Indycar, it's MAY! | Page 6 | FerrariChat

Indycar, it's MAY!

Discussion in 'Other Racing' started by steved033, Apr 28, 2024.

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  1. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    why? he's the show this year.
  2. steved033

    steved033 F1 Veteran
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    Steve D.
    it was more of a weather machine joke...

    I just hope they get the show in....

    GuyIncognito likes this.
  3. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    TK ruled out because he didn't do a refresher course, which is ridiculous IMO

    so I guess Siegel is the guy if Larson can't run Indy

  4. Devilsolsi

    Devilsolsi F1 Veteran
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    I don't think TK has been in the car since last year. Neither of them is going to win or do much. I like Nolan Siegel so I am good with him getting the ride.
  5. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    did TK forget how to drive in the last year? it’s the same chassis for the last dozen years!
  6. 375+

    375+ F1 World Champ
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    Dec 28, 2005
    I would guess that he needs to knock off a bit of rust? Poor preparation by the team IMO, they should have had TK prepped and tested to stand in.
  7. pilotoCS

    pilotoCS F1 World Champ
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    I was hoping for the weather forecast to change as we got closer to the weekend. But no. Every day they keep raising the estimate of rain and massive thunderstorms.
    GuyIncognito and 375+ like this.
  8. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
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    Feb 27, 2004
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    Jim Pernikoff
    I don't think it will be an issue. The weather forecast for Sunday is still terrible and I think the organizers will postpone the race even before the gates to the track would open in the morning. Monday is now iffy and the race may have to wait until Tuesday. Larson will be able to take a leisurely flight to Charlotte.
    Devilsolsi likes this.
  9. Devilsolsi

    Devilsolsi F1 Veteran
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    Mar 1, 2007
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    Do you know when they have to make the decision by?
  10. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
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    Feb 27, 2004
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    Jim Pernikoff
    The Indy TV channels indicate the decision will not be made until early Sunday morning, which IMO is too late if the forecast holds. I've been watching the Weather Channel's coverage of the severe weather that's been plaguing the center of the country for over a week, and I'd be pleasantly surprised it they're wrong with this one. The chance of rain Sunday is nil until 11 AM but goes up sharply, to 60% at noon and to 85% by 2 PM. If recent days are any indication, it will be heavy rain, possibly leading to flash flooding, accompanied by substantial lightning, small to medium hail, straight-line winds of up to 70 mph, and a slight possibility of tornadoes. Do you want 300,000 people being subjected to that? It could be life-threatening. I think they should decide by no later than 6 PM on Saturday, but that's just my opinion.
  11. Devilsolsi

    Devilsolsi F1 Veteran
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    Mar 1, 2007
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    Sorry I meant the team's decision on who drives. How close to race time can they decide? Can they change their mind based on if the race gets postponned or not?

    The weather one is tough since they can't run at all in the rain. If somehow the storms miss them but they already moved everything I think that would be a bigger problem. Remember it isn't just the fans in the stands but also the tv audience.
  12. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    steved033 likes this.
  13. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
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    Feb 27, 2004
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    Jim Pernikoff
    Speedway President Doug Boles was interviewed on the Weather Channel a few hours ago. He says that if there is a chance of severe weather they have to consider clearing the property two hours ahead of time, since there are really few places on the property where 300,000 people can wait out a storm delay. If a storm front passes but another is expected later (which may be the case on Snnday) he says that they need a minimum of 3:45 to dry the track and run 1/2 of the race, which would make it official. If it appears that they won't have that much time, they would have to postpone the remainder to the next day. He also says that they can start or resume the race as late as 5 PM, since sundown is just after 9 PM this time of year.

    As of right now there is no chance of rain thru 10 AM, so they will probably open the gates and let the spectators in after 6 AM. The chance of rain goes up to 40% at 11 AM and 75% at 12 PM, and then stays above 60% the rest of the day. So we'll see what happens. And that may dictate when Kyle Larson leaves for Carolina.
  14. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    hopefully they can at least get the start in Sunday and finish on Monday.

    I was there in 1997, only saw about ten laps on Monday, rest was on Tuesday and had to go home. first year of the crap wagons, Arie won, forgettable race :p
    375+ likes this.
  15. 375+

    375+ F1 World Champ
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    Dec 28, 2005
    I was there too and did the same thing--and gave up the best seats I ever had. Turn One 20 rows back.
    pilotoCS and GuyIncognito like this.
  16. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    ha, we were in the south chute. small world
    375+ likes this.
  17. 375+

    375+ F1 World Champ
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    Dec 28, 2005
    Well the place can accommodate 300,000 people? At that time perhaps 150,000+ in attendance. Those in the Snake Pit(many of whom were humanoid) were completely oblivious.
    GuyIncognito likes this.
  18. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    between the split and the rain delays I doubt 150k actually saw the majority of the race
  19. 375+

    375+ F1 World Champ
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    Dec 28, 2005
    It was the nadir of the 500--or near it.
    GuyIncognito likes this.
  20. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    Eddie Cheever in the random potato chip sponsor car has to be the bottom of that pit
  21. 375+

    375+ F1 World Champ
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    Dec 28, 2005
    What year did AJ grab the trophy and refuse to return it?
  22. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    are you talking about Texas in 1997?

    pilotoCS likes this.
  23. 375+

    375+ F1 World Champ
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    Dec 28, 2005
    Not quite sure. Didn't AJ grab the Indy trophy from the rightful winner and refuse to give it up--Cheever or Luyendyk?
  24. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    I don’t recall that
  25. GuyIncognito

    GuyIncognito Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 30, 2007
    forecast for Sunday seems to be improving, same time frame (early afternoon onwards) but lower odds-currently at 45%.

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