Automobile Magazine - Nissan GTR Brake Job - $7346! | FerrariChat

Automobile Magazine - Nissan GTR Brake Job - $7346!

Discussion in 'General Automotive Discussion' started by REMIX, Apr 14, 2010.

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  1. REMIX

    REMIX Two Time F1 World Champ

    #1 REMIX, Apr 14, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2010
  2. Highlow

    Highlow F1 Veteran
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    Dec 3, 2006
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    How much would it be for Ferrari's CC breaks?
  3. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 23, 2002
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    Jim Glickenhaus
    On a Ferrari with CCB that wouldn't buy one rotor.
  4. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 23, 2002
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    Jim Glickenhaus
    Easily 40K.
  5. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    yet another reason to not use the brakes :)
  6. REMIX

    REMIX Two Time F1 World Champ

    Are the Ferrari CCB rotors sprinkled with unicorn horn dust?

  7. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    instead of brake cleaner, the factory uses spotted owl semen.
  8. BMW.SauberF1Team

    BMW.SauberF1Team F1 World Champ

    Dec 4, 2004
    Considering how much that thing weighs, I'm not surprised it goes through brakes quickly.

    SAFE4NOW F1 Veteran
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    Aug 25, 2004
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    If you know you know
    Anyone bored... call your local MB Dealership and ask for a quote to replace your pads and rotors on an SLR. ( Hint: Parts were over $70k < a little over a year ago > )

  10. Hexnut72

    Hexnut72 Formula Junior

    Nov 22, 2006
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? That is stupid money for rather ordinary parts.

    I am sure that the Corvette using modified CCB rotors from the Ferrari will drive the price down. Nevermind on that last one... I see the stupid prices Ferrari charges for parts.

    SSNISTR F1 Veteran

    Feb 13, 2004
    But those last the life of the car, unlike the GT-R over-priced ones.
  12. kosmo

    kosmo Formula 3

    Oct 19, 2008
    BIg D
    are the Nissan's CC?

    Fcar's CCB are lifetime assuming no more than 1000mi/year?
  13. REMIX

    REMIX Two Time F1 World Champ

    Nissan rotors are not CC. So that makes it even more ridonkulous!

  14. Bullfighter

    Bullfighter Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Which is a b!tch to collect, by the way.
  15. konatown

    konatown F1 Rookie

    Jul 16, 2009
    Evansville, IN
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    Kyle Swickard
    Was talking a friend that owns a GTR. He recently put an Alcon brake upgrade on his car for $13,000 before tax. And then found out the standard wheels won't fit. So that gave him an excuse to get slightly larger wheels with track tires. $20,000 brake upgrade.
  16. tundraphile

    tundraphile F1 Veteran

    May 16, 2007
    It seems completely insane for four steel rotors and four sets of brake pads. It would be interesting to see what the breakdown of parts & labor was on the job. I will assume it is $1000/wheel ($800 for rotor, $200 for pair of pads), so four grand in parts. Even that seems insanely high. But what is really crazy is that leaves over three grand for labor, and even at $120/hour that means it would have 25+ hours of labor in the brake job.

    Over six hours per wheel in other words. I don't see how that is possible. This car is meant to appeal to the guy who can drop $100k on a car, but will also bring in buyers who might easily afford $60k and stretch a bit to get such a performance machine. But neither of these buyers are deciding between the GT-R and say, a new SLR roadster. Neither of these customers have so much disposable income that they wouldn't blink at a $7000 brake job.

    If running expenses like this are typical on the GT-R I would expect many pissed off customers and miserable resale for the Nissan. Pulling the engine in a 355 every 30k miles may cost the same, but at least in that case you can understand why it costs that much due to the work involved.
  17. rossocorsa13

    rossocorsa13 F1 Rookie

    Jun 10, 2006
    Nashville, Tennessee
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    #17 rossocorsa13, Apr 15, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2010
    I agree; it is a little insane.

    About two months after the car debuted, Nissan had a number of customers bringing cars back to dealers who wanted new transmissions under warranty; they had been using launch control too much. Nissan wouldn't cover some of the jobs, which were a whopping $25K (and why would they...something's bound to break after 25 consecutive launches on a 3800lb AWD car...).

    No bueno.

    The problem is that you wind up having a dealer that thinks it can charge ridiculous prices for not-so-ridiculous jobs/parts (because it's a "supercar"), and you have customers that (sometimes, not all the time) think that because they got a "bargain" of a supercar that they should therefore get bargain maintenance prices...

    No bueno.
  18. Kds

    Kds F1 World Champ

    $30-40K for PCCB on a Porsche........depending on the deal you can cut.
  19. tundraphile

    tundraphile F1 Veteran

    May 16, 2007
    What I don't understand about the Porsches is that weren't these an option for about $8k? How do they charge $8000 extra when you buy the car, then four times that when you replace them? It just sounds crazy.
  20. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    I can see it now... a couple of years from now a second hand owner of a GTR takes it into a dealership to fix the squeeky brakes.

    The dealership responds... Sorry sir. Your car is totaled.
  21. kosmo

    kosmo Formula 3

    Oct 19, 2008
    BIg D
    i was thinking the same thing.
  22. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 23, 2002
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    Jim Glickenhaus
    Nope. One trip into the gravel can total them. Track use shortens their life considerably especially if you don't replace the pad as soon as they indicate.

    P 4/5's are 1/3 gone after 4K hard miles. (rotors) Pads last one hard track day.
  23. SpecialK43

    SpecialK43 Karting

    Oct 12, 2007
    Kzoo, MI
    Full Name:
    K Russell
    Give away the razor......
  24. Kds

    Kds F1 World Champ

    You can buy steel replacement rotors for the 911 Turbo and GT2/3 for 1/10 the price but not the CGT as far as I know.

    Don't ask why they charge so much for over the counter PCCB rotors.......neither I nor my local P-dealer has an answer.
  25. Hexnut72

    Hexnut72 Formula Junior

    Nov 22, 2006
    Wait, PCCB's on a Porsche, say a GT3 RS are $30-40k? Just to replace the brakes? Or are you talking something exotic like the CGT?

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