Frats! | FerrariChat


Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by LMP234, Aug 11, 2004.

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  1. LMP234

    LMP234 Formula 3

    May 8, 2004
    Full Name:
    Well I'm about to head out to college, and am unsure wether or not I want to join a frat for a couple of reasons:

    1) Pledging/Hazing. Not that I couldnt handle it in anyway (I grew up around the military, have military family/friends), its just I might tend to get pissed very easily if someone with a huge beer gut ends talking trash and pushing me or something, or I might just laugh. Besides that, I can deal with getting drinks for people and cleaning up or whatever, thats all fine.

    2) School. Heard alot of stories about people not doing well in school after joining frats. I like to think I'm highly disciplined about that sort of thing, but being I'm worried that being in a very "lax" atmosphere might cause problems. Some frats maintain good overall GPA's, many dont. I want to be successful and dont want (too much) partying to get in the way.

    But they still seem like they could be fun. I have a couple of friends in one of the Frats at the college ill be going to. And they say its alright, the partying gets old after awhile, and they would suggest just not pledging since they can get us into all the parties.

    I know I'm one of the younger posters here, so I'm curious to hear about your guys thoughts/experiences.
  2. LetsJet

    LetsJet F1 Veteran

    May 24, 2004
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    Where are you going to school? Greek might not be strong where you are headed. Frats and frat life can vary greatly from school to school. I would suggest you settle in and check out the whole scene before you make a decision. That is why they have parties when you get there. So you can see if it's your thing. Just don't rush into it.

    FYI - I didn't plegde any Frats when I was in college. I got serveral bids and passed. I had friends in many houses and wasn't going to pick. It worked well for me, as I wasn't into the whole frat thing. I still went back door to all the parties, knew all the girls, so it was the best of both worlds. But, that is not the same as being a brother. I still know guys that hang with their brothers so it can be great for some.

    Last, do you know anyone who is already attending? They might be a better resource then this board.....

  3. imperial83

    imperial83 F1 Rookie

    May 14, 2004
    My advice would be to go into your freshmen year with an open mind. Try to figure out who you would like to associate with and what are the type of friends you want. Frats are not for everyone and on the flip side you could enjoy being part of a brotherhood. A frat provides you with bonds you will take into life for a long time. But this can be done through other organizations too. Do not limit yourself to frats and the frat party scene. You will see that college has a lot to offer. Remember study hard, party hard, but most importantly have fun. :D

    By the way what college are you headed to?
  4. dm_n_stuff

    dm_n_stuff Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner


    college, frats... Did you see Animal House?

    Well, it's like that, only more fun.

    I lived in a frat for two years while in school. Nothing like having the old beer tap a mere two floors away in the basement at all times!!

    And that vending machine, full of beer. And, the fridge in your room, full of beer.

    And, did I mention the beer??

    Also, we had lots of beer.

    And a file cabinet full of reference material to help with your studies, reducing the time required to write papers, freeing up more time for beer.

    Actually, the hazing was dumb, sometimes a little painful, but memorable none the less. And if it hurt too much, beer killed the pain.

    How about memorizing the Greek alphabet, or the founding fathers names, or answering the phone, "Beta chapter, Phi Sigma Kappa, pledge Dave, how can I help you." Or, the only acceptable response to a frat brother when asked a question, "Sir, I hesitate to articulate, for fear that I might deviate from the true course of rectitude. In short, I am a red ass pledge and do not know, sir!" Followed by beer.

    But, there were serious moments too, always followed by three cheers and

    But seriously, I would not trade the frat experience for anything in the world. If I could just remember more of it I'd be even happier than I am today.

    Combine that with six seasons of rugby, and you can see that beer played a major role in my college experience.

    BTW, I am now a tea totaller. No more BEER for me.

    And on a serious note, frats, like everything at college, are what you make of them. Lifelong friends, an instant entrace for some business possibilities and contacts out the wazzoo, great times while in school, and later, reuinions, with BEER.
  5. LMP234

    LMP234 Formula 3

    May 8, 2004
    Full Name:
    Thanks all. Im heading to MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University), which is actually the single largest school in TN (UT is divided up into 2, possibly 3 campuses I believe). They've got an excellent aviation program with their own airport, 2nd largest library in TN etc etc. Its really a growing school, and the people Ive talked to who have gone there/transfered there/teach there really like it.

    I do know some people who go there, as I mentioned, and they've offered to get me into all the frat parties without having to pledge. Ive pretty much decided to take the first semester and just feel things out. Im always open minded about everything, so I could swing either way. Just wanted to hear some of your guys opinions.
  6. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Highly recommend you look into it...but as others said, don't hurry the process. Most all your questions can be answered by the "rush chairmen" and officers of the houses you are considering. I would also recommend you talk to the alumni "chapter consular" of the houses you consider. All these folks can advise and assist with your questions. Make sure the fit is right before signing. The house I signed had the highest gpa in the greek system...and we still got into plenty of trouble... ;)

    The hazing thing is going by the way side...very little of that goes on any longer (at least it shouldn't), as most national fraternities will shut a house down if they learn of it.

