29 VALENTINE ONE - "Success Stories" | FerrariChat

29 VALENTINE ONE - "Success Stories"

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by Ferrari, Dec 12, 2003.

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  1. Ferrari

    Ferrari Karting

    Nov 2, 2003
    Found these on the V-1 site. Couple of good ones in there . . .


    1. October 2003: Serves ‘em right

    My ex-girlfriend cheated on me and so I broke it off. The other day I'm driving down the freeway in San Antonio and I see her car with her new boyfriend. So of course I pass them.

    I see her in the rear view telling her boyfriend to speed up, which he does. He zooms past me at a very high speed. We are nearing a hill and all of a sudden, my V1 goes off. It’s Ka band and the signal is very strong. I hit the brakes and let them open up a space ahead. Over the crest is a cruiser. BAM! He nails their car and pulls them over. I wave at them as I pass by. Priceless

    T. Pham
    San Antonio, TX

    2. September 2003: Taxman in the trees

    "Good morning," I respond, accepting the NY Thruway ticket. Miles go by, full daylight comes, radars are encountered, the normal stuff. I'm rapidly closing on a car in the distance. Seconds later he drops out of sight, then I'm there, entering a gentle decent of 300-400 yards culminating in a wide, sweeping curve to the right. V1's laser alarm triggers for an instant, then stops. I STAND ON THE BRAKES!

    Busted, me thinks. But I see nothing; just the car I've been overtaking, now 200 feet ahead.

    Seconds later I get a full blast, V1 maxed out for 3-4 seconds. Still, I see nothing. Wait...what's that slight movement inside the trees in the median? Sunova #@%! It's a Trooper in camo lying prone behind a medium-sized tree, using it to steady his handheld LIDAR unit. He eyes me suspiciously as I go by. And then, there's the rest of 'em, five chase cars waiting at the end of the trees. One pulls out to get the guy I was about to blow by. The V1 must have picked up a small reflection from the kill shot.

    In my rear view mirror I notice the sniper is now standing...hmmm. Yep, you guessed it, several seconds later he gives me one in the back at 1500 feet. Bye-Bye taxman!

    All the best, Mike, and thanks.

    Bill Barry
    Berlin, MA

    3. August 2003: Two Someones Watching Over Me

    I was on my way to church in my M roadster to prepare music for the three services; I'm the music director.

    My V1 started beeping on K band, indicating radar ahead. I slowed, and within a half a mile I noticed a State Trooper had already pulled over a poor soul (Sorry for the pun). With V1's volume lowered, I continued on. It kept beeping on K band, now with one arrow indicating behind and another pointing ahead.

    Yes, there was another Trooper just waiting to get someone. Me!

    With any other detector, I would have ignored the alarm, thinking that it was still beeping for the one I had just passed. I do love my V1. I had a Passport 8500 and a couple of others over the years, and looking back I should have gotten this one from the beginning.

    When I travel, I know that God is watching after me. And, yes, so is Mike.

    John Kunu
    Address withheld

    4. July 2003: V1 on top down under

    The scene was New Zealand, the North Island: it was late, and I was driving at a determined pace towards the mountains for a weekend of snowboarding. New Zealand Police have become extremely ruthless at enforcing our low speed limits.

    With no other cars on the road, I was the vulnerable one. After swinging down a long hill, I turned a corner—directly into instant-on K band. V1 went to full alert. I hit the brakes almost instantly, slowing from around 50 percent over the limit to just under. The cruiser was nearly hidden. Its park lights were masked by small trees. Nasty.

    His lights came on, and I was pulled over shortly afterwards. The man was furious. He demanded to know what sort of radar detector I had, and tried to bluff me into a ticket. I asked him what speed had he clocked me. He had to admit that he could not actually lock on to my speed as I had slowed down too fast. So he had no evidence apart from numbers doing a flashing roll over his display.

    The V1 had done its job in a tricky situation.

    From then on, all enforcers in the area were on high alert, with V1 picking up three more radar traps within the next 10 kms.

    Simon Longdill
    Auckland, NEW ZEALAND

    5. June 2003: Protection you can't get from Geico

    This V1 thing must have been created by the almighty. It literally saved my life.

    In Maitland, Fl, a suburb just north of Orlando, I was set to cross Highway 414—Maitland boulevard to the locals—and get onto Interstate 4. I was the first car in line at the left turn arrow.

    Maybe three seconds before the arrow turned green, I got a weak Ka from the side. Knowing there are very few Ka false alarms, I glance to my right and see nothing. The light turns green and I begin to pull away. As I do, I look left hoping to see where the Ka alert is coming from. Instantly, V1 goes full on Ka, and I instinctively hit the brake. Out of nowhere, a fleeing car blows through the intersection, hotly pursued by a FHP trooper. They missed me by about six feet.

    After the subsequent expletives cursing (and soiling of garments, which brought on more expletives), I looked at V1 in a new way. Had I been using another detector, I would have been toast crumbs.

    Michael Hilal
    Altamonte Springs, FL

    6. May 2003: Fire One! Fire Two!

    It was Sunday night. I had been visiting my uncle. We’d just found out he was terminal with cancer: needless to say, watching my speed wasn't at the front of my mind. Knowing how tough laser is to detect, I have an anti-laser cover on my front plate.

