Garage Mahal Tour | FerrariChat

Garage Mahal Tour

Discussion in 'Texas' started by Schatten, Nov 2, 2003.

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  1. Schatten

    Schatten F1 World Champ

    Apr 3, 2001
    Austin, TX
    Full Name:
    Garage Mahal Tour pictures are up:

    If you see something that you would not like to be in the photos on there for personal security's sake or otherwise, please let me know and I'll take it down. Otherwise, things should be pretty well secluded in regards to pictures, locations and of course.. names too. Still working on the rest of the captions. So if you have further details on some of the cars that we viewed today, drop me a line.

    It was great seeing everyone again and meeting some new faces out there. Fantastic event and fantastic hosts.

    I also have one video of the driving Ferrari bear in action. But it's in .mov/quicktime format and is just over 9 megs in size. Once I convert it to something with better compression, I'll up it to the site.
  2. ojas

    ojas Rookie

    Oct 31, 2003
    Austin, Texas
  3. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    Many thanks to our 4 generous hosts, and to all who attended! Despite crappy weather, a PHENOMENALLY successful event!!!!!!!!!!

    .....that we will do again next fall, with some surprise additions...
  4. speedmoore

    speedmoore Formula 3
    BANNED Professional Ferrari Technician

    Apr 15, 2003
    Austin, Texas
    Full Name:
    D Moore
    Despite crappy weather, a PHENOMENALLY successful event!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry I missed it, but sorry you missed Daytona.....Wes Alston got to do both.........but he did miss the night Enduros.

    Look forward to seeing pictures of both by Wes soon

  5. WJHMH

    WJHMH Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 5, 2001
    Panther City, Texas
    Full Name:
    Nice pics Randy
  6. Chevarri

    Chevarri Formula Junior

    Jan 20, 2003
    In a rose bush.
    Full Name:
    Marvelous event Sunday, and it was an excellent way to conclude my weekend. Thanks to all that organized it. Who was that in the blue shirt passing out maps, and whos yellow 355 was that? That Yellow 355 was probably one of my fav cars of the event. :D The Garage Mahal was simply incrediable :D :) :D :)
  7. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    Uh, that was me in the blue shirt providing maps...

    And the giallo '95 355B was James L.'s car.

    Glad you had fun.
  8. Chevarri

    Chevarri Formula Junior

    Jan 20, 2003
    In a rose bush.
    Full Name:

    Really? I was not to sure that was you. I first saw Marks 550, and I thought it was your car. I ran into Mrs.Mark(not sure her name) and she said it was her and Marks car. So I was like hmm.. I guess he (you, Dave) didnt come.

    You seemed very nice and ethusiastic at the event while passing out maps, thats why I asked. In other words you seemed very freindly, even though I didnt talk to you. Huh, go figure. Plus in your profile pic that I remember you looking differently some how. For some reason I thought you had blonde hair. Errrr, sorry about that :(

    Thanks for info about the Berlinetta, I didnt get the owners name. I took the most pics of that car, and had a good time "shooting it"

    Oh, By the way, I was accompanying the guy in the silver NSX.

    Nice boobs too :D
  9. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    Yeah, Mark & Maryanne just bought that 1997 Euro 550. Mine was at home, as I had just washed & waxed it recently, & I knew it was going to rain a little. So I drove the dirty silver M3. My car is pictured in my profile photo.

    No blonde hair--sorry. Yeah, believe it or not, I am a somewhat nice guy, and am friendly! LOL that this surprises you! Never judge a book by the cover it uses on the internet!! :)
  10. ojas

    ojas Rookie

    Oct 31, 2003
    Austin, Texas
  11. ojas

    ojas Rookie

    Oct 31, 2003
    Austin, Texas
  12. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    Ojas, that is a VERY nice site you have created! Thanks!!!
  13. BigAl

    BigAl F1 Veteran

    Mar 17, 2002
    Full Name:
    GSgt Hartman
    Thanks Randy and Ojas for taking the pics and posting. Great event even though my 308 was caught in one hell of a thunderstorm on MOPAC on my way home. Traffic came to a crawl and I had to be in my Ferrari.
  14. BigAl

    BigAl F1 Veteran

    Mar 17, 2002
    Full Name:
    GSgt Hartman
    Dave, I see in your profile, you're a pimp. Need an assistant?
  15. maranelloman

    maranelloman Guest

    #15 maranelloman, Nov 9, 2003
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017

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