348 cambelt mass | FerrariChat

348 cambelt mass

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by ShanB, Mar 25, 2004.

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  1. ShanB

    ShanB Formula Junior

    Jul 9, 2003
    Full Name:
    I'm calibrating my sonic tension meter to check my newly-installed belts. Does anybody know the mass measurements (g/m) for 348 belts? Thanks in advance.

  2. Lawrence Coppari

    Lawrence Coppari Formula 3

    Apr 29, 2002
    Kingsport, TN
    Full Name:
    Lawrence A. Coppari
    Just weigh the belt and divide by its length.
  3. ShanB

    ShanB Formula Junior

    Jul 9, 2003
    Full Name:

    Thanks - I thought someone had done this before and might share the numbers.
  4. ShanB

    ShanB Formula Junior

    Jul 9, 2003
    Full Name:
    Okay - I measured it to be 145.4 g/m
  5. ernie

    ernie Two Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 19, 2001
    The Brickyard
    Full Name:
    The Bad Guy
    Shan your out of control, LOL!!!!!! Just let the spring do all the work. I plucked mine to see what the harmonics were, and it was D flat. Hahahahahaaaaa.
  6. davehelms

    davehelms F1 Rookie

    Jan 3, 2004
    Full Name:
    Dave Helms
    I keep a record of the settings of every cam belt change I do, both on dissassembly and on final settings with the new belts. I will look through my records today and pm you the average setting readings.
    Upon re-reading you question, mine records are all in Hz. (frequency readings) so these would do you no good.

    Dave Helms
    Scuderia Rampante
  7. ShanB

    ShanB Formula Junior

    Jul 9, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dave - If you could send me your frequency readings that would actually be extremely helpful. I'm using a Gates 505C frequency meter.

    Ernie - yup, I know...I'm out of control... but I want to make sure. You're exactly right about the spring setting the tension automatically. I want to measure the tension on the set cambelt knowing what it "should" be and see if my measurements match the accepted tension value. I'm trying to make sure my measurement technique is correct so I know the alternator and A/C belts are done correctly too as they are not automatically set.

  8. Peppi

    Peppi Karting

    Mar 15, 2004
    UK Wales Cardiff
    Hi , too all I am new on Ferrari chat , it seems to be a very good place for online information its great on here , I have looked threw loads of threads you guys are brilliant must say , there must be loads of happy people on here because of that so we all can save a fortune, Anyway shane I have some readings for you I have looked them up in the workshop manual for you ,the readings are for a cambelt on 348 it says

    The tension of a new belt should be 140 -160 (addition of the values read on both lines of the STAEGER tensiometer)

    During maintenance checks , the tensions should not be less than 110% .For obtaining correct readings ,ensure that the ingine is positioned with cylinder no 1 in combustion TDC position by turning in the right rotation direction, without going backwards.

    Hope that is what you need Shan ,good luck and keep up the good work ,also thankyou for giving me Dennis McCann email address for the water pump due to me doing the same work on my 1993 mondial cab thanks. ciao for now.
  9. ShanB

    ShanB Formula Junior

    Jul 9, 2003
    Full Name:
    Peppi - thanks very much for posting the belt tension values. What I was actually looking for was the belt material density number to plug into my tensiometer (sonic frequency meter as opposed to Staeger deflection gauge) to verify the tension and my measuring technique.

    I wish you success with your Mondial Cab. Take your time and have fun with it. Best wishes,

  10. ShanB

    ShanB Formula Junior

    Jul 9, 2003
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    I thought I'd post this for my comrades (current and future) who choose to use the sonic method:

    The correct mass number for the cam belt (using Gates 505C tables) should be around 4.5g/m, not 145 as I previously stated. I think what the number refers to is just the density of the belt backing without the teeth, so it is probably not as simple as weighing the entire belt and dividing by its length. I plugged this number into the meter and measured the new belt tension and got 158 Nm - exactly within specs. Now I know how to measure my accessory belts with confidence as they are not automatically set as the cambelt is.
  11. ernie

    ernie Two Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 19, 2001
    The Brickyard
    Full Name:
    The Bad Guy
    You are too funny Shan. But excellent info none the less.
  12. Lawrence Coppari

    Lawrence Coppari Formula 3

    Apr 29, 2002
    Kingsport, TN
    Full Name:
    Lawrence A. Coppari
    On something that critical, I would tend to rely on myself rather than someone else's memory.
  13. ShanB

    ShanB Formula Junior

    Jul 9, 2003
    Full Name:
    Thanks Lawrence - I'll keep that in mind although there's nothing wrong with finding out what has already been done.

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