Time from final Spec to delivery | FerrariChat

Time from final Spec to delivery

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by Matthewh, Mar 3, 2004.

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  1. Matthewh

    Matthewh Rookie

    Feb 26, 2004
    Full Name:
    Matthew Hampson
    Having put the final spec in for my 360 spider, I now am super eager for delivery.

    Does anybody have experience on what the delivery time normally is, from when the final spec goes in for UK cars? I have been told August as worst case.

    Does it also vary between dealership? I have ordered mine from Maranello in St Albans.

  2. wazza

    wazza Formula Junior

    Oct 9, 2003
    August ????

    Most unlikely as the Factory closes for the whole of August for their summer Holidays.
    I think think the lead time from final spec to delivery is normally about 3 months.
    I'm not 100% on this but from my experience and what i've heared from others.

  3. wazza

    wazza Formula Junior

    Oct 9, 2003
    Bloody rude of me.

    Congratulations and Welcome aboard.
  4. KenC

    KenC Formula 3

    Dec 7, 2003
    Kent, UK
    Full Name:
    I was told this week that all specs for cars to be built in June and July had to be in by today. I'm not sure why there were two months in one go, but it caused mild panic with me needing to decide my final spec quickly. I was also aware that 5 Feb was the final date for advising FUK of the specs for May build. So 3 months minimum with up to 3 months 3 weeks seems to be the answer (with the exception of July build). August is close down.

  5. Matthewh

    Matthewh Rookie

    Feb 26, 2004
    Full Name:
    Matthew Hampson
    Thanks for the advice Ken and Wazza. I was aware of the August shutdown; I think the dealer was just trying to tell me that late July build for arrival in the UK could be early August worst case.

    Based on your advice it looks like it may be a June build for maybe July delivery. The waiting is going to kill me, its like waiting for Christmas as a kid again. However I have been waiting since I was 7 years old for a Ferrari so a few months more I can handle!

    Also thanks for the welcome Wazza. Looking forward to meeting you all in the future, and getting my daily Ferrari dose from Fchat.
  6. tomw

    tomw Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 25, 2004
    Full Name:
    Aw, that's my "local". Give it a drive through St. Albans for me when you pick it up ;)

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