Ferrari French Quarter Classic, Part VII | FerrariChat

Ferrari French Quarter Classic, Part VII

Discussion in 'Louisiana' started by 134282, Nov 12, 2003.

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  1. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    Saturday morning. Matt and I reluctantly arose from sleep and yawned our way from the hotel to The Windsor Court. Just like the previous morning, we watched as others slowly made their ways from their rooms to the lobby; then to the garage. Once the majority was rounded up, they were escorted by local law enforcement to the place where the concourso would be held. (So unlike a writer but so signature of my personality, I can’t remember the name of the place; it was huge though. I recall someone mentioning that it once belonged to a wealthy family who donated the entire estate, to be used for public events… events just like this one).

    As I mentioned, the place was huge. Tremendous. Palatial. Meticulously kept, to boot. By the time Matt and I arrived, there were already some cars there. Dan Heard’s red Enzo, his F40, his 288 GTO. A black F50, Roland Linder’s F40 LM and another 288 GTO were also there. They were all on the same lawn; and that was one of the smaller lawns…! Later on, the super car class was filled out by Ray’s yellow Enzo, another F40, a 512 BBi (don’t ask, I’m not sure, either) Monte Shalett’s open-wheeled 12-cylinder racecar and Michael Schumacher’s 2002 Formula 1 racecar. The view from the balcony of the mansion was awe-inspiring.

    The lawn closest to the super car class lawn was the lawn for the twelves. I was lucky enough to be asked to help in assisting the owners to park these beasts. A white Testarossa at one end, a California blue 550 at the other; Daytonas, TRs, 512 BBis, a 456 and a 412i were in between. All carefully and delicately pampered for the show, the different colors and shapes stung my brain like cool rain on hot skin. An inviting assortment of different cars from different eras. That day, the privilege wasn’t only in owning; it was also in observing.

    The front lawn – the biggest of them all – was host to the 3 series cars: 308s, 328s, 348s, 355s and 360s. From light blue to dark red, green to yellow, black to white, it was a sight like none I’d ever seen before. Right in front of the mansion, before the lawn’s vastness stretched itself out, was a water fountain. Around the water fountain were parked, Jim Spiro’s 330 TRI/LM, Monte’s Breadvan, the 360 GT and a 333 SP. Where and when would I ever see these four cars in the same place at the same time again…? Never.

    After about an hour or so of wandering around, taking pictures and talking with different people, it was time for the judge’s meeting. Now, I know what you’re thinking, why would that concern me…? Well, thanks to John, I was lucky enough to be a part of that meeting. So much a part of it that I was chosen, along with Paul Wehmer, to judge the 360 class.

    No. I’m not kidding.

    Judging was a different kind of awesome. Not the blood-pumping, what-a-rush, in your face thrill of barreling down the straight in a 41-year old one-off Ferrari, but something more lasting, in that it will be useful in the future; the beginning of a learning experience. Paul and I had never judged before, so we took our cheat sheets and did the best we could. I still can’t find the 360’s serial number on the engine, but that will come in time, I’m sure.

    Right around the time Paul and I finished, lunch was being served and we began to see people walking around with little plates and cups. It was time to eat. I took a quick trip over to the “eating wing” of the estate, grabbed a coke and made a mad dash for the super cars lawn. I had the chance to shoot the breeze with Dan Heard, who was really nice. So nice, in fact, that I didn’t even approach him; he approached me.

    While admiring his newest and most gorgeous acquisition, he came over to me and apologized for not having enough time to chat at the track, the day before. I couldn’t even believe that he remembered I was talking to him, let alone that he was talking to me now. Who knew that even multiple, high-end, exotic owners are approachable and courteous…? Dan and I had a great conversation. His wife even took a picture of us and I got a few shots of him and his Enzo.

    As the afternoon began to wane, the lawn candy began to dissipate. Slowly, all the Ferraris relocated back to The Windsor Court. Except the Breadvan. I was fortunate enough to stay back, hang out and help Monte with the Breadvan. Pablo, one of Kelly’s friends, was the guy who was hauling this thing back and forth for Monte for the events. So Pablo, Monte and I hung out, bringing his cars back and forth. Monte was really cool and we talked about all sorts of cars. The coolest thing about Monte – even beyond owning the Breadvan – is that he owns the cars he owns because he likes them. Through and through, he’s still an enthusiast and it wasn’t hard to see that when he spoke. He doesn’t own the Breadvan because it’s an investment or because he’s trying to flip it; he owns it because he wants to. He’s all about the cars. That’s just plain awesome.