    I was on Long Island, heading up the Seaford-Oyster Bay Expressway (notorious for its speed traps), probably doing, well, why cop a plea here? I was a good 200 yards behind the car in front—usually I don't leave myself out in the open like that—when V-1 went off with its siren-like laser alert. Instinctively, I slammed on the brakes, dropped to 55, and scanned for the source. Lo, there he was on a hill, hiding behind nothing but the cover of night. Again, V1 gave its laser alert.

    A few seconds passed, followed by a strong Ka radar warning. Ol’ Smoky must have had a hard time acquiring my speed with laser, and had to resort to radar. Too bad for him that V-1 spotted him well before he could do the switch-a-roo.

    Rich Carter
    Huntington, NY

    7. April 2003: Resisting the moron instincts

    Last night, after my brand new V1 arrived, I went out driving with a friend. We were slowly headed down a main road here in town when all of a sudden "brap-brap." Ka!

    Right then we came to a red light, and I rolled to a stop next to some moron in his shiny red Camaro with silver racing stripes. He's revving his motor like he wants to race, so when the light turns green, I stab it and let him feel my exhaust.

    Naturally this is where his moron instincts tell him to floor it and smoke me. So he does it. As soon as I hear his roar, I completely let off and softly hit the brakes. And what does he do? He BLAZES by a radar trap at 65-75 mph in a 35 zone!

    The cop pulls out behind me with only his parking lights, flies straight past, hits the Camaro with his lights, and nails him.

    If it wasn't for my V1, I might have been the moron flying past the radar trap! At the moment when that sucker got busted, my V1 earned lifetime employment.

    Justin Seclipse
    (city withheld), CA

    8. March 2003: Haircuts on Interstate 71

    I often make the drive from Akron to Columbus, Ohio. This is where the State Troopers earn their paychecks and take yours! Being from New York, I find the wide-open roads of Ohio an invitation to push the speed just a hair. Ok, make it a wig!

    Driving north on I71 at 5:20 pm, moderate traffic moving at a nice rate. I'm thinking home by 6:30. My cruise control set, V1 on watch and Metallica on the radio—Ah, life is good.

    I have the concealed display mounted low, but in daylight other drivers still snuggle up on my bumper to live off my protection. I am sharing the lead with a mid-90s Mustang GT when V1 flashes the first warning—Officer Friendly working against my early arrival. I tap the brakes, as do the rest of the pack. After 15 seconds with no second warning, I go back to my set speed.

    Instantly, another alert. Tap the brakes again. Wait…nothing. The pack thinks I've lost my motivation and pass me like I'm standing still.

    Then it happens… full alert! This was an AMBUSH. Trooper 1 was off the road using radar; Trooper 2 was outside his car aiming his dreaded laser. If V1 had not picked up the first two radar shots, I would have never been able to avoid the laser—I had been leader of the pack.

    Two of my former bumper snugglers got stopped for their haircuts. I got a safe arrival home at 6:35. I've done the math on V1, and I am a firm believer.

    Gerry Murphy
    Copley, OH

    9. February 2003: 8500 crushed in battle with V1

    I ran into a friend who had just bought a Passport 8500. He said it was better than my V1. He said he trusted radartest.com testing more than Car and Driver . So I bet him that my V1 could beat the pants off his Passport 8500, and the winner got to run over the loser's radar detector. He took my bet.

    We put the two detectors in his car and ran them toward three radars. The first was on X band and the V1 beat his Passport by more than a mile. His mouth dropped.

    Then we went against K band. My 1997 V1 beat his Passport 8500 by more than two miles.

    Then the last test —Ka band over the hill. And my V1 beat him again, more than a mile. So my friend got to watch me run over his nice $299 Passport 8500 that he had just bought two weeks before.

    I'm sure Passport got back their crushed 8500 with a nice letter telling them what a piece of s**t it was, and how a 1997 V1 ate it for lunch. I'm sure my friend will be calling you to order from you, too. V1 is still the king.

    Joel Rich
    Cedar Rapids, IA

    10. January 2003: Squirrel-Hunting Troopers

    Northbound on I-65, just south of Louisville, approaching the Shepherdsville exit: I was in the left lane, easing on up the road. About a quarter mile from the overpass, V1 sounded a blast, laser! I studied the road ahead, the shoulder, the median, and even the overpass silhouetted by the sky. But saw nothing.

    Nevertheless, I signaled right, moved into the center lane and tapped the brakes to kill the cruise control. Several cars passed me on the left. Then I spotted him, a State Trooper out of his cruiser, crouching low, aiming his laser gun around the edge of the sign on the overpass, like a squirrel hunter hiding behind a tree.

    The laser warning on my V1 screamed this time, but I was legal. As soon as I went under the overpass, I saw the chase-down team lined up on the entry ramp-must have been eight or ten of them. At the next exit I saw the same set-up, this time with the cruisers facing southbound. What a trap!

    But V1 saw through it in time.

