Inaugural F1 race in China | FerrariChat

Inaugural F1 race in China

Discussion in 'Northwest' started by jimveres, Feb 24, 2004.

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  1. jimveres

    jimveres Karting

    Oct 31, 2003
    Leslie and I are planning to go on the trip to the Inaugural F1 race in Shanghai being arranged by Jackson and China Discoveries.

    Leslie has also been looking into tours and Kathy at China Discoveries has put together one to visit: Hong Kong, Guilin, Shanghai, Yangtze River Cruise, MS. East King (River Cruise), Xian, and Beijing.

    Kathy indicated that we could have a private tour if at least five couples wanted the same trip.

    Any interest?
  2. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Probably not for me...but I am going on the Shanghai trip...anyone else signed up yet? Deadline is 3/15. Great deal on airline tickets...$799!
  3. shelbee

    shelbee Guest

    I am confused now what is the difference between inaugural F1 and actual race?? Is it in different time??
  4. Willis360

    Willis360 F1 Rookie

    Aug 4, 2001
    Redmond, WA
    Full Name:
    Willis H
    The race in Shanghai is the first ever F1 event held in China. Thus it's called the inaugural F1 race.
  5. shelbee

    shelbee Guest

    This sentence made me confused. He said he IS not going to Inaugural F1 race in China but he then said he IS going on the Shanghai trip????

    I thought the race will be in SHANGHAI in CHINA??
  6. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Dr. Shelbee,
    Jim and Leslie are planning on a "side excursion" as long as they are in Shanghai for the F1 race. Some others were considering this as well. I am just going to the F1 race in Shanghai, and then home...
  7. jimveres

    jimveres Karting

    Oct 31, 2003
    Sorry for the confusion. We are definitely attending the F1 race - that's the reason that we're going to China.

    Since we're going for the race we decided to tour some of the popular spots in China.

    Should be fun. Expecially if the red cars win.
    Jim V.
  8. FAD2BLK

    FAD2BLK Karting

    Nov 5, 2003
    Pacific Northwest
    Full Name:
    Sounds like an awsome trip to go on with fellow Ferrari Club Members. I'm sure a great time will be had by all! Count me in! Made my deposit and purchased airline tickets on United Airlines today.
  9. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Made my deposit today as well! See you all in at the race!!!!
  10. TimF40

    TimF40 Formula 3

    Nov 3, 2003
    Seattle/Bay Area/NYC
    Full Name:
    Debbie and I are going. Already paid for the tickets. We're not going to extend the trip to other cities, but have extended Shanghai by 2 days. We're leaving Seattle on Mon 9/20 and returning Tuesday 9/28. - Tim

    Note: I changed my handle: tim360 (new) = tkinslow (old)

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