How to books | FerrariChat

How to books

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by spike308, Nov 15, 2003.

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  1. spike308

    spike308 F1 Rookie
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 8, 2003
    Austin TX!
    Full Name:
    Mike Z
    Are there any decent books/CD ROMs out there that teach basic stuff on maintenance for Ferrari's (specifically Vs)??
  2. carguy

    carguy F1 Rookie

    Oct 30, 2002
    Alabama (was Mich.)
    Full Name:
    It sure would be nice if there were. There are some books out there that hit the high spots as far as working on these cars, but in my opinion the only source of written information for working on Ferraris are websites like this one, in the technical sections. Again IMO the need for knowledge to work on these cars wasn't even in demand until recently when values dropped and true enthusiasts started buying fcars. Prior to this time only the well-to-do could have the cars generally, and it was no big deal for them to have them worked on by mechanics. No need for them to get dirt under their fingernails when you can hire someone else to do it. One thing for sure get a great deal of pride and satisfaction from working on these cars.
  3. yelcab

    yelcab F1 World Champ

    Nov 29, 2001
    San Carlos, CA
    Full Name:
    Mitchell Le
    Learn on the job is part of the Ferrari mystique
  4. pete04222

    pete04222 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    Maine, USA
    Full Name:
    Peter Cyr
    The best source of Ferrari "How to" is right here. This site has been a huge resource for me.
  5. rexrcr

    rexrcr Formula 3

    Nov 27, 2002
    Kalamazoo, MI
    Full Name:
    Rob Schermerhorn
    Dear Spike,

    Here's a link to an article I wrote regarding this subject: Technical Reference Books I Keep By.

    As it states, one of the best sources (other than FerrariChat) is the factory Work Shop Manual (WSM).

    Also, for basic information, a Ferrari is a mechanical system like most other automobiles, so any basic maintenance primer will get a total novice started.

    Find the seach engine for Ferrari Chat. While we're in transition to the new software, you can search the old site from a link on the new site's main page. Look under "Temporary Forums" for the Archives link. Then the seach function is at the bottom of the page that comes up. Here's a link directly to it: Search Old Archives

    Start reading.

    If you're looking for specific information, and can't find a thread in the archives, please start a new thread, with a descriptive heading, here in Technical.

    Best regards,

    Rob Schermerhorn
  6. Ferrari_UK

    Ferrari_UK Formula 3

    Dec 6, 2002
    Full Name:
    Jeff Howe
  7. CraigFL

    CraigFL Formula Junior

    Jan 17, 2001
    Panama City, FL
    Full Name:
    Someone have a "Ferraris for Dummies" in the making????

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