SR Exotics "Wayne Hynes" Scammer | FerrariChat

SR Exotics "Wayne Hynes" Scammer

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by E.Schaller, Feb 16, 2004.

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  1. E.Schaller

    E.Schaller Rookie

    Feb 16, 2004
    This is a warning to Ferrari and Porsche owners in the California Livermoore/ bay area. I started doing business with Wayne last summer; he is trying to develop his own line of Ferrari and Porsche aftermarket parts. I did the design and development of several parts for Wayne. Now Wayne has refused to pay for the cost of witch he agreed. Wayne has also taken upon him self to put these parts on costumer’s cars with out doing any testing, putting the customer and their cars at a substantial risk. Wayne is in no financial position to be doing things like this. If a costumer ends up with a problem he can not afford to make good on it. I recommend you do a Dun & Bradstreet credit check on him before you consider doing any business with him, once you do, that should change your mind. Wayne is also taking parts off of costumer’s cars and sending them around to see if these parts can be duplicated. These are not HIS parts. I have parts from several of his customers’ cars that I am going to put on eBay for auction to recoup some of the cost he accrued with me. If you don’t want this to happen to you; don’t do any business with Wayne Hynes. Wayne is a scammer and takes no regards for his costumers.
    I did not write this thread because I’m upset with Wayne, I wrote it to give you a fair warning. If you would like to do some research on Wayne here is a link to his web site, I’m not sure if it is still active, it may have been shut down by his web designer, whom he still owes money to.

    Thank you,
  2. SrfCity

    SrfCity F1 World Champ

    Thanks for the heads up. I didn't even know this guy existed. If this is true, then it's stuff like this that will stop these weasels' in their tracks. F-knowlege is power!!!
  3. Horsefly

    Horsefly F1 Veteran

    May 14, 2002
    So it's not legit for him to remove parts from his customer's cars, but it IS legit for you to sell parts on E-Bay that were removed from several of his customers cars?

    I'm confused. Did I miss something?
  4. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
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    Augustine Staino
    You noticed that too, huh? Thought I was going crazy or something.

    BLACK HORSE Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2004
    California - Bay Area
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    I think it means that if this guy “Wyane Hynes” doen’t pay his bill I guess E. Schaller will get his money one way or the other even if placing the “browed” car parts on ebay. It also sounds like, customers of this guys shop in Livermoor doesn’t know this guy Wyane is using their cars as templates without their permission which this happen to me and found out; I would have this guy’s neck. Its NOT a good way to do business with your clients. What would you do if this happen to you?
  6. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    Eric..You made some extremely serious accusations on your post here. As with any business situations, there are always two sides to every story. I feel it would be prudent to allow Wayne to reply with his side of this issue before you add any further posts to this thread. Just some good business advice!
  7. SR Ferrari

    SR Ferrari Rookie

    Dec 1, 2003
    I,m certainly not on Erics Christmas list but what one will do to for the sake of a little money.
    Yes we did take some parts off two cars one being my web master Rob Layton and the second car Mr Gerald Winn to develope a high performance water pumps for 2 model Ferraris after working out with Eric to do these pumps after we recieved them the body had been machined incorrectly after a month had transpired and a lot of talk I finally recieved our corrected units at twice the expected cost.
    We did install one on Tom Hunsingers Ferrari the only car to date to test with Tom saying Good Job that unit is running perfectTomS #15108322545 The only test car with great results.Gerald car was to be used to develope some racing trailing arms and and Eric was told to hold them as his quote was to high.[Robs car }his cam shafts and gears to build us some gears we also sent , the two rear hub assemblys to make some control arms were also sent but we did not proceed as Eric was engaged in building a bracket that did not work but I was willing to let him correct it , I believed Eric could build us some great parts but it seemed when they landed at the shop they were twice the price expected.Eric did tell me that he had to borrow money off his brother for his morgage and thats when I realised he needed extra money.This was to be a team effort and through the process of developing 4 line items of high Quality Parts.Eric was asked to ship the Control arms for Robs car and the camshafts back 1.5 months ago and Rob my Web Master who is Erics Cousin has been completely informed and is a little dissapointed in Eric as I am.I have Joes Racing Machining Brackets for me and it was great to recieve drawings and a quote before he proceeds and I guess when you do buisness with a hand shake because you are working with Family this is where it leeds to.People work long and hard to get ahead I have been open for buisness sincs 1987 and have never had such a bitter fellow along the Journey.
    I have a wonderfull shop Patronised by one of the largest Ferrari chapters in the country and my customers just give me there keys and say take care of it.When I did here from Rob that Eric was threatning to put these parts on E bay over a small amount of cash $4000.00 that was the bracket that I thought would come in the door at approximatly $1800.00 and needed to go back to modify as it did not do the Job and asked Eric how much the remode was going to cost he could not tell me.Eric will get his money before Joe GETS the go ahead also.
    Geralds car a 930 Turbo is our test platform for our racing control arms as instead of looking over you shoulder and keeping things flowing I guess some people live in fear of getting screwed and will hold you for ransome at any cost ,as far as duplicating parts its to bad a guy that made the first 5 units on a item that doesn,t even compair with these units being so nice and nothing like them in the world that I can see many units sold shoots himself in his foot this way.These were once again twice of what was to be expected.Obviously there is some tension in the family that could have and should have been handled differently for all you buisness men a hand shake dosen,t work in this day and age although i,m a little old fashion and my word is my signiture.
    I did get a DUI 6 years ago it was.09 first and last time have never smoked a joint in my life nor any narcotics.
    I love my Job and work on ferraris with a passion that is old school.
    My web master Rob Layton and I have great friendship and Relationship and will have for years to come we are doing some awsome things in the Ferrari world with many Major World Distributors on board that we are very excited about and at this time Eric may not be going along for this wonderful Journey I will have to give this one some thought.
    Kind Regards
    Wayne Hynes
  8. E.Schaller

    E.Schaller Rookie

    Feb 16, 2004
    The message still stands! You have owed the 4139.00 since 11-18-03. If I remember correctly, the reason you couldn’t pay me was because of the hold on your account from insufficient funds. I’m sorry Wayne has tried to put a spin on things but expected it, he is a business man. The fact remains the same, if you do business with Wayne there will always be the chance that something could happen to your car. I know for my self I would not ever consider the risk.

