Chicago Party on Saturday | FerrariChat

Chicago Party on Saturday

Discussion in 'Chicago' started by tifosi12, Feb 2, 2004.

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  1. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    This is a quick reminder, that on Saturday at 5pm we will have my movie party at 4170 N. Marine Drive (roughly LSD and Irving Park). My fellow FChatters from the area are welcome. We will have valet parking, food, booze, free movie props and my feature length sci-fi movie that will make Gigli look like Oscar material...

    Oh, and there is a Ferrari in the plot. Can you tell what model and where the scene was shot?

    What's the movie about? Well, you heard Bush's plan to go back to the moon. He based that on my script...
  2. NotRed

    NotRed Rookie

    Jan 15, 2004
    Windy City
    Full Name:
    Drew Massa
    The palm tree in the backround says it's hot where you are. The leather jacket says you look like Marlon Brando in the "Wild One ". I say you are probably sweating in there like Carson's Ribs in a smoker. Ah, the price of fame !!
  3. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Good eye. But the wrong conclusions Watson:

    They have palm trees year round there. When I went it wasn't as hot and I did need the leather jacket. Isn't just for show. But thanks for the Brando comparison...

    The shot is from the US btw. And a quite popular destination. Year round, despite the fact, that it gets pretty warm in the summer.
  4. Tod328gts

    Tod328gts Formula Junior

    Jul 23, 2003
    River Forest, IL
    Full Name:
    Tod Whitmore
    I would say..... a 355 Spider and in CA somewhere ?????
  5. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Close on both guesses, but wrong on both accounts.
  6. Florida in a 348 spider?
  7. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    348 Spider in either North Carolina or South Carolina. Or Georgia. My final answer.
  8. Dave Bendl

    Dave Bendl Formula Junior

    Dec 7, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dave Bendl
    I'll take a stab at it. On the "strip" in Viva Las Vegas. The door pull design indicates the car is a 348.
    Did you see Elvis dining at the local Burger King?
  9. Tod328gts

    Tod328gts Formula Junior

    Jul 23, 2003
    River Forest, IL
    Full Name:
    Tod Whitmore
    I would agree with Vegas as the correct location, i knew that background looked familiar....
  10. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    ...and the winner is: Dave!

    Actually I think the "glove box" next to my right shoulder gives it away as a 348. I think that looked different on the 355.

    And the strip in Vegas it is.

    Bonus question: Where on the strip? Can you ID the hotel in the background?
  11. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    NewYork,New York. Man,I was just out there in July. Should've recognized that! Did you rent that 348 from one of those Exotic car rentals? I called about renting one in Feb.'00....When I married Wife #2 there! (Yup! Same place as Michael Jordan and ...Britney Spears got married. But,will be 4 years in a couple weeks...a little longer than Britney's :) ) But,they were saying $750.00/day. I told them that I would be willing to pay up to $350.00/day,but,no more. They said "No!" Then,I was back in Feb.'01. Told them that I had a Ferrari back home,and wanted to Rent one for a few days. But,they were still really high.(Yeah,they WERE Really 'High' try to get the kind of Money that they wanted just to Rent it for a few days!!!:) ) So,I haven't even bothered to check the last few times that I've been out there. Has it gotten more reasonable? When did you take that pic?
  12. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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  13. Yeah Vegas, I should have smack myself for that one. I see you rented the red 348, I rented the yellow one that had a hole cut in the dash with a V1 concealed display unit sitting in there.
  14. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    No sir, no rental. *MY VERY OWN 348*!

    Yeah right...

    Rented from They didn't have a yellow at the time. Was several years back. This was my first Ferrari I ever drove. Totally loved it. I had to wait a few minutes until I they got the keys straightened out. The lady apologized for the wait. I replied I had waited already 40 years, a few more minutes didn't really matter...

    As soon as I left their premises I looped it accidentally. Nothing happened. I pulled myself together and went on. Just to loop it yet again. Guess I wasn't used to that much hp under the foot.
  15. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    See!!! SEE!!!! Bush ripping off your idea. Mickey D's ripping off mine. Time to stop that madness!!!!!! :(
  16. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    Hey Andreas, I'm going to try and make the movie premiere. My only hitch is one of my dogs is having surgery and we don't have a firm pick-up time for her. As usual, I'm on standby.

    BTW, do you like this Avatar a littler better? Thought you might.
  17. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Let's play it by ear then. You have to be at 4170 N. Marine Drive by 6pm at the very latest. Party begins at 5pm.

    I like the avatar, but can't really see it that well. It is HIS car, but doing what? Sitting in a sandtrap?

    Good luck on the surgery!

    Frank, no matter what Bush says or does this year, he has my vote for his space plan. Even if it was just empty promises, I want to believe anybody who gets us back to the moon.
  18. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    To be honest with you. I can't believe it has taken this long to go back to the Moon. I'm really surprised. I mean,once we knew that we could get there O.K.,why not try to build a space station there. 30 years later!
  19. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    Jack,what kind of Doggies do you have?
  20. spike308

    spike308 F1 Rookie
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 8, 2003
    Austin TX!
    Full Name:
    Mike Z
    I'd love to go and meet you guys face to face, but work takes me out of town on Saturday!
    Hopefully there will be a next time!
  21. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Bet on it!
  22. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    Remember tomorrow 5pm at 4170 N. Marine Drive.

    Take Kennedy or LSD to Irving Park exit. Where Irving park intersects LSD go North onto Marine Drive. One block, high rise on the left, valet parking.

    > Hic Rhodus, hic salta.
    > "The origin of this odd saying, whose currency is largely due to Hegel
    > and Marx, takes a little explaining. Its original form is 'Hic Rhodus,
    > hic saltus' ('Rhodes is here, here is the place for your jump'), a
    > traditional Latin translation [see, e.g., Erasmus, Adagia 3. 3. 28] of
    > a punchline from Aesop. In the fable 'The Braggart' an athlete boasts
    > that he once performed a stupendous jump in Rhodes, and can produce
    > witnesses: the punchline is the comment of a bystander, who means that
    > there is no need of witnesses, since the athlete can demonstrate the
    > jump here and now.
  23. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    Ah,yes.I thought so......HUH!!!??? :) (just kidding) BTW...Is that the same building where we stopped for High Rise photo op on our Lake Shore...DRIVE,that one day?
  24. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    Same building. Entrance to the garage is on the left side (when standing in front of it). Door opens automaticamente.
  25. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    We can park in the Garage?

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