    John Bolzé
    Somerset, KY

    11. December 2002: Toll Bridge, Ticket Bridge, same thing.

    Southbound on the I95 in The Bronx, coming up on the Throgs Neck bridge, I was cruising with the flow, 60-62mph. No rush: finishing a long day at work was stress enough.

    V1 had started a deet-deet that was still strong as I neared the deceleration zone for the tollbooths. Bleary-eyed, I had noticed a taxi parked off to the side some distance back. I thought nothing of it. Still, V1 insisted Ka, above four dots in strength. I had backed off in a hurry.

    Turns out that the taxi wasn't a taxi at all, but a prowl car painted taxi yellow. No donuts, but lots of tickets were being served. The taxi smoky was calling out the prey on his radio, and his team of ticket servers just walked up to the chosen ones waiting to pay tolls, motioning them over to the side.

    Julius Gee
    Monterey Park, CA

    12. November 2002: He zapped my sweet spot, not his

    A certain detector-testing website downgrades V-1 because its directions say, “mount it high on the windshield.” It was precisely that high position that saved me.

    I was booking along the parkway when the laser warning went off, its strident tone sending my foot to the brake pedal even before I had consciously identified the warning as laser. I was coming over a small rise, still on the binders. A local on a motor was parked on the right shoulder, his laser gun steadied on his handlebars and aimed squarely at the center of my lane, ready to catch my license plate.

    His one mistake: he had the gun triggered even before he saw me come over the rise. And just as my car appeared to rise up out of the road (from his point of view), the laser painted my car from top down—first the roofline, then the windshield (and the V-1!), the hood, and finally the front plate.

    Which gave me those precious few feet to react, and avoid a roadside billing transaction. A dash-top unit would have cut that warning margin in half. Give me performance over aesthetics any day!

    Rush Strong
    Idyllwild, CA

    13. October 2002: Group encounters of the worst kind

    My V1 took a little getting used to, I must admit. It seemed to detect everything, including how many door openers in the local grocery store. But now I see why the Counter is so important.

    1: Coming back into Austin from Houston, I am still, after 50 miles, moving along with the same five-car pack. Suddenly, V1 goes K with 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 bogeys. Strange, but I slow to 65 just in case, and the pack leaves me behind. Then, as I round a curve, I see the first unit with his victim. A few hundred yards away, unit number two has his victim, then number three and four. These were the cars I was following.

    2: Coming through Spicewood Springs, the limit is 35, but the road is relatively straight and many fly by at 50. V1 went Ka with 3 bogeys. Hmmm...as I slow to 35 I get honked by cars passing in the inner lane. Around the next corner, I see three bike units. One is dismounted and using his radar to pick us off coming around the curve. Behind him two other riders are mounted and ready to chase. The car that honked is already stopped, with an enforcer walking up to him. As I pass, V1 shows arrows front, back, and side. Uh-oh! Around the next curve, I see another bike unit finishing off his prey.

    3: At nine this morning in my neighborhood, as I approach the fire station, V1 goes K with one bogey. That's normal. Then it changes up to three with both K and Ka lit. HUH? Just as suddenly it goes back to one K. After the incidents above, I immediately get serious. As I pass the fire station, I see two cruisers and a bike unit. I smile. Minutes later on my return, as I near the fire station, V1 reports four bogeys on K and Ka, and I see three locals enforcing to three separate drivers.

    I never gave much thought to the Bogey Counter, but three group encounters in the last week have changed my mind.

    Thomas Tang
    Austin, Texas

    September 2002: The old trailer trick.

    Yesterday afternoon my V1 arrived, and already it has proven its mettle.

    I live in a small town in Connecticut that has gone radar crazy. Thanks to a federal grant, tons of older radar equipment has been passed down to local municipalities. Our boys in blue can't get enough new toys.

    Among other innovations, they have a trailer they park in random locations by the road. The thing is armed with radar and posts your speed as you approach it. More than ten miles over the limit and it flashes red. It turns out this thing is more than a friendly reminder to watch the posted limits, however.

    At 5:30 this morning, I was the only car on the road, a straight stretch of fresh asphalt posted at 25 MPH in deference to the Middle School, which was coming up on my right. At that hour, the school is still dark and it's tempting to maintain speed.

    The school was still about half a mile ahead when V1 began beeping. I could see the trailer, another tenth of a mile down the road, showing me at 30 mph.

    Once I saw the trailer, I began to accelerate again, ignoring the now full-strength signal from the V1. That's when the second alarm sounded and the bogey counter ticked up to 2. Luckily, I was still under 35. Sure enough, hidden in the trees by the side of the road about a hundred yards past the trailer, was an early-morning revenuer with a radar gun.

    There's no doubt in my mind V1 prevented an unwanted exchange of paper. No other detector would have had a chance. Thanks!

    Chris Low
    (withheld), Connecticut

    14. August 2002: The "ahead" arrow doesn't play games

    Everyday I have a 35-minute commute, most of it along 417 around Orlando. Usually there are no enforcers, but every now and again I will come across the notorious Florida Highway Patrol.