    Good luck.
  9. 96impalaSS

    96impalaSS F1 Rookie

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Exactly what I was thinking.
  10. E.Schaller

    E.Schaller Rookie

    Feb 16, 2004
    Obviously I wrote the first message to fast for you.
  11. rico

    rico Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Guys Guys Guys

    Be Men! Sort out this problem OFF-LINE!

    Although it is mildly amusing for us who aren't involved, FChat is not the place to start b*tching about eachother.
  12. 410SA

    410SA F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    West Coast
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    It's interesting that most of the threads that are accusatory in nature tend to be posted by people who don't take the time to fill in their public profile details. It's somewhat akin to anomymous smearing of reputations. It's hard to ascribe any credibility to that kind of post. Business disputes are part and parcel of business. Good business people do their best to ensure that their agreements between themselves are clear and unambiguous. If either party fails to live up to their obligations there should be remedies described in the agreement.

    Posting unsubstantiated claims on F-chat is irresponsible at best and criminally liable at worst. I don't know either of these parties but I really think that F-chat is not the place for these kinds of disputes. Clear cases of rip-offs have a forum here, but disputes between people who are pointing fingers at each over over something they claim from each other should stay in the court system.
  13. GTO84

    GTO84 Formula Junior

    Dec 13, 2003
    I agree that this should be sorted off line. Nobody is interested in dirty laundry or slander of any kind. We joined this forum to further our interest in Ferraris. Not other peoples problems.
  14. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    Erik...Don't you think your last post was a bit cavalier? You sound as if you hate everyone on FChat! Wayne came back with a very reasonable reply to your issue. He laid out his side of the story and I am not sure you are are 'pearly white' in this whole matter.

    In regard to you selling parts on EBay that belong to others, I feel that is criminal. It is really disturbing to me that you would do such a thing.
  15. solly

    solly Formula 3

    Jun 2, 2001
    Westchester NY
    Full Name:
    Dr. Steven S.
    First; Both Eric and Wayne need lessons in spelling and punctuation. It is almost impossible to understand Wayne's reply.

    Second; What kind of exotic car specialist does not have $4,000 in his bank account? That's about the cost of new brakes on a 360. How does he pay his suppliers?

    Third; Eric-you would be comitting a criminal act selling parts you don't own (and doing so very publicly!!)

    Fourth; I have been on this forum for almost 3 years and made some wonderful friends and learned a lot. Lately there is too much of this airing of dirty laundry. Eric-Go sue the guy and leave it off here. Your post was clearly as much "revenge" as it was "warning".

    BLACK HORSE Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2004
    California - Bay Area
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    Again just my 2 cents… I believe it’s important to inform and educate the buyers, sellers, repair facilities about deals that went sour, especially this one particular however “SOLLY” made a good statement… Usually when deals, or agreements go bad, its in our human nature to break out the punching gloves and bring our problems out in the open for everyone to know about. That why the news media stays in business, to report our dirty laundry….Again “SOLLY” made yet another good point “What kind of repair shop that doesn’t have the money in their bank account to cover their debts?” which $4,000 dollars is a lot of money to owe, but should at lease have double that amount for business security… OK guys, I think the smart thing here is; Mr Hynes, you need to settle with Eric and pay up in full and I’m sure Eric will give back your customers car parts. Both parties need to go their separate ways and never do business with each other again…. I think this says it all…. NO MORE THREADS ON THIS TOPIC PLEASE! Everyone agree?
  17. tifosi69

    tifosi69 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2003
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Full Name:
    Al-Al Cool J
    I agree, I think Rob should REQUIRE profiles be at least somewhat filled out.
  18. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    Just poking around some old posts... This one is pretty interesting... Anyone know whatever happened with this...? What happened to the dude in question...? Hmmmmmm...
  19. BubblesQuah

    BubblesQuah F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 1, 2003
    Hopefully the posters on both sides of the story took a time out to go back to school and take some writing and communications classes. Maybe they will repost their original posts in a way that is readable and understandable.
  20. Horsefly

    Horsefly F1 Veteran

    May 14, 2002
    Carbon, stop dragging up these old dead posts. I was thinking that there was some new meat on the bone, but it looks like cold leftovers. How's the burger today?
  21. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
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    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    There is new meat on this bone. Just take a peek at
  22. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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  23. WJHMH

    WJHMH Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Sep 5, 2001
    Panther City, Texas
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    Wow, srry to hear about that. I hope you get it resolved soon.

    Good luck Peter.
  24. PCH

    PCH F1 Rookie

    Apr 7, 2004
    "I have parts from several of his customers’ cars that I am going to put on eBay for auction to recoup some of the cost he accrued with me."

    Eric, Are you sure this is the way to handle this. After all, these parts are not yours either. Sounds like your adding to your own liabilty.
  25. SupercarGuru

    SupercarGuru F1 Rookie

    Dec 14, 2003
    Full Name:
    John Temerian
    This is the same guy that is all over Fchat right now for screwing up that 308!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wayne Hynes!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


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