Doody's s55 | FerrariChat

Doody's s55

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Juice It, Nov 1, 2003.

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  1. Juice It

    Juice It F1 Rookie

    Sep 22, 2002
    Maryland (DC Suburb)
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    What are your impressions of that beast? That was what I was deciding on when I opted for the Arnage. I loved the car, just didn't want the serious drop in cash I have taken in a few new Benzes. Bought the Arnage used with 6k miles and the previous owner took a 65k hit. "Ouch" Did you sell the Spider?
  2. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    Jeff: did you buy a black/black one with machined aluminium? I vaguely recall. How are you liking it so far? How many miles, etc.? While it's a ways off (too far low on the priority list...F40 is next for me), I am interested in the cars very much and think the idea of buying a used Arnage is probably best, as you'll get it at 1/2 of msrp.

  3. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
    Full Name:
    Mr. Doody
    jeff - no complaints thus far. still in the break-in period, so i'm not going insane yet.

    back when i was sedan shopping a few months back, i drove most of the luxo sedans, and only the benz was everything a luxury sedan should be, IMO. audi was trying, but wasn't quite there yet. i'm putting snow tires on the S55 and intend to drive it through the winter. i've heard good reports from folks who've done so with good tires and hopefully it'll work out. that's the only iffy proposition in this case, but i've got my fingers crossed.

    yes, the 355 has been sold. wasn't driving it. got a good offer. let it go.

    so how do you like the bentley? i'm a huge arnage fan. have you posted pics before?

    damcgee likes this.
  4. Juice It

    Juice It F1 Rookie

    Sep 22, 2002
    Maryland (DC Suburb)
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    Yeah I got the Black/Black. Wanted the light cream interior with black piping but couldn't find at the time. I love the car. Very quick for its size and very solid. So far I have only put about 1k miles on it but no issues whatsoever. I am sure I will still take a hit, but no more than the other cars I was considering. I like it so much that I put a deposit down on the Continental Convert that will be coming in a little less than 2 years. Doody, since you actually sold your 355 spider, what is the real range they are selling for? I might be puting mine on the block as well. 96 mint red/tan 8k miles. What should I expect?
  5. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    Jeff: any pictures are most appreciated.

  6. Juice It

    Juice It F1 Rookie

    Sep 22, 2002
    Maryland (DC Suburb)
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    I took some recently,will try to post tomorrow.
  7. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    If not, you can just email me. I realize it's a PITA (pain in the ass) to post here now.

  8. vraa

    vraa F1 Rookie
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    Oct 31, 2003
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    Mr. A
    #8 vraa, Nov 3, 2003
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  9. West777

    West777 Formula Junior

    Aug 28, 2003
    :eek: very nice! is that AMG?
  10. vraa

    vraa F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Mr. A
    I wish, we bought the car on a black, sadly for the same price we could've gotten a fully loaded 55 :( Oh well, still love the car!
  11. West777

    West777 Formula Junior

    Aug 28, 2003
    Ya, Don't Sweat it! The car looks great.
  12. vraa

    vraa F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Mr. A
    That's what happens when your 15 and you have all the time in the world, some wax, and a black car.
  13. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    Vraapper: on the norcal section, it just took me almsot 15 minutes to post 12 pictures...

  14. vraa

    vraa F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:
    Mr. A
    I've posted around four times that in the few thirty seconds of my E55 and W215/220 65 AMG spree...

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