    Early one morning, I was running a few minutes behind schedule, and trying to make up for it. Another car hitched up right behind me, obviously making use of my radar detector. On and off for about 3 miles, V1 kept telling me of Ka ahead, so I continued to slow down, then speed up again as the alert faded. After about the 4th cycle of this, my trailer thought I was just trying to get him off my back, so he sped ahead. Maybe 10 seconds after he passed, V1 once again said Ka ahead, only this time it didn’t fade. It got stronger.

    I concluded that a Florida Highway Patroler must have been cruising ahead of us, and had just decided to duck behind one of the grassy knolls to quench his thirst for tickets. Unfortunately for the impatient one behind, I was not playing games. The second he passed by the hidden hunter, he was jumped from behind and nabbed.

    Fortunately for me, I have an astonishing piece of equipment as an everyday commuting partner. Talk about plug-in peace of mind.

    Frank Benevento
    Longwood, FL

    15. July 2002: Sleepy town, heavily fortified

    Here in West Virginia, the old reliable X band and K band radars are common in the small towns. I've recently been using both the Passport 8500 and my V1, to satisfy myself as to which is better.

    Every day I drop off a major highway, Rt. 50, onto a small highway, (Rt. 18. This takes me through a one-horse town with a ten-horse ticket writer for a cop. Luckily he uses X band —on all the time —so he's generally easy pickings.

    Anyway, one day I used the Passport 8500 on the way to work and, quite luckily as I find out, encountered no radar. On the way home I decided to use the V1.

    As I go to drop off Rt. 50, the V1 bogey counter goes to 3!! The front and side arrows are on. I look to the right, where there's a ball field and a parking lot. I see a County Sheriff and a State Trooper. That's two. Ahead I still see nothing, but there's a serpentine curve under a train trestle ahead. V1 has me alert for number three, and I slow down to the crazy limit of 25.

    As I approach the trestle, BINGO! here comes the hot-pencil town cop. If I had used the Passport, no doubt I would have thought the beep was from the two officers parked at the lot. Not only did V1 save me, but don't you know the townie would have loved to make a collar right in front of the Sheriff and Trooper?

    The 8500 went up on Ebay. If the poor buyer ever comes across the situation that I lived through, he's gonna wish he'd bought the BEST!!

    Allen Ash, Jr.
    Pennsboro, W

    17. June 2002: It's not noise if you have V1

    I'm a frequent driver through the Chicago Metropolitan area. It's clotted with radar signals, from both police and non-police sources.

    Recently, coming down US-34 (Odgen Avenue), I came across a thicket of the non-police variety, door openers from what I could tell. But imbedded within them was a Ka alert...from Ahead. I was only doing about seven over the limit, cautious considering the typical of traffic flow, but I'm an out-of-stater and that makes me easy money for revenuers. So I slowed down a bit…and low and behold, about 1/2 mile up, there was a hidden Downers Grove unit doing radar duty.

    Great job V-1! But it gets more interesting.

    Rolling down the Tri-State Tollroad (I-294), I had V1 still in Advanced Logic Mode to cull out the non-police distractions. While making haste in a 55mph zone, V1 alerted me to an X-band signal dead ahead, just strong enough to light two LEDs. Over the course of the next mile, the bar graph lengthened to three, then five.

    Hmmm, was this a REAL X-band trap? Or one of those "Road Construction Ahead" signs that transmit X-band? Within another mile I had a full-tilt X alert. Now I was in the center lane backed down 10 mph while others in the left lane were flying by.

    Bingo! There was an Illinois State authority in the median "looking" for payees in the left lane, his X-band radar on full blast.

    Now, I know some other radar detectors (and some testers) praise their X-band defeat features. But after this scenario, I cannot understand anybody not wanting FULL protection all the time! With V1's directional arrows, I know exactly what I'm up against.

    V-1 kicks some serious butt! Thanks for an awesome product!

    Jim Lehocky
    Cadillac, Michigan

    18. May 2002: Lasered But Not Toasted

    Here in the State of Maryland, the local authorities have a reputation; they're MERCILESS! I commute on I95 near Baltimore, where Ka band is as common as the smokestacks that define our city's skyline. The state budget thrives under the ticket machine.

    Solo encounters with Lidar are usually fatal. But for a responsible driver who goes with the flow, laser warning has a real benefit.

    I was cruising towards the Bay Bridge at mid-day, medium traffic, average speed of 65-68 mph. A white van moves past me, just one more decision in the driver's mind, surely not a memorable one. I watch as he goes. As we near the toll both, he's approximately 300 yards out. That's when I get a laser warning, loud and clear.

    Thinking I'm toast, I drop below traffic flow to the posted limit. But the zap wasn't for me. V1 has picked up the Lidar beam for the van in front of me. The van is exactly between me and the zapper (from a patrol car a solid QUARTER MILE away!), yet V1 saw him coming.

    About 15 secs later, it's my turn to run the gauntlet. Turns out to be a crew of a half-dozen, training junior officers. Thanks to V1's keen eye, they probably read my speed at 52mph. I watch as a rookie takes a shot at a car behind me. In the mirror, I see the pursuit car start to roll. It's not for me.

    Thanks V1!

