FOC Midwest Karting Event - Results & Pics | FerrariChat

FOC Midwest Karting Event - Results & Pics

Discussion in 'Chicago' started by Dave Bendl, Mar 27, 2004.

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  1. Dave Bendl

    Dave Bendl Formula Junior

    Dec 7, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dave Bendl
    #1 Dave Bendl, Mar 27, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    March 27th 2004

    An excellent kickoff event for FOC Midwest.
    Chicago Indoor Racing provided excellent accomodations for this event including class room instruction, jump suits, & helmets. They really take karting seriously.
    Below are some photo highlights of the event. Very impressive 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place trophys were awarded. A full photo gallery and video short will be posted to shortly.

    Special Thanks to:
    Andreas Forrer - Event Setup
    Frank Wiedmann - Trophys & Video Photography
    Skip Williamson - Still Photography & Video Shorts

    This was a very fun event. Pleasantly different.
    I came in 4th...thats ok, I haven't been on a kart in 35 years. Not bad for a middle aged kid.

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  2. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Yes,It certainly was a really great event. I think that I may have had as much fun...or more...observing than driving. As,I could see an overview of the whole Race.and the antics...ER....Goings on, the whole time...:)
  3. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    Thanks again to all of you who contributed to a fun day. I don't know about you guys, but I'm definitely feeling it in my back this morning! It was great to see many of you again, as well as meeting some for the first time finally. Look forward to the next event.

    By the way, Dave. Where are those beach pictures?
  4. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    I feel it mostly in my hips, those tiny seats were a bit of a squeeze for a "big boned" guy.

    Thanks everybody for participating, this was a terrific event. I don't really deserve any credit as the place runs the whole show by itself.

    Having had some Skill Barber training and tried out some race cars this was personally very interesting to me as I actually raced against a field of competitors instead of the clock for the first time. I realized I lacked so much about the skill of passing. This was truly an eye opener as I think it was for some of you who sat in a "race car" for the first time. It is a very different experience, no matter that we have a red beauty in our garage.
  5. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    BTW: A comment in regards to the results, without trying to brag too much:

    I don't think it is too much of a coincidence, that Jack won and I did well in 2nd. We both went through some training in race car driving (I did Skip Barber in Road America). Personally I don't think I have much of a talent, so all I perform behind a wheel is really more because I learned a few things in these classes. I really think they do make you a better driver/racer.

    I also realized that there was no way I could have beaten Jack, he was so much quicker and also better in passing, which is something he probably picked up while racing Formula Mazda single seaters. So realizing that, I was behind Jack in the final race and didn't even try to pass him, but tried to learn from his line and style. And I think I picked a few good points up.

    What I'm trying to say is, that if some of you were frustrated or disappointed at their own results, don't worry, it is in all likelihood not that you lack talent, you just need to go to "school" and get some practice. A three day Skip Barber intro will positively change your skills for the better, in the kart and in the Ferrari.
  6. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    The racing schools are great for learning the technical aspects of driving race cars. But more important are the lessons taught by live competition and from those fellow drivers and coaches with years of racing experience to pass on. You learn how to "learn" tracks, build speed, size up competition, look for passing spots, racing off-line, how to race in conditions that are other than ideal (weather, mechanical problems), constantly changing handling, track awareness, self-control, race maintenance... and the list goes on. What really amazed me during my time in FMazdas was how many excellent racing drivers there are at the amateur level.

    That being said, every day is different and if we were to go back today, someone else could very well win. In the second session, Rich owned me and we had a great battle going on.

    We should really find an outdoor track this summer. The racing is faster and more wide open. A whole different experience.
  7. bill365

    bill365 F1 Rookie

    Nov 3, 2003
    Chicago area
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    It was good seeing everybody, I also would like to say that despite my finishing positions (bad), I did have a good time. I can also echo Jack's statement regarding pain, mine however is in my legs (a wee bit cramped for my size). It would be nice if they geared the carts a bit lower, I would think that it would suit the layout a little better and provide a little more pep coming out of turns. I know that my carts never reached terminal velocity, but that could also be a function of my weight (8->}. An outdoor facility with a longer course would be a gas. Thanks to all who helped to arrange the day!
  8. Dave Bendl

    Dave Bendl Formula Junior

    Dec 7, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dave Bendl
    Your refering to the 12 Hrs of Sebring pics? I gave Andreas a CD of all the pics to load to but I need to give him a writeup this week.
    There were many spring breakers at the race. The place was wild at night turning into a Mardi Gras style party. I attempted to take night pics but they didn't turn out being to dark.
    I will be posting some highlight photos of the race on a dedicated F-Chat Chicago thread soon.
  9. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    Uh. Actually, I was thinking more about the topless beach.
  10. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Ummm,Dave,have you reviewed the whole Karting Video,yet? Sorry if I made it too long. Hope you enjoyed my "Colorful Commentary".....:)
  11. DN35

    DN35 Formula Junior

    Nov 22, 2003
    Full Name:
    D. Norton
    Yeah that was a great idea and event. For me, it's sore shoulders. Everybody did really well. Even though I came in the back of the pack, I did do better than most of the other drivers in other groups, so us Ferrari guys are way good! That was a snug seat though!

