The Labor Party Sucks Thread | FerrariChat

The Labor Party Sucks Thread

Discussion in 'Australia' started by Ferraridoc, May 21, 2024.

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  1. Ferraridoc

    Ferraridoc F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Jun 20, 2012
    Gold Coast, Aust.
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    Just got off the phone to my accountant. I'm getting creamed by the new Super rules where I have to pay CGT on deemed capital gains of an asset, despite not realising those gains, so I don't have the cash. This seems completely unworkable and illogical, until you do a dive into the legislation. One third of Labor MPs and Senators have been union officials. The biggest group of Super funds are the "Industry" funds - code word for union funds. These funds are owned by trade unions. In the last two decades, self-managed super funds (SMSF) have gained in popularity and have been eating into the union funds' market share - they don't like it, so pressure has been applied and hey presto, the rules have changed to adversely affect SMSFs, many of which hold small property assets, with little liquid capital. This is an absolute rort, and why the Libs aren't shouting from the roof-tops about this is beyond me.
  2. moretti

    moretti Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 1, 2003
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    You can add ASIC to this rant, they closed my SMSF account while I was in the hospital and WESTPAC sent my account balance (substantial) to ASIC into the "unclaimed funds" account, and I have now spent 5 months trying to get them to return MY money, but here's the good part, although ASIC is listed in every state with offices they have no PEOPLE facing personnel and they never answer their 1300 number and their automated response to emails are that you can't contact them for business days !!!

    Then they sent me an email saying that some of the information I sent was for the wrong type of SMSF so then I had to send a whole different set of information of which I've been waiting over 2 months and when I sent an email to inquire about the status of my claim I get the standard "please don't contact us within 60 days

    If anyone has ever made a claim from the "Unclaimed Money Unit" and been successful please PM me
  3. Steve355F1

    Steve355F1 F1 World Champ
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    Aug 26, 2011
    Adelaide, South Aust
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    I don’t think this thread needed the word “Thread” in the title…

    When even Joe Biden shows up our pathetic, weak excuse for a PM they really have sunk to a horrible new low.

    The lengths this mob will go to to shore up a few western Sydney seats is truly appalling.
    Ferraridoc and IanB like this.
  4. IanB

    IanB F1 World Champ

    Jun 15, 2006
    I fear it's going to get worse - a Labor/Greens minority govt after the next election.
    Steve355F1 and PAP 348 like this.
  5. Ferraridoc

    Ferraridoc F1 World Champ
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    Jun 20, 2012
    Gold Coast, Aust.
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    Tru dat
  6. Cyt

    Cyt F1 Rookie

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Cyt- Chin
  7. PAP 348

    PAP 348 Nine Time F1 World Champ
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    Dec 10, 2005
    Mount Isa, Australia
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    What a show eh?? What a ****en show!

    I can't wait to see how good I am going to get it in 20-25 years time.
  8. ACP

    ACP Formula Junior

    Apr 7, 2004
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    What type of asset is it that is deemed to have made a gain? Property, shares or something else? Who determines what the gain is and on what date?
  9. Ferraridoc

    Ferraridoc F1 World Champ
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    Jun 20, 2012
    Gold Coast, Aust.
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    Exactly! In my case, property. They will probably mandate a panel valuer (which the SMSF has to pay for) to get a valuation. What happens if the asset value decreases is not clear!
  10. ACP

    ACP Formula Junior

    Apr 7, 2004
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    I don't see how that is even remotely plausible. How can they even administer that? Does any gain each year receive a CGT 50% discount i.e. does the clock start ticking again each year?

    What happens if there is depreciation? Do they pay you money?

    I'd be getting a lot more detailed advice on this. It sounds the a huge misinterpretation of the intent of any new rules.
    Ferraridoc and Steve355F1 like this.
  11. ACP

    ACP Formula Junior

    Apr 7, 2004
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    Can you send a link to the new rules?
  12. Ferraridoc

    Ferraridoc F1 World Champ
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    Jun 20, 2012
    Gold Coast, Aust.
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    No, I only lance boils for a living.
  13. IanB

    IanB F1 World Champ

    Jun 15, 2006
    From Robert Gottliebsen in the Australian today:

    Treasury will be pressing to use the precedent to tax unrealised capital gains on investment houses over a certain unindexed value. From there it’s a small step to the family home.

    Taxing unrealised gains has never been part of the tax system of any major developed country. Others know exactly what will happen if they took such a silly step.

    In the lower house, the government has the numbers to defeat both the Teals motion to end indexation and the Coalition policy of abandoning the whole tax. In the Senate, the Greens will support the bill if the $3m limit reduced to $2mn and the deferred borrowing rights in superannuation funds is abolished

    To pass the bill in the Senate, the government needs the support of the Greens plus two of the independents.
    Ferraridoc likes this.
  14. ACP

    ACP Formula Junior

    Apr 7, 2004
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    Oh, so it's not a thing yet.
    kerrari likes this.
  15. 365GTC/4

    365GTC/4 Formula 3

    Apr 7, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
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    Even talking about introducing it is a disgrace.
    Ferraridoc likes this.
  16. IanB

    IanB F1 World Champ

    Jun 15, 2006
    Will start after the next election. A Labor/Greens govt will lower the threshold to $2m. There are several hundred thousand people with investment houses in their super who will be forced to sell into a cratering market.

    This might be a typical govt unintended consequence, or it might be a deliberate attempt to reset house prices.

    Set up a family trust now (while you still can) and transfer your super assets above 2m when the new rules come into effect. There will no longer be any reason to stay in super.
    PAP 348 and Ferraridoc like this.
  17. IanB

    IanB F1 World Champ

    Jun 15, 2006
    btw the proposed bill specifically excludes politician's super from the new tax.

    Aren't they lovely people?
  18. ACP

    ACP Formula Junior

    Apr 7, 2004
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    How is it intended to work? Is it only for properties valued over $2m? Is it for all non-principal places of residence regardless of ownership structure?

    If I have a property that has gone up from $1m to $2.5m am I supposed to pay CGT on the $1.5m gain? What happens the next year if it goes up another $100k? What happens if it goes down?

    This is the most idiotic things I have ever heard.
  19. Ferraridoc

    Ferraridoc F1 World Champ
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    Jun 20, 2012
    Gold Coast, Aust.
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    Of course it does...
  20. Moncam

    Moncam Rookie

    Apr 16, 2024
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    This is a disgrace - need to get this incompetent and self-serving government out ASAP
  21. IanB

    IanB F1 World Champ

    Jun 15, 2006
    It's a 30% tax on the unrealised gain each year from all assets in your Super above a threshold of 3million. The ATO will assess the amount of gain and send you a bill.

    Greens want a 2m threshold, they will be in a coalition with Labor after the next election so wll get their way.
  22. ACP

    ACP Formula Junior

    Apr 7, 2004
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    Thanks. Is it only assets in super?
  23. IanB

    IanB F1 World Champ

    Jun 15, 2006
    So far.

    If the principle of taxing unrealised gains is established it will spread. e.g. family home value over $3m.

    Labor/green voters see it as "tax the rich", they don't understand that inflation means it will catch them too.

    From the WEF: "In the future you will own nothing and you'll be happy."
  24. Cyt

    Cyt F1 Rookie

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Cyt- Chin
    should be relabeled to communist party
  25. Gleggy

    Gleggy Formula 3

    Sep 22, 2004
    Land of Oz
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