    Sebastian Sassi
    Rosedale, Maryland

    19. April 2002: Attila the Weedeater

    I'm an airline employee as well as a professional driver for folks who summer in NY and winter in FL. During each migration I have the pleasure of driving Lexus, Infiniti, and the likes. About a year ago I was running one of the cars north when I was ”popped" by a Maryland State Trooper. Upon returning home wounded, I purchased my very own Valentine.

    I absolutely love it.

    The very next trip north was an entirely different sortie. While traveling on I-95 through North Carolina, my V1 warned "ahead." The warning was slow. I maintained speed. After a mile or so, it grew more intense. I decided to get legal. As I continued, the Radar Locator changed to "side," then "behind.” I did not see a cruiser or anything that looked undercover.

    V1 was silent a few moments, then erupted in a full-scale warning “behind.” By that time I was back in the fast lane at level cruise. I slowed instantly and moved over. The Mustang behind me didn’t take the cue.

    Watching my mirror, I saw a cruiser emerging from the median through swaying weeds. No wonder I missed him; he was hiding in green stuff as high as his roof. He ran down the Mustang.

    Now I've had at least ten New York-to-Florida trips with V1. In my professional opinion…VALENTINE ONE ROCKS!!! Keep up the excellent work. I recommend it to everyone.

    Jeff Bebber
    Plantation, FL

    20. March 2002: I Slowed, They Didn’t

    I have been a devout Passport user for ten years. Having to buy yet another model to get the up-to-date protection was always an irritation. With that in mind, Passport sent me a special rebate on the new 8500. I thought about it, then did some research. I chose V1 instead.

    Over the years, Passport had done well but not well enough. There were tickets, always coming over hills or rounding bends into the guns of waiting cruisers.

    Just one week after receiving my V1, I was northbound on IL 255 approaching an overpass. Several parasites were on my tail. V1 gave a quick Ka chirp. I slowed, just in case. The crowd kept going.

    As I topped the overpass, there sat the biggest state police group I have ever seen. Each of them picked a target and made a collar. I easily drove through the frenzy. I was on the numbers, all the others were exceeding.

    After Passport’s history of waving me into such situations, I’ve become a V1 believer. With earlier warnings, radar location, and upgrades instead of having to buy new detector, I’m with V1 for the long haul.

    David Doyle
    Godfrey, Illinois

    21. February 2002: It's dark, but V1 sees them coming

    My 1993-vintage V1 still does its job well. While cruising one night at 71 mph on the New York Thruway from Rochester to Buffalo, I got a K alert. The bogey count was 1, arrow pointing to the rear.

    Seconds later I'm passed by a New York State Police (NYSP) cruiser. Now the arrow points forward. The bogey count is still 1.

    The cruiser’s taillights are getting smaller. Everywhere else is darkness. Suddenly the bogey count steps up…2…3…4…5…now 6! The front arrow is still flashing but the rear arrow is bright too. And signal strength is getting progressively stronger. I see headlights now at the rear. They’re growing.

    Cruisers race past me. One at a time. At short intervals. From several different enforcement agencies. Once they’re past, V1 points forward only, and the bogey count slowly drops to zero.

    What was this about? A multi-jurisdictional moving trap? Who knows? I’m just glad to have a detector that tells me exactly where they are when they seem to be everywhere.

    Patrols around here are upgrading with more Ka-band radar guns. So I’m sending in my old V1 for an upgrade too.

    Lonnie Pollocks
    Rochester, New York

    22. January 2002: Three door openers and three shooters

    I drive the same route every day on the outskirts of Memphis, the Nonconnah Pkwy. Driving it so frequently, I've learned the "false" alarm patterns along the way. Certain parts of this highway are owned by the county, not the city. They have no street lights. As we "targets" pass through, we can't see who might be waiting for us.

    I was driving home one Friday night around 9 o'clock. One of my recognized alert spots is a new-car dealership just off the highway, with automatic doors and alarms. As I approach I always get a warning on K band, either two bogeys or three. But on this evening V1 called six bogeys dead ahead, all on K. I eased off and steered into the right lane.

    I am sooo glad I did. Running a speed trap in pitch black there at the dealership were three Shelby County Sheriff's cruisers, and they we're nailing people. WOW!

    Mike, I know if I had any other detector, all those that don't count bogies, I would have ignored the warning, just because there's an alarm in that spot every day. I would have been nailed, same as the crowd. Thanks for a great detector.

    Joseph DiMotta
    Collierville, TN

    23. December 2001: A 1994 V1 trounces Passport 8500

    Here's the scene: my buddy and I had just gotten my car from the shop and were cruising home in our respective vehicles, he armed with the Passport 8500 (he got sold on some ridiculous internet detector tests), and me packing a January, 1994-made Valentine One.

    I pick up a distant K threat and start shedding speed. Oddly, my buddy keeps on. I'm thinking he's got to have the alert; after all, he has the latest detector (later I found out, nope, he did not have the signal before me). Finally he slows and, sure enough, there’s the roadside man writing up an invite to the policeman's ball.

    Now it gets good. Of course I mute the existing alert as we drive by and so does my pal. As soon as we get past, my V1 bogey locks, overrides my mute, and shows a second radar threat dangerously close up ahead. Now, I am well aware of the Passport 8500's claimed ability to track multiple threats, so I'm thinking, "no problem, my buddy up ahead can deal with this." I keep my speed in order. He, however, dials up to full insane.