  7. LMP234

    LMP234 Formula 3

    May 8, 2004
    Full Name:
    Its not that I'm WORRIED about the hazing, but more of how I'll react to it. I really lose respect for a bunch of wanna-be hardasses, but if your just going to make me do some ***** work before I get in, then I'm cool with that.

    Is second semester too late (I'll ask once I get there of course)? I would like to get comfortable with college life and all that before I jump into the pledging process.
  8. LetsJet

    LetsJet F1 Veteran

    May 24, 2004
    Full Name:

    Your welcome........ now you'll have to post, in the bikini thread, all those MTSU hotties. Just tell 'em it's for a Ferrari

    Aviation? Did you say aviation? So, you wana fly?

    Good luck with it all & I like the "I'm always open minded" comment. It will come in handy.

    - Later
  9. LMP234

    LMP234 Formula 3

    May 8, 2004
    Full Name:
    Haha, buying a digital camera soon!

    As for Aviation, yes I am planning on learning how to fly, but as a hobby not as a career (at one point this was my career goal, but things have changed to Entreprenurial/Business Management paths). Long story short: my dream was to be a fighter pilot, eyes arent good enough, the only eye correction surgey available is risky (lasic isnt accepted yet), navigator isnt flying (sorry), so I looked for something else.
  10. PaulK

    PaulK F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Apr 24, 2004
    Full Name:
    This past semester, I joined a Fraternity.

    There is good and bad. PM me and we can discuss.

    All in all, I would say I have made the right decision however.

    They are right in the fact that it is like your college experience- It is all how you make of it.

    You get out what you put in.
  11. TimN88

    TimN88 F1 Veteran

    Jun 12, 2001
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    I was searching for fraternities, because i am in one and wanted to read the threads about them. Due to the unique position of my house, we will be recolonizing one of two deceased chapters this winter. As sad as it is, it has to happen because we need insurance coverage.

    The reason im bringing this up is to remind you and everyone else who pledges that everything you do during pledging the guys making you do it had to do the same stuff too. the only hazing you ever hear about is the bad stuff that gets people arrested. These are the exceptions, not the rule. Also, i shouldnt tell you this but most things in pledging are riles. The brothers arent seriously mad at you or anything, they just want you to think that. It seemed to me like a lot of the stuff we had to know was invented just to f- us over. Anyway, you would be real supprised at how effective pledging is for building unity. Its something you couldnt possibly understand unless you actually have done it.
    Also, dont worry about your GPA. All you have to do is work and you'll be fine. I had a 3.6 during pledging, which isnt bad for a sophomore (we pledge 2nd year at my school) mechanical engineering major, it didnt hurt my overall as much as i thought it would. It would have been higher but the last day of pledging I had a test that i fell asleep during and obviously didnt study for and a lab i slept through, and it was still one of the best days of my life.

    PS- its called pledge education, not hazing.
    pps- they are called 'fraternities' not 'frats'
  12. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
    Full Name:
    I waited until the end of my freshman year to go through rush. Illinois has one of the largest Greek systems, if not THE largest, in the country. There were over 50 fraternities when I attended in the late 80s, and until you've been there for a while, you'll never know which one suits you best. Our house, SAE, was pretty eclectic (they vary from school to school), and to this day some of my best friends in life are guys I know from the house.

    Tim, when you're in high school, or a collegian who isn't in a house, they're "frats". When you're actively in a house, they're "fraternities". But a few years later, after graduation, they become "frats" again. Too many syllables:)
  13. rt207

    rt207 Karting

    Jan 4, 2004
    Full Name:
    Make friends don't pay for them
  14. senna21

    senna21 F1 Rookie

    Jul 2, 2004
    Los Angeles, CA
    Full Name:
    Charles W
    86 on Frats. I tend to be too much of an independent thinker and tend to not fit into groups such as these. I also don't pay for friendships. Which if you jump in immediately that is what you're doing. Isn't it? If you're going to do it listen to the others here and take you're time in choosing one. I've had several friends do the Frat route with mixed success. My father was also in a frat at Northwestern but that was certainly a different time. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of fun while at college if you're in a frat or not. I never had any problem meeting friends while I was at mine.

    As a matter of fact I wish I had had less fun and done more studying…
  15. fish78

    fish78 F1 Rookie

    Sep 10, 2004

    It is ALWAYS fraternity, never "frat". My group has remained together for more than 30 years...
  16. JSinNOLA

    JSinNOLA F1 World Champ
    Sponsor Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 18, 2002
    Denver, CO
    Keep in mind that most people hazing you had to go through the exact same BS they are putting you through(or at least that is what they claim ;)).

    Now whether or not you agree with hazing is entirely up to the individual. Some organizations view it as important, some as not-so-important. Regardless, it won't be so easy to find out until you actually become involved in the pledging process.
  17. JSinNOLA

    JSinNOLA F1 World Champ
    Sponsor Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 18, 2002
    Denver, CO
    LOL, are you a member of any Ferrari clubs? If you are, I hope you didn't join to "buy" friends. Frats are mostly comprised of individuals with several things in common.

