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599 on flames!

Discussion in '612/599' started by JM280z, Sep 23, 2023.

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  1. JM280z

    JM280z Formula Junior

    Aug 22, 2020
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    Again, you’re wrong to say it’s “only in the movies” and “virtually impossible.” Also, YOURE THE ONE WHO FIRST MENTIONED EXPLODING GAS TANKS. Jesus man. You’re delusional. Give it a rest. You were wrong in your original statement. You were wrong to bring it up in the first place, all to redirect the conversation into some made up debate so you could say “go back to science class” to make yourself feel good. You must have a very depressing life to get your sense of self worth from putting words in people’s mouths so you can make an argument then spew personal insults.

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  2. Skidkid

    Skidkid F1 Veteran
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    Aug 25, 2005
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    John Zornes
    You keep saying I am wrong but fail to provide any science to prove your claim. You appear to think saying "You're delusional" and casting insults makes your one-off link "proof". Post up the science of how you are detonating gasoline at STP without sufficient oxygen. HINT: it can't be done. Then again, I guess ignorance is bliss.
  3. JM280z

    JM280z Formula Junior

    Aug 22, 2020
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    You are correct!! Chris from Scuderia Car Parts caught the error on their end. Correct part number is: 265721.

    It seems we should all be replacing that hose and heat shield wrapping it, and the valve.

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    George Vosburgh likes this.
  4. JM280z

    JM280z Formula Junior

    Aug 22, 2020
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    You were the first one and only one to bring up exploding gas tanks lol. You are also wrong to say it’s virtually impossible and in Hollywood only. You have issues man.

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  5. DZ-96

    DZ-96 Formula 3
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    Mar 7, 2010
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    Many years ago, i believe it was in the 80s, i saw a film, where someone throws a burning match into a full gas tank.
    It happens nothing, the match extinguished.

    Also in the eighties, in the street i lived, a man placed his old car on a greenfield.
    Some kids played there, car was open, gas tank was nearly empty.
    A boy from the neighborhood threw a burning match into the gas tank, a darting flame came out, his face was burnt by the flames.

    As John said before, the mixture with oxygen is the relevant detail.
    Fire and then an explosion of the gas tank is not really realistic.

  6. JM280z

    JM280z Formula Junior

    Aug 22, 2020
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    #31 JM280z, Oct 14, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2023
    1st: a couple people in this thread say we don’t want to get close to a car on fire for a variety of reasons. Then some insecure jerk had to jump on and say we need to go back to school because exploding gas tanks are only in Hollywood. None of us mentioned exploding tanks until him.

    2nd: I said exploding gas tanks do occur, albeit rarely. As he said, and as you’re implying (“not really realistic”), gas tanks only explode in Hollywood is absolutely false. Refer to #1, this was an argument he made up as no one else mentioned gas tanks until him, but with that said, it’s absolutely false and a dangerous narrative to imply gas tanks only explode in Hollywood or (“not realistic”) and also a dangerous precedent to imply those are the only concerns with a car on fire by using this argument to imply getting close to a car on fire is safe because tanks don’t/rarely explode.

    There are a near unlimited videos online of car gas tanks exploding during fires, including entire semi truck trailer tanks. Albeit, rarely, but it is a potential threat during a car fire, one of many and frankly a lesser concern, but it is a real one.

    1) no one mentioned exploding tanks but him, and no one is arguing it’s a rare occurrence
    2) it’s false to say a gas tank exploding is in Hollywood only or “not realistic.” Proper phraseology would be, “rare” or “not my first concern near a burning car”

    There are plenty of videos of people throwing a match onto something soaked with gasoline and it explodes causing severe burns. Depending on what cause a car to catch on flames, it could make it more or less likely for a tank to explode. Easy Example, a roll over accident with fuel soaked interior and trunk space. A parking lot car fire with a low tank of gas so it has room to heat and vaporize before erupting.

    I’m not saying gas tanks exploding are common, I am saying it’s a possibility but rare. That is the fact. It’s factually wrong to say it’s “not realistic” or in “Hollywood only.” Calling a statistical anomaly fiction is factually wrong, and in this case when people are talking about safety when getting close to a car on fire due to many reasons, it’s a dangerous precedent to spread falsities.

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    George Vosburgh likes this.
  7. DZ-96

    DZ-96 Formula 3
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    Mar 7, 2010
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    For an explosion, the mixture (gas-oxygen) have to be in a disposed proportion AND the mixture has to be in a closed tank under pressure.
    Under and over this proportion it never explodes

    Outside the proportion for a burning mixture, it do not burn, a full tank is outside a burning mixture.

    And most important, for an explosion you need a closed tank, you need to get an explosive mixture under pressure.
    Modern gas tank are ventilated, so if you are in the mixture for an explosion, you mostly have no pressure for an explosion.

    So it's not really realistic that a car explodes when burning.