    Apparently, when he muted the first K-band signal, his 8500 never sounded another warning. The second K-band signal snuck in on him while his Passport was on mute for the first one.

    What good does it do you to track multiple signals if the unit doesn't warn of a new threat? I remember that being a problem with my old Escort DSP; when I muted it, the detector went "blind" for the duration of that signal, letting anything new get in on me. I guess detector's haven't changed much. Passport 8500 isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Just go ask my buddy about his $195 speeding ticket.

    Derek Revello
    Winfield, Illinois

    24. November 2001: Ambush masked by a shopping mall..

    I was travelling in a group of ten cars, from Atlanta Motor Speedway to Pennsylvania. Passing through the Carolinas in the wee hours, the predominant radar seemed to be X-Band. Very unusual.

    A friend and I we're leading the pack, which was travelling . Other vehicles latched onto our group over time, and as we neared Charlotte it seemed like we were running "blocker" for almost 30 cars.

    Through scanners, we heard truckers who weren't too happy with our pace and our parade; they were making a lot of CB noise about it. Surprisingly, we picked up no radio traffic from highway patrollers; only local city stuff. I smelled an up-coming trap, and my friends agreed.

    Near a shopping-mall exit, I began to pick up numerous X-band signals. Thinking nothing of it, I continued…until I remembered X is used by cops, too . The car with the other Valentine was getting the same readings.

    As I passed by the mall, located just before an exit overpass, some bogeys dropped off, but the Radar Locator was pointing both forward—and flashing—and to the mall alongside. The Bogey Counter read "7".

    I downshifted for engine braking, and called a warning to our group over the two-way (I didn't want the latched-on crowd to see my brake lights). On the other side of the overpass, at nearly 3:00 am on a Sunday, were five South Carolina State Troopers…a Welcoming Committee just for us.

    As we eased into the distance beyond the mall, the Bogey Counter kept a steady "5" and the latched-on crowd got plucked off the road behind us. The troopers knew right where to sit, masked by the mall's X-band door openers. If not for the Bogey Counter and the Radar Locator, they would have nailed us all.

    My personal experiences have made my friends such stern believers in V1 they ask me to bring it along whenever we drive somewhere. Two of them bought a V1 for themselves.

    We drivers thank you for a superior product.

    James M. Wegielewski

    25. October 2001: Benign commercial gadgets or full-frontal attack?

    Suburbia. The Strip-Mall Zone. I was passing through it on my escape from the City, heading back to the Open Road. Traffic was beginning to thin, the pace was picking up.

    V1 was showing multiple alarms, but they were off to the sides: automatic door openers, no problem. Nice to know where they are though

    Suddenly, a heavy Ka burst ahead. The truck in front had been irradiated, but I couldn't see the source. Off the gas and on the brake, and I drop back out of warp...

    Then I saw him, the Revenue Collector, skulking in the median, hiding behind the crash barrier around a bridge support. He lit his lights, pulled onto the road ahead of me, and made his quota on the pickup driver's misery, not mine.

    If not for the V1's directional arrows, and its different sounds for different radar bands, I couldn't have distinguished the frontal attack from the benign commercial gadgets to the sides.

    Thanks, V1!

    Bob Sutterfield
    Aurora, Colorado

    26. September 2001: A false? No, something more insidious

    After using a standard detector (read: any brand other than Valentine) for several years and receiving substandard performance (read: tickets), I researched the market and concluded the V1 was the only one which offered the insurance I was looking for: comprehensive coverage.

    Proof came on a recent interstate trip, accompanied by a good friend not familiar with the legendary V1. As I mounted it on the windshield, I explained its unrivaled capabilities.

    Sure enough, shortly after sunset and under the cover of darkness, a K bogey was identified at 12 o'clock by a couple of short braps. Then it went quiet.

    Was it a "false," my buddy wondered aloud? No, I knew better…something even more insidious. As we continued, it told us once more what awaited. I know the tell-tale signs of instant-on.

    Finally, after a long silence, with nothing to go on but the prior two brief K warnings, the sound went to full alert. There, as we had been warned, was the hunter, looking for an unsuspecting (read: poorly-equipped) victim.

    Was this a V-1 moment? Certainly yes, but more importantly, it's the V1 Experience. Thanks, Mike.

    Paul Doetsch
    Round Lake Beach, Illinois

    27. August 2001: Three-hundred horsepower and a clean record

    I'm the proud owner of a 2001 Cadillac DTS. I pay enough in registration fees and taxes without paying more in "supplementals" to a greedy state that writes one million traffic tickets a year.

    I was driving south on Vasco Road, a serene two-lane highway in northern California, surrounded by windmill farms and rolling hills. I accelerated to overtake a slow dump truck when V1 showed two Ka radars ahead. I got such an early warning that a gentle brake was all I needed to avoid even a hint of suspicion.

    Sighted: One California Highway Patrol car on the right. But V1 still said two radars ahead.