    After helping Monte unload the Breadvan, Pablo split. Monte volunteered to drive me back to my hotel. No, you don’t have to read that again, you read it right the first time. Monte drove me back to my hotel. We chewed the fat about cars and such the whole way back like we were old friends. Meeting Monte was a definite highlight of my weekend.

    Matt was already back at the hotel. Good, too, ‘cause we needed to get ready. Matt had a tuxedo; I, a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie. 8PM began the “Black Tie Ball” on the “Bourbon Street Balcony”, which is exactly how it was advertised in the invitation. Very humble, if you ask me; it should’ve been DEScribed as something like: “Black tie ball with exclusive Ferrari beads on Bourbon Street balcony, resulting in a wild, unforgettable evening”.

    And even then, that’s being euphemistic. But that’s for tomorrow’s story, the 8th and final part of the FFQC saga. :)
    Matt LaMotte likes this.
  2. wax

    wax Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dirty Harry
    Garth/ "I am not worthy! *weeps* /Garth
  3. Matt LaMotte

    Matt LaMotte Formula 3

    Oct 30, 2002
    Once again great job DES. I have only one correction I think. The 288 GTO on the lawn with the Enzo's I thought was owned by Mr. Carr. If you remember the couple that we ate dinner with at the resteraunt. I am almost positive it was his because I chatted with his wife while Mr. Carr presented the car to Dave.
    I was dead tired from the night before but I did manage to get a bunch of pics I'll post soon. However I have misplaced the CD (I could I) and I'll put them all up tomorrow. The mansion that they had the event at was amazing. I'm sure someone else has pics of the view from the balcony over looking the lawn with the Enzo's.
    My favorite was Schumachers F1 car. We arrived fairly early to help everyone with parking and I walked around back as the Shell sponsor people who brought the car were trying to line it up with the Enzo's. You could literally walk up and grab the car with one hand and slide it over. Granted it didn't have the engine but the car just drips technology! Every black piece you see is carbon fiber and the numerous spoilers on the front and back were jaw dropping works of art. After my close encounter with it you begin to understand why they have two wind tunnels running to design them.
  4. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    I'm curious, did Ferrari SpA / FNA bring out MS' 2002 car, or is it privately owned?

  5. Matt LaMotte

    Matt LaMotte Formula 3

    Oct 30, 2002
    Shell gasoline sponsored the event and they brought it in. They have it I guess until someone decides to buy it. No telling how much it's worth. I talked to the girl that was the Shell representative and we were joking about how she brought "her" car for the show. Basically she and her coworkers just trailer the car around to different events for display. I wish it had the engine in it because I was really wanting to hear one run bu tthen again I understand Ferrari not wanting to just hand there technology to the public. Too would fit perfect in my Acura.:)
  6. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    Matt, you're absolutely right, Mr. & Mrs. Karr owned a 288 GTO; 1985, i believe... However, there were two 288 GTOs there, the other belonging to Dan Heard...
  7. Matt LaMotte

    Matt LaMotte Formula 3

    Oct 30, 2002
    Dan is the man! Did you ever hear who won what as far as the awards go? I know they gave some out at the balcony party but since we both missed Sunday I never heard who got what.
  8. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    Matt... i'm not sure, i wish i knew, though... John probably knows...
  9. Dave328

    Dave328 Formula 3

    Nov 24, 2002
    Full Name:
    Hey guys, the Best of Show went to John's 288 GTO! It was well deserved too! That car was near perfect.

  10. johnhoughtaling

    johnhoughtaling Formula 3

    Nov 6, 2002
    New Orleans
    Full Name:
    John William H.
    John Carr's 288 GTO won best of Show. It is truely a spectacular example.
  11. Sean F.

    Sean F. F1 Rookie

    Feb 4, 2003
    Full Name:
    Sean F
    John Karr, not Carr. And his car is beatiful.
  12. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    John, any word on who won in the 360 class...?
  13. Matt LaMotte

    Matt LaMotte Formula 3

    Oct 30, 2002
    That's cool that Jon won. His wife was telling me how tight judging can be on the cars. She said he entered it a while back in another contest and was counted off because he had the wrong size nuts on his battery. That is one hell of an honor to beat all the other cars on that lawn!If anyone runs into him tell him I said CONGRATULATION!

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