    But to be honest, knowing this, i would not get near a burning car, it could explode (with a very very small percentage)
    brogenville and RenLu like this.
  8. George Vosburgh

    George Vosburgh F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Anyone have ideas on the best fire extinguisher for 599?
  9. George Vosburgh

    George Vosburgh F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    So my car just went in for its annual service yesterday and even without taking the covers off I could see the oil seeping all over the hoses! The check valve and hoses are now ordered and the problem will be resolved in a few weeks.

    I think this is something everyone should check. This could be the reason many of these cars have burned.
    Imstillonjava and JM280z like this.
  10. JM280z

    JM280z Formula Junior

    Aug 22, 2020
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    Yea… I said this earlier in the thread. More 599 owners need to know this. Maybe admins could boost this thread so more see it. This is how that corner looks for me now (I’m doing valve cover gasket right now so it’s taken apart). I’ll be cleaning the fire spray too. Luckily, I had zero damage or signs of a fire rather than the powder mess. Wasn’t really a “fire” per say; I caught it early enough.

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  11. George Vosburgh

    George Vosburgh F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    So my real question is why is this happening? Is it that the hoses can't take that much heat? Is the valve malfunctioning? I noticed this problem right after you posted your fire. I've been driving in fear since then but decided to wait until the annual service to deal with it.
  12. JM280z

    JM280z Formula Junior

    Aug 22, 2020
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    I think that valve leaks oil over time, then the oil gets onto the hoses, and ignites. In my case, the oil dripped onto the coolant hose, and caused the coolant hose to rupture.

    The replacement hose had a second layer heat shrunk onto the hose. To me, that second layer is evidencing Ferrari knows of the issue as my original hose didn’t have it.

    No reason not to heat wrap them too.

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  13. FerrariFinally

    FerrariFinally Formula Junior

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Subscribed and will do this fix asap.

    Thank you guys for this info
  14. Rifledriver

    Rifledriver Three Time F1 World Champ

    Apr 29, 2004
    Austin TX
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    Brian Crall
    #39 Rifledriver, Apr 9, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
    Looks like a very good candidate for Aeroquip Fire Sleeve. We use it all over the land speed record cars. Comes in a lot of sizes and really works to provide heat protection to hoses and cables.

    Its the silver and orange sleeving seen on this thing. The exterior is an oil resistant silicone like material and oil will just wipe off.

    Attached Files:

    George Vosburgh likes this.
  15. George Vosburgh

    George Vosburgh F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    I'm scheduled to have the valve replaced in May, waiting on parts from Italy. Meanwhile, I cleaned the entire area so for now it will be easy to monitor any leakage.

    HTRDLCN Rookie

    Mar 30, 2022
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    Bill Turgeon
    So my 599 had the exact same thing happen. The hose split in the same spot and everything after a little aggressive driving. Fortunately I pulled over right away and I did not have a fire. I tried to order the hose from Scuderia part number 251559 and they said it's no longer available with no recommendation on a replacement. I'm just wondering if you ordered the same hose, or if you car is a right hand drive and uses part number 251560, which is available?
  17. George Vosburgh

    George Vosburgh F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Ferrari oil breather check valve part number is: 265721.

    HTRDLCN Rookie

    Mar 30, 2022
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    Bill Turgeon
    Thank you for the response, I have the breather info. The part I'm looking for is hose 251559, which is for a left hand drive car. No one seems to have this hose available and claim it will not be reproduced. JM280z was able to find a hose, so that's why I was wondering if his is a right hand drive car, which requires hose 251560 and is still available.
    Hawkeye and George Vosburgh like this.
  19. George Vosburgh

    George Vosburgh F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    So, here is a picture of my oil breather valve after getting all cleaned up. the hose was so loose you could turn it with your hand. My opinion is that the valve is too big for the hose which then pushes the oil out because the size of the hose can't handle the flow.
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    My car has never been driven super hard by me or the first owner and yet there was oil everywhere. With enough heat this could have easily become a fire.
    Here's the new valve and new hoses.
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    As recommended, we wrapped the valve and hoses.
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    I'm not convinced this problem isn't going to return, I was hoping the new valve would be more stout than the original but it doesn't appear to be. I feel the bore through the valve needs to be changed to allow the oil flow that the hoses can handle, but for now it's cleaned up.
    I also think all 599 owners should monitor this area.
  20. KB599GTB

    KB599GTB Rookie

    Feb 2, 2020
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    Benjamin Karl Bussey
    My 599 GTB is a 2010 model with about 13000 miles, of which 10,500 miles have been from my ownership. I have driven the car hard a few times on tracks, (COTA and Indy ) with no problems. Decided to check this blow by valve and connecting hoses today after reading these posts. My valve is gray and connections into both sides of tubing is loose - can turn easily with hand. The connecting tubing has some oil soaked into it but I see no evidence of oil drips. I saw a note when I was looking at these parts that Ferrari recommends replacement every 2 years or 24,000 miles. I know mine has never been replaced as I have all maintenance records - think I will get it replaced next time I have it in for service.

    But I am thinking I will wrap it in the meantime and keep an eye on it. What are you using to wrap the valve and attached tubing?

    Thanks to those that posted about this.
    George Vosburgh likes this.

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