    Coming around the bend I saw a CHP officer on a motorcycle. The glare of the hot inland sun off his white helmet made him almost invisible, but with the help of my trusted Valentine One I saw him well before he could "see" me.

    Just down the road, two more motorcycles, and radar. After I passed, V1 reported a shot in the back. Motorcycle takes off, blue strobe lights flash, the rider's right hand points to the side of the road…for a pickup truck! Direct hit! The fallen driver pulls over to sign his supplemental tax bill.

    Any ordinary detector would have just beeped for a speed trap like that. Valentine One gave me real intelligence that allowed me to keep my wallet in my pocket. My driving record has stayed clean for the past four years and my insurance rates are reasonable. For a 27-year old driving a car with 300 horsepower, that's an accomplishment!

    Jack Singh

    28. July 2001: Cover your six, or have your license ready

    This one takes place in the California Mohave desert, roughly 50 miles from the Arizona border. Myself and four fellow Toyota Supra owners were driving our very modified cars home from the Los Angeles Sports Car Meet.

    We were cruising through the desert at a clip, well, I'll be discreet. But with all five of the cars properly maintained and tuned, and with light traffic, we felt safe—not to mention 3 of the 5 cars had Valentine One Radar Locators.

    We came across, and passed, a new 300M. Seeing our caravan on the move, the 300M owner grew bold and began to tag along. Surely the Chrysler would go unnoticed in the 3400 horsepower train—or so he thought.

    I was in the back of the pack with the 300M trailing me. Out of nowhere, V1 alerts me to a single Ka shot from the back, signal strength of one. I radioed to the rest of the group; bogey coming up from the back. The signal stopped, then for several minutes came back intermittently. Could this be the fabled "highway hunter" using his new same-lane, Ka speed gun?

    The signal went constant, and began slowly creeping up the V1's LED light scale. Just then the 300M, irritated by our change of speed, made the fatal move into the left lane and began his pass. As he cleared behind me, I saw the patrol in the distance, quickly approaching, V1 on full alert. The 300M was nabbed as he passed the second car in our caravan.

    Despite the menacing look of five high performance cars driving through the desert, the Chrysler was singled out. As it pulled to the dusty shoulder, one of the others radioed, "That's the best $400 I've ever spent."

    I certainly agree. Thanks for making and supporting such a superior product.

    Dennis Walsh
    Tucson, AZ

    29. The Original: Tim Grothause - Tampa, Florida

    Same day as I got my sexy new V1, I hit the nastiest ambush ever.

    V1 said 3 Ka's ahead. HUH? Really? Back off, changed lanes to right. Cleared the rise. Bingo! Two cruisers in the median. Motors running. In gear. Brake lights go dark. They're rolling. Both chase down their victims right before my eyes. Now I know how wildebeest feel migrating past lions.

    The pack around me upped the pace. I guess they figured all units were busy behind, writing out money orders.

    Funny, but V1 was still talking; "Ka ahead."

    As I cleared the next rise, here's the scene: One cruiser in the median, microphone in hand, and the entire pack that had just barreled past me "brake dancing" all over to keep from bunting the front guy who was trying to slow way down, never mind that he was already toast. And SIX cruisers parked on the right shoulder, and SIX authority figures standing alongside, motioning drivers into the massacre.

    V1 is a religion, and I'm a believer.

    Tim Grothause
    Tampa, FL
  2. Dave

    Dave F1 Rookie

    Apr 15, 2001
    Little Rock
    Full Name:
    David Jones
    Well, that was a good waste of my time.
  3. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Formula Junior

    Apr 17, 2003
    Full Name:
    Bob Hagendijk
  4. jimpo1

    jimpo1 Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Jul 30, 2001
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Jim E
    Not a good 13th post, could you TAKE any more bandwidth?
  5. Hubert888

    Hubert888 F1 Veteran

    May 14, 2003
    Manhattan & LA
    Full Name:

    Has anyone ever received a speeding ticket while using the V1?
  6. Jerrari

    Jerrari F1 Veteran

    Jul 24, 2001
    Full Name:
    Jerry Wiersma
    Wasn't the title of the post clear enough?

    RNOODLE Rookie

    Dec 11, 2003
    Saratoga, California
    Full Name:
    Frank Richard Noodleman
    I have 2 valentine units. One is installed in a stealthy way in a 1992 Mercedes 500E. One of the sensors is in the front license plate frame. The other is I don't know where - the unit was installed before I got the car. The display is sunk into the central dash wood with the volume and mute button next to the headlight switch. It works great and has saved me countless times. I like the invisible installation but don't know how to duplicate it.

    I have a second, newer Valentine that I move from car to car. I was pulled over in a 550 Maranello and hassled about the detector suction-cupped to the windshield.. I was in rush hour bumper to bumper traffic and definitely not speeding. Earlier I had been on open highway and the cop told me there were radio reports about a speeding blue Ferrari. The cop asked me: "If you're not speeding, why do you have a radar detector?" I told him that I didn't think anyone in their right mind would drive a car like this without one. He let me go with a warning to obey the speed limit.

    My point is that as wonderful as these Valentine's are, they would be exponentially more so if they were more invisible. There would also be less theft risk.

