Who owns a Mazda RX-8? | FerrariChat

Who owns a Mazda RX-8?

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by PeterS, Jan 18, 2004.

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  1. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    I checked out this car in a parking lot (Yet to see a dealer) and I really like it. Just seeing if there are any owners here and what you may have paid for the car.
  2. Agent Smith

    Agent Smith Formula 3

    Apr 20, 2002
  3. 150shot

    150shot Formula Junior

    Jun 15, 2003
    San Dimas, CA
    I'd be careful of the Rx-8 for the mere fact of the rotary engine. I use to have a beautiful 93 RX7 TT, but the pain of finding someone that is "capable" of properly maintaing it was a nightmare.

    The rotary engine is great when running fine, but can go wrong in many ways. Dealerships say they are trained but most still arent. THe new Renesis rotary is better than before but its just too limited for me to try it out knowing mechanics arent as knowledgeable as they should be...
  4. tiggs

    tiggs Rookie

    Nov 11, 2003
    Comparing reliability of a N/A Rotary to a turbo'd one is apples to oranges. The Renesis should easily do 150k if not more, just like the older N/A 13B Rotaries. Plus, considering his location of Sonora, CA, there's LOTS of Rotary Specialists in the area.
  5. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    Tiggs...There are rotary specialist in the Sonora area? Please send me whatever you are smoking! Its tough to find a mechanic up here that can work on a chain saw, let alone a rotary engine! :)
  6. 4sfed4

    4sfed4 Karting

    Dec 22, 2003
    I also think its a cool looking car.

    But, I also think it has a bit to go in the power department.
  7. udalmia

    udalmia Guest

    my roomate has a rx8.. let me tell you his story

    one week after owning the car, the check engine light comes on.. he takes it to the dealership, minor computer error, fixed easily
    two weeks after fixing, check engine light comes on AGAIN.. problem is a lot more serious this time, he takes it to the dealership, they keep it for a couple of days and say that THE ENTIRE ENGINE HAS TO BE REPLACED..
    car was brand new, so the warranty took care of it
    now it gets worse

    winter sets in and after he takes the car after engine replacement, this is what the engineer tells him
    "during winter, you have to let your car idle for 20 minutes before you shut it down. reason being how the rotary engine works, if you shut it down too fast the oil stays in the engine. so you have to idle it for 20 minutes everytime"

    so everytime we go out for dinner or something, he has to leave his car on for 20 minutes and come out midmeal and turn it off..

    with all the headaches, i really dont think its a justifiable purchase.. the nissan 350z is just so much a better car in that price range..

    any further questions please feel free to ask
  8. RXMR7

    RXMR7 Karting
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2003
    New Jersey
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  9. RXMR7

    RXMR7 Karting
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2003
    New Jersey
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    udalmia, I really do not think what you said is 100% correct. Its bad info like this that scares people away from good products. Naturally Asperated rotaries can go for about 130,000-180,000 miles if taken care of properly. The first and second generation N/A RX-7's were very reliable cars starting with the 12A engine and then the bigger 13B motor.

    In fact the owner of this site Rob Lay races a 1st gen RX-7 in the Spec "7" which is an all rotary racing group. Why dont you go tell him his engine is garbage along with all the other people they race with. The RX-8 uses the 13B motor which is basically the same N/A motor Mazda used in the second gen RX-7's except the new Renesis 13B has different induction/exhaust porting.
  10. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
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    Dec 1, 2000
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    Rob Lay
    I'm not an expert on the late model RX7's or the RX8. I do love the looks of the RX8. I talked with the dealer and they said after they do a turbo version of the Miata, that they'll be doing a turbo of the RX8 and also introduce a 4th gen RX7 with quite a bit more power.

    Not being an expert, but I think the rotaries became a little less reliable every generation. The 12A's I have in my two 1st gens are just indestructable. One is a 50k+ street engine I now race. It gets the worst kind of abuse. Sits cold for a month and then is expected to put out 8k+ RPM's for races from 25 minutes to 6 hours.

    You can't over-rev one of these, although you can easily overheat them. We just watch our temps closely. Around DFW I can name a half dozen quality rotory mechanics. I agree to some comments and I might be more tempted to take my new rotary to an experienced non-dealer mechanic. Although I think most dealers won't get into the engine, they'll just replace the entire thing.
  11. rudy

    rudy Formula Junior

    Jan 13, 2004
    Los Angeles California
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    Rudy Hassen
    so everytime we go out for dinner or something, he has to leave his car on for 20 minutes and come out midmeal and turn it off..

    I don't believe a word of that. Thats preposterous.
  12. Johnny Bravo

    Johnny Bravo Formula Junior

    Jul 22, 2003
    DC Metro/MD
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    I'm also a previous 3rd gen RX-7 (the twin turbo one) owner and I'm still a big rotorhead at heart. The problem with the rotary engine here in the US is the general lack of knowledge by not only the public, but by mechanics as well (even Mazda techs). The N/A rotary is arguably one of the most reliable engine designs out there simply because it has so few moving parts (just 3: no valve train to deal with). I totally agree with you Rob in that dealers will most likely just swap in a whole new engine rather than try to diagnose the actual problem at hand. This happened very commonly with the 3rd gens and is one reason why you'll see a lot of stock cars being sold with a "new engine". Just simply the dealers techs didn't know squat about the rotary so it's just easier for them to throw a new engine in. It's starting to sound like the same thing is happening with the RX-8 too which is a shame since from what I've seen most owners are new to the rotary engine (and rather ignorant about the rotary as well). Hopefully Ford will give Mazda a kick in the butt and get them to actually take care of their customers since the RX-8 is a litmus test to determine if another RX-7-like sports car will ever see the light of day.
  13. Agent Smith

    Agent Smith Formula 3

    Apr 20, 2002
    20 minute shutdown???? You don't even need to let a turbo engine idle that long before you turn it off. Whew that must be some good crack!
  14. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
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    Rudy you are right If the person who was told this is buying it I have SOME PRIME LAND TO SELL JUST A LITTLE SWAMPY


    No car company ANYWHERE would tell anyone to do that
  15. udalmia

    udalmia Guest

    i am not making anything up here, this is what the dealer told him, leave the car idling for 20 minutes.. and its not incorrect information, its just facts , maybe he got a bad piece out of 100,000 , but then its still a bad piece and he is not happy with his purchase
  16. Greg G

    Greg G F1 Rookie

    If this were in fact true, every RX8 would have a turbo timer type device built-in straight from the factory. Furthermore, oil wld still be circulating whether at idle or higher RPM. Nonsense!
  17. udalmia

    udalmia Guest

    the dealer must have bull****ted him then.. i dont believe it myself but he really does not want to send the car for service again
  18. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    I guess I'll look at a one year old M3 AND the RX-8. My mechanic suggested this as a balanced choice of cars.
  19. Schatten

    Schatten F1 World Champ

    Apr 3, 2001
    Austin, TX
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    I don't buy the 20 minute idle thing either. Your buddy needs to call Mazda customer service and inquire about this. Lemon laws can apply for a particular car if it goes through so many repairs.

    Cars are built from the factory to tolerate "turn on and go" as well as 'turn off and go' type of drivers - regardless of the reliability or proper care. They are also made for various climates. So, your buddy needs to tell them that they cannot sell any more of the RX8's North of Dallas because it is too cold!

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