2nd Annual FerrariChat.com Atlantic City Gathering... | FerrariChat

2nd Annual FerrariChat.com Atlantic City Gathering...

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by rob lay, Feb 17, 2004.

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  1. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    We had such a great time last year, Vernon has been kind enough to invite us back again!

    Only thing we need to work out is a date. Vernon said he can handle 100 people even.

    I had a blast last year. Galloway is a VERY VERY exclusive club and one of the top rated courses in the country. The philosophy behind Vernon's dad starting Galloway was to eliminate crowds and taking 5 hours to play a round. On a beautiful day last May we played on a Saturday and there were maybe only 3 other groups playing the entire course.

    Tentative schedule would be...

    Friday afternoon arrival at Taj Mahal and group dinner.

    Saturday golf and car show at Galloway.

    Saturday night group dinner.

    Here was my description from last year...

    I got back a little while ago. The weekend went just perfect. I couldn't of asked for anything more. First time to Atlantic City, the nicest golf course I've ever played in my life and I've played many in my younger years, great food, meeting some users for the first time, seeing Tom again, getting away from Texas for a weekend, and winning $100 overall! Although I was up $1,200 at one point, but hey, I got about 8 hours of gambling in and they paid me $100 to do it. Great weekend!

    Thanks Vernon for organizing it, and picking me up from the airport, and giving me a tour of your beautiful house, and taking me to AC, and letting us on your most exclusive club, and buying supper Friday night, and buying lunch Saturday, and everything else. I'll change FerrariChat.com to VernonChat.com if you don't mind. It was just awesome and I owe you much. Please send the bill.

    My schedule is very tight this year, but possible available weekends I have are as follows. Also, I would really like to attend again, but my attendance isn't required. It would be nice to get 50 users out anyway. When helping to pick a date, try to remember holidays and other events going on in the area.

    Available weekends for me at this point...


    Wow, I just realized I don't have hardly any time available. Maybe you should take me out of the equation.

    Here are some pics from last year...
  2. TTG

    TTG Formula 3

    Jun 11, 2002
    East Hanover, NJ
    Full Name:
    Todd Gieger
    I would be into this...I couldn't make it last year for some reason...probably b/c I knew Tom Diemer was going to be there...

    Feel the love T?


  3. aawil

    aawil Formula 3

    Aug 10, 2002
    Full Name:
    I look forward to it again.I hope we have better weather for that morning as I think it scared off some people last year.It would certainly be nice to have the "founder" of F-chat there as well.That's quite a busy schedule you have there Rob.
  4. kdross

    kdross Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 10, 2002
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    I will be there with my Ferrari. Let me know when. Reading Ferrari is May 16th, so that would be a bad date.

  5. CarStore

    CarStore Karting

    Sep 19, 2003
  6. CarStore

    CarStore Karting

    Sep 19, 2003
    The Atlantic City Classic Car Auction if Feb 25 to 29. If any of you F-Chatters are there please stop by our display and say Hi.
    Not to many Ferraris there but we will do our part.

    Tom Mellett
  7. mondialmerle

    mondialmerle Karting

    Nov 9, 2003
    Egg Harbor Township,NJ
    Full Name:
    Merle Graham
    I can be at the course in 20 minutes and the casinos in 15. Please post the time and date and I'LL be there. mg
  8. Teenferrarifan

    Teenferrarifan F1 Rookie

    Feb 21, 2003
    Media, PA
    Full Name:
    I'll be back again this year, and I had a blast last year!
  9. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Augustine Staino
    I plan on making it this year. Last year I missed everybody by about an hour!


    Good to see you on here buddy. :)
  10. SefacHotRodder

    SefacHotRodder F1 World Champ

    Dec 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    how old do you have to be to enter the casino? :(
  11. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    Well, you can get in the hotel, so can walk around it, but you probably have to be 21 to get in it.
  12. SefacHotRodder

    SefacHotRodder F1 World Champ

    Dec 20, 2003
    Full Name:

    Make it after may 18th so i can drive up on my own :D
  13. kenster888

    kenster888 Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
  14. kenster888

    kenster888 Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
  15. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Augustine Staino
    "And then there was Jimmy "Two Times" who got that name because he said everything twice."

    Just kidding Ken. :)
  16. kenster888

    kenster888 Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
    Are you talking to me?!
  17. kenster888

    kenster888 Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
    Are you talking to me!?
  18. jlmainusa

    jlmainusa Rookie

    Feb 4, 2004
    Mendham, NJ USA
    Full Name:
    Jeremy Condie
    Had a great time last year. I hope my game is much improved. Just let me know when it's on.
  19. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    Haven't heard from Tifosi(TomD) yet. He was logged in today at one point.

    It's going to hard for me to work it in. I think everyone needs to pick a date and then I'll try to make it.

    No headache for the local crowd. How hard is it to show up at about the most exclusive country club in the world and get on the course on a Saturday for a wait free round. All this time enjoying Ferraris and great company.
  20. bjferrari

    bjferrari Karting
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 9, 2003
    Full Name:
    Count me in. My brother is looking to get back into Ferrari ownership again so we may be F-car X2!!
  21. TigerAce

    TigerAce Formula 3

    May 29, 2003
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Yoshi Ace
    I am interested.
    I have never played at Golloway. Combo of F-car, golf, gamble, and fun people sounds exciting. It just depends on the date as something may pop up. So far, all suggested schedule date looks okay.
    Rob, what is approx. cost for hotel & golf (or is there any package deal?)

  22. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    zero for golf, Vernon and his dad own the whole damn place. Only cost would be hotel and Vernon can probably get us deals on that too. Last year I stayed at the Taj Mahal.
  23. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Lay
    Everyone, I really need someone to take the lead on this. Not much is required. Vernon is providing the club and he might be able to get some deals for us at the Taj Mahal. I'll throw out a date and Vernon can see if the course is available and I need others to see if it conflicts with any other events.

    How about the weekend of 5/8-9/2004?

    The only other work that someone would need to do is setting up a reservation for dinner Friday and Saturday night for our group. That same person would also need to keep track of the head count.

    It's very iffy for me to attend. I wouldn't know until last second. No reason 20-50 other FC'ers couldn't get together for golf, dining, and gambling though.
  24. tifosi

    tifosi F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa

    Sep 5, 2001
    Full Name:
    Tom D
    sorry, totally missed this thread, I am probably going to be away 5/8-5-9 but let me add, anyone who loves golf should attend, this course is awesome and Vernon is a great host, last year the weather was a little iffy so it scared some folks off. nevetheless we had a great time plus AC is near by. If we nail down a date other than 5/8-5/9 I can take the lead in organizing this. Todd, I feel the love :) There is no reason we should not get 20-50 guys on this
  25. bjferrari

    bjferrari Karting
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 9, 2003
    Full Name:
    Rob, that date works for me. Been a year so you may not remember but those pics you took were from my 348 spider Saturday morning on the way to the course. I would be happy to try to put something together hotel/dinner wise with Vernon's blessing(with my brothers help). I do have a few connections with MGM (Borgata) and Bally's. No comps promised (but a group they would have interest in I'm sure) Let me know. Keep in mind the Reading Councourse is the next weekend, 10 minutes from my house if I can be any help there as well.

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