    Your cliche is silly and typically only used by those jealos of their peer's friends.

  18. rt207

    rt207 Karting

    Jan 4, 2004
    Full Name:
    Odd, silly and typical is the the behavior often used when describing a frat. I have nothing againist people with common interest, but the stereotype of the typical frat boy is more often true than it is false. As far as my quote being used by only the jealous is very funny, ha ha ha ha. I made it through school making freinds without an forced artifical brotherhood. There are millions of others of students that don't find frat life that appealing either.
  19. Cicero

    Cicero Formula 3

    Jul 27, 2004
    Some of my best friends are from my fraternity and that was over 11 years ago. I joined one house at one school and depledged 6 weeks in. Switched schools and repledged a diff fraternity and loved it. I chose based on who I liked not who was cool or the jocks or whatever. I knew a guy in a class and really liked him so I just asked and he took me to the house to meet some guys. My first roomate is still my best friend..had a beer with him just the other day.
  20. StallionRx

    StallionRx Formula Junior

    Nov 7, 2003
    South CT
    Full Name:
    I joined a fraternity my first year of college. It has DEFINETLY been worth every moment of it. Pledging was hard at times, but every time I think back on it with my pledge brothers we get a huge laugh out of all the outrageous things we did.

    My grades took a huge beating, no lying about it. Some people go through just fine and their grades actually improve. Others, like myself just get way too wrapped up in it and forget about school. That was my freshman year and Im in my 4th year now- right on time. My grades werent great, but I passed everything and havent had to repeat a course or anything of that nature.

    Buying friends is a bunch of BS. Sorry, its just not true. I was friends with alot of guys in the fraternity before I joined and our friendship was not in any kind of jeopardy if I had decided to pledge or not.

    College can be an AWESOME time, when your there get out and do something, fraternity or not. Live your college life to the fullest.
  21. JSinNOLA

    JSinNOLA F1 World Champ
    Sponsor Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 18, 2002
    Denver, CO
    No, I said it is TYPICALLY only used by the jealous. Odd grammar indeed:) Not a personal attack on you as an individual, just noting what makes it a cliche.

    Are there stereotypicals around? Sure.

    Now bend over while I grab this paddle! ;)
  22. rt207

    rt207 Karting

    Jan 4, 2004
    Full Name:
    I understand that that my statements are narrow minded . I also know that others may be able to say similar statements about sports teams (jocks)which i can only promote because of my experiences . Anyway the fraternities at my school were looked down on by many because of the actions of those members associated with the groups ( vandalism, public disturbance, theftm and other things of that nature)
  23. kaamacat

    kaamacat Formula 3

    Jun 13, 2004
    Cumming GA
    Full Name:
    Waste of time and $$. Think of it like this, you (or someone) is making an investment in college, and these days if you intend on getting into a Fortune company (if thats what you want)...... 3.5's are not gonna cut it next to that 4.0 with the same resume. Then the "frat", sorry but that gets you squat on a resume also.

    I have 27years in one of the largest companies in the world today, been the mgt route, hired lots of folks while in that position...... and a 3.8-4.0 is what you need. (also remember the overall workforce is on an constant downward because we're always doing openings are just not there)

  24. jordan747_400

    jordan747_400 F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa

    Dec 9, 2002
    Houston, TX
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    You know I have to honestly say, the biggest ass holes Ive met at this school have all been frat guys. I cant tell you how much I disrespect them. Now I know there are a few good guys out there in frats, but Im not really into the partying scene, dont do drugs, dont drink, and hate the way they treat women here.

    Everyones different, and every frat is different. Depending on what your goals are, joining a frat may hurt you more than it can benefit you. Id say your better off just finding a core group of friends...people you can sincerely trust.
  25. StallionRx

    StallionRx Formula Junior

    Nov 7, 2003
    South CT
    Full Name:
    I should probabley lay off this thread cus I think it has the potential to get ugly, but I thought Id post this statistic:
    (Not my school, but thought Id at least let you know where I got it from)

    Approximately 80% of the top executives of Fortune 500 companies are fraternity men.
    The majority (71 %) of those listed in Who's Who in America are fraternity men.
    76% of current United States Senators and Congressman are fraternity men.
    40% of the 47 Supreme Court Justices since 1910 have been fraternity men.
    100 of the 158 cabinet members since 1900 have been fraternity men.
    All but two United States Presidents since 1825 have been fraternity men.
    Each year, thousands of young men and women enter the working world with the competitive advantage of a Fraternity or a Sorority experience and alumni contacts. The opportunities are endless and the benefits speak for themselves.

    Fraternities DONT always have to deal with drinking and partying. There is alot of leadership and community service that goes into them as well. I cant speak for all the fraternities out there, but I know the many community service projects that Ive been invovled with along the way have definetly given me some better leadership skills and confidence.

    My current job (within a Fortune 500 company) was given to me by a fraternity brother, not even one that I pledged with- one from a totally different state and college (probabley about 25 years older than me too) So sometimes it does help. Not all the time, but maybe that one time where you need it.

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