thermostat housing, and merely slipped the bare slotted rubber O-ring around the thermostat's outer edge. Everything worked out just fine with no goo.

    The thermostat housing bleeder bolt is a brilliant design. Just leave the cap on the reservoir to maintain a vacuum, and when you have put the new thermostat back in and tightened down the housing you merely remove the bleeder bolt and then the reservoir cap. This opens the vacuum. Once the air bleeds out of the bleeder bolt hole and is replaced by coolant, simply reinstall the bleeder bolt and then put back the reservoir cap -- done.

    Kind Regards, Chris
  4. christopher

    christopher Formula 3

    Nov 29, 2003
    Ontario California
    Full Name:
    A sincere "Thanks" for those of you who resonded!

  5. Verell

    Verell F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    May 5, 2001
    Groton, MA
    Full Name:
    Verell Boaen
    Search earlier posts for my $0.02. Look for 'water pump' and Permatex and RTV.

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