    Hey who had the red 550 in the lot? I'm asking for a ride at the next event. :).
  12. Dr.T348

    Dr.T348 Formula 3

    Jan 8, 2004
    Chicago NW Burbs
    Full Name:
    Richard T.
    Great time! Sorry i've had no formal training in any race vehicle. Alot of fun. Need work on overtaking though.

    Dave, nice pics.
  13. Dr.T348

    Dr.T348 Formula 3

    Jan 8, 2004
    Chicago NW Burbs
    Full Name:
    Richard T.
    My wrists are really sore!
  14. Dave Bendl

    Dave Bendl Formula Junior

    Dec 7, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dave Bendl
    Tod & I reviewed it at the snack bar. There's some real interesting footage that you took at the hair pin "U" turn just in front of the pit area.

    If you had a kart just in front of you and you took the inside of the curve and the other took the outside, and you braked soon enough, the guy on the inside can overtake using this stategy. I did this once during the race.

    You did a fine job with the video coverage. We can use it for a future DVD.

  15. Dave Bendl

    Dave Bendl Formula Junior

    Dec 7, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dave Bendl
    That was during a Carribean cruise. Taking a camera on a topless beach can be very hazardous to your health !
  16. Dave Bendl

    Dave Bendl Formula Junior

    Dec 7, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dave Bendl
    You did real well for not having any formal training.
    Thanks for the pic compliment, but Skip took most of them.
  17. Darolls

    Darolls F1 Veteran

    Jul 2, 2003
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    It wasn't a 550, it was David's (Rocketboy) 575.
  18. Darolls

    Darolls F1 Veteran

    Jul 2, 2003
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    And I have some of the pics.!

    Would anyone like to start bidding for copies? ;)
  19. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    ...or so the theory goes. I tried exactly that on you Dave and you closed the door on me with the result, that I ended up in the wall and got a friendly warning from the kids.

    On another occasion I tried it again with the result that the leading car got punted into the wall. No penalty for me. So I guess it is a flip of a coin whether it works or not.
  20. RocketBoy

    RocketBoy Formula 3

    Feb 13, 2004
    Full Name:
    Professor Hajji
    Though I wasn't able to participate, I really enjoyed talking to and meeting everyone. I think the walking wounded crowd I was with was extremely welcoming and had the most interesting stories. Frank is just a real good guy and Skip should be in radio: his voice and insight almost captivating. Watching the racing boys was a lot of fun and its good to see Andreas, (who it seems puts a lot of effort in for all of us,) get rewarded with a solid second place. However, now that the sidelined Fchatters know who to watch out for and what to do, hopefully if there is an outdoor event come summertime we can figure in the standings as well...

    Looking forward to seeing everyone again.


    PS: The kids looking at the cars outside seemed to be alright, more surprised to see the lot than rude. The race manager of the event was quite happy to sit behind the wheel and feel the F1 paddles on the M more so than setting any lap records at the kart track.
  21. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    Hey,it was really a pleasure to meet you,David. Sorry that I really couldn't talk as much as I'd have liked to. Busy filming and all,plus,with the Music in there kind of loud,it got a tad difficult to speak.

    Yes,I really wanted to go out and scope out the 575. From the stairs,she was gorgeous! And,I periodically looked out the front windows from upstairs,doing "Car Checks".

    So,I am hoping that you'll join us again,and bring that Beautiful Car. It's nice to have a little variation from just our 308/328's. As much as I love them,don't get me wrong. But,it's always nice to have Bill's 365. And,Chelle and Kim's 250 GTO's. And,a Red 575 is certainly Welcome!!! :)
  22. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    The place sent me an email: They were so thrilled with our cars, the manager went onto the roof of the place to shoot the parking lot!

    Unfortunately he accidentally deleted the pics afterwards. Oh well, we have to go back there some day...
  23. bill365

    bill365 F1 Rookie

    Nov 3, 2003
    Chicago area
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    I would like to see, if we can get the guy who gave us the pre-race session, to arrange a long course session for us (reducing the amount of slow speed sections). I think that would be cool. Opinions?
  24. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Basically combining the two tracks as they did yesterday for the enduro? I like that idea. Have to ask them.
  25. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    I asked about that a while ago, and the woman said that to do so, you have to rent out the track, plus pay for an extra 1/2 hour on each end for set-up and tear-down. HOWEVER, me thinks there's a way around this. Next time there's an enduro scheduled, we should see if we can book a session immediately following. Although, looking back, the enduro would be a pretty good deal. They're 90 minutes long and $300/team, and after Saturday, I think you could put a few drivers on a team. I'm not sure 3 drivers would cut it any more. That's got to get pretty tiring I would imagine.

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