I recently was given several bottles of wine from a friends dad who recently passed away. one of the bottles is a: Pinot Grigio DiLincon Vino Da Tavola S. Osvaldo Veendemia, 1984. Does this have any significance?
Send it to me and I can tell you!!!!! OK j/k!!! Can you take a pic of them and either post or PM them to me? DrS
I am not familiar with in and Google turns up nothing based on "Pinot Grigio DiLincon." Don't know how Pino Grigo holds up but in my experiece whites do not typically have enough longevity to last 20 years unless soted in absolutely perfect conditions, and shipped as such. My guess would be that the most significant thing would be if it was the stailest bottle of whine you have ever had. But just a guess, could be wrong. -ag
Well this phrase; "Vino Da Tavola" ...means "simple table wine." Which is a basic 4th press wine. Thusly I would not think it could be any good now.... But I could be wrong!!!! DrS