    My wife has an S55 Mercedes and I would like to install a stealthy set-up for her but don't know how to do that with the Valentine.
  8. Ike

    Ike F1 Rookie

    Nov 4, 2003
    Find a Mercedes specialist and ask them about it. The one that I use is going to install mine when I buy it. I have seen the installs and you couldnt tell it was in the car unless you were really looking, and knew what to look for.
  9. Dr C

    Dr C Formula Junior

    Dec 1, 2002
    Kansas City
    Full Name:
  10. Greg G

    Greg G F1 Rookie

    good stories.... maybe a little too good. They all read like they were written (or perhaps edited) by the same person.

    Dont get me wrong, I think the v1 is best in class.

    Perhaps a simple link the Valentines site wld have be more efficient?
  11. EHKim

    EHKim Karting

    Dec 17, 2003
    Here is a way to make the unit less visible.
    You would still need to hide the main unit somehow.
  12. Mike328

    Mike328 F1 Rookie

    Oct 19, 2002
    Boulder, CO
    Full Name:
    I for one got a kick out of the first three stories, which is all I read.

    If you use a V1, you understand and can relate to these. In particular, I know what it's like to be "shot in the back" with laser after standing on the brakes from someone else's deflected beam!

    If you're whining about the visibility of a V1, then you're not working hard enough to conceal it. Seriously. Read the archives. I hardwired mine in an evening and it's impossible to see from the looking in the driver's side window.

    And believe me. 3,000 bytes of text does not constitute wasting bandwidth. That is a trivial amount of data.

    Also, for what it's worth. Sometimes it's OK to post hardcopies of this stuff instead of just the link. Links change, stuff gets moved. FerrariChat topics get ARCHIVED. 2 years from now, long when that link is invalid, some dude's going to be interested in the stories and will now still be able to read them, since they were stored in the FerrariChat archives.

    Just some thoughts and perspective.

    Respectfully... Mike.
  13. DadsFerrari

    DadsFerrari Formula 3

    May 31, 2004
    New England
    Full Name:
    Mister M

    hehe +1 - I just defected from my Escort 8500s after 15 years of models including the original Passport, the 3200, and others. I now have a V1 1.7, and I need to consider the cost of the upgrade. I put in my serial, and it will be 200 bucks. Or should I just buy a new one and keep this for a 2nd vehicle?
  14. Night life

    Night life F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 1, 2007
    The city that rhymes with fun in Canada
    Full Name:
    In all my driving days I single handily built an extra ward for local Police dept with all the speeding tickets I received, I have owned many detectors and by far
    the V1 is the best period. Not the prettiest just the best.
  15. Steve King

    Steve King F1 Rookie

    Feb 15, 2001
    Would be interesting to see how many folks got tickets even though they had radar detectors.
  16. SrfCity

    SrfCity F1 World Champ

    I still don't see how it's going to help with laser especially if jammers are illegal in your state. That's the majority of radar used around town here. At least you'll know if laser was used after the fact.
  17. M.James

    M.James F1 Rookie

    Jun 6, 2003
    Worcester, MA
    Full Name:
    If there are drivers ahead of you, you'll conceivably catch some reflective waves of radar/laser being trained on cars ahead of you - both laser and radar waves have radiation ranges that far exceeds the speed-reading effectiveness of the device's meter. The sensitivity of the V1 exceeds most laser/radar speed-reading effective ranges - the detector will pick up the radar/laser energy before the trooper can get a speed reading on you - don't assume just because the detector is 'detecting' that the Trooper 'got you'.....
  18. Night life

    Night life F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 1, 2007
    The city that rhymes with fun in Canada
    Full Name:
    Trust me on this most Police vehicles have to do a double scan to get you, first scan to detect your speed second to lock it in ther radar, if your radar detector goes of brake as safely as possible (don't screech your tires or cause accidents)down to the proper posted speed limit and watch the look on there face if he does pull you over ask to see your radar locked speed if they don't have one you can fight it and 99% of the time win.
    When you drive on long trips interstate and such pick a rabbit, what a rabbit means is that there is always a driver that will be going faster than the posted limit get behind him and follow about 100 meters back, if there is a trap the police has to hit him first with radar and ticket no exceptions. And be aware of people using you as a rabbit it is quite obvious to troopers, that's where your Ferrari comes into play...............;)
  19. M.James

    M.James F1 Rookie

    Jun 6, 2003
    Worcester, MA
    Full Name:
    +1....on my last incident, the Trooper noted that he had to measure my speed TWICE before electing to stop me. If you can slow down before that second reading is taken, you're off-the-hook.
  20. RaDaRkInG

    RaDaRkInG Karting

    May 28, 2005
    Sell it on ebay to get top dollar for it and then buy a returned V1.

    Call Valentine Research at 1 800 331 3030 and ask for a returned V1 and you will get 10% off the retail price of $399. Tell them you don't mind being put on the waiting list. Guaranteed, they will ship a V1 out within 2 days. It will be the latest version V1.8 POP2 w/ Euro-mode and 3.863 firmware and that comes with all the accessories and a 1 year warranty.
  21. Hungry4$$$

    Hungry4$$$ Karting

    Jan 26, 2008


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