need a video mount to a roll bar | FerrariChat

need a video mount to a roll bar

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by paulie_b, Jan 8, 2004.

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  1. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    Does anyone out there know where I can purchase a video mount that can be attached to a roll bar? Please respond on FChat or directly to me.
    Thanks for the assistance.
  2. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    They do exist. I have one at home, so unless somebody is faster, I can tell you tonight. There is a permanent ad in RACER btw.
  3. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
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    Rob Lay
  4. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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  5. Tennlee

    Tennlee Formula Junior

    Feb 10, 2002
    Great Smoky Mountains
    I use an ioport mount on the rollbar of my FFR cobra. Works great!
  6. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    thanks everyone so far. will take any other suggestions also.
  7. whart

    whart F1 Veteran

    Dec 5, 2001
    Grandview NY
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    Herr Prof.
    I also use the I/O Port product, but went a different route: rather than mounting the camera to the roll bar, i bought a very small lipstick camera lense assembly that is mounted to the bar via a "remote" mount. (To wit, is far smaller and less susceptible to jiggling; the camera comes from an outfit that does helmet cams for bikers. It plugs into a Canon Elura which is itself quite small. The helmet cam, with all the ancillaries other than the roll bar mount, was $309. See The Canon Elura was in the neighborhood of $600. The mount from I/O was around $99. In fact, i think i first got info on this from Dennis Lui, who posts here occasionally and on the ferrarilist, where i first saw the info.Makes for a neat package and you can leave the lipstick camera attached; just take the DV cam. with you or lock it in the glove box.
  8. BigHead

    BigHead Formula Junior

    Oct 31, 2003
    Outside of Boston
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    I've used the I/O Port windshield suction cup mount, and it works pretty well. But, as WHart points out, the slightly more expensive alternative is to get a bullet-cam. Lots of different ones available over the net, but basically you get a lipstick-sized digital cam that plugs into any camcorder with an RCA video INPUT jack (check yours to make sure that your has one). I set up a system like this for my mechanic to use on his 355 CH. We taped it to the front grille, to the side air-intake, to the rear wing, etc. Very versatile, and COOL video. He also uses it now in the shop for repairs - he threaded it up into an F40 engine to find an oil leak! Do a google search for helmet camera....


  9. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    thanks for all of the suggestions. will check them out. any others?
  10. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    open to other suggestions also.

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