SC Roll Call | FerrariChat

SC Roll Call

Discussion in 'North & South Carolina' started by LRPMAN, Nov 4, 2003.

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    LRPMAN Formula Junior

    Oct 31, 2003
    Aiken S.C. & FL.
    Full Name:
    George Pavlisko
    Sorry NC but SC is asking for a little Bandwidth.
    Aiken SC Here 1988 TR
    George Pavlisko
  2. M.James

    M.James F1 Rookie

    Jun 6, 2003
    Worcester, MA
    Full Name:
    Michael James here, no Ferrari at this time but I'm getting antsy....working two PPIs this month!

  3. RedlineG60

    RedlineG60 Formula 3

    Dec 25, 2003
    Simpsonville, SC
    Full Name:
    Andy Thomason
    man i know theres more than one Ferrari in SC. i know ive seen a few around Greenville (thats when the hand brake goes up and i turn around and chase it to hear it...yes i am OBSESSED beyond belief...) you are a lucky man
  4. dino246

    dino246 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    Rock Hill, SC
    1972 Dino 246GT from 1996 to current. Rock Hill.
    Owned 1977 308GT4 from 1989 to 1997.
  5. coachi

    coachi Formula 3

    May 1, 2002
    SC USA
    I am in the Clemson/Anderson area. My latest is a 550 Maranello. This is a modern Ferrari and I love it.
  6. Juan-Manuel Fantango

    Juan-Manuel Fantango F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 18, 2004
    Full Name:
    1978 carb. 308/288 gto rebody, great car, reconditioned and purchased in San Diego june will be 2 years. 16,500 miles driven with no major problems, have not even adjusted the carbs. Drove 80 miles today!
  7. coachi

    coachi Formula 3

    May 1, 2002
    SC USA
    would it not be interesting to start a Ferrari/South Carolina owners club registery. All names and ddresses via private email....etc...what does anyone think here?
  8. Juan-Manuel Fantango

    Juan-Manuel Fantango F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 18, 2004
    Full Name:
    To the above thread, I have thought the same thing, I belive you may be able to purchase a list of Ferrari Owners from DMV, at least you may have been able to do so in the past, but with the new privacy laws, this may not be true. I live in Chapin, near Columbia, and, I had my 308/288 rebody out last night, saw a 348 out as well. I was told by the owner of a large Pawn Shop in Greenville, who happens to own a Testerosa, that there are at least 40-60 Ferrari owners in Greenville alone.It's interesting what you will find in the general region. I looked at a 288GTO twin trubo track car in Savahna a few weeks ago, and this gentleman has owned over 100M of Ferraries in the past, including the hightly valued 62 GTO, an original. Also a 250LM and 330p, ect.,
  9. Mike C

    Mike C F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Aug 3, 2002
    Southeast USA
    Full Name:
    Mike Charness
    If you're members of FCA (Ferrari Club of America), we do have a "registry" of sorts already. My list shows at least 20 members in SC (and of course more cars than 20, including Ibrahim's wonderful collection).

    Mike Charness
    Director, SE Region
    Ferrari Club of America
  10. coachi

    coachi Formula 3

    May 1, 2002
    SC USA
    the next question mike, is how do we get in touch with each other, many of thoise in SC probably do not frequent Ferrari-Chat. Can you provide a list for us members? I would love to meet some and exchange war stories.

    Hope to see you at Brian's house next weekend
  11. Mike C

    Mike C F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Aug 3, 2002
    Southeast USA
    Full Name:
    Mike Charness
    I enjoyed meeting you there last year, but this weekend I'm going to be in Kentucky at a wedding of one of my wife's cousins (I'd rather be at the FCA party in Atlanta!)

    We do have an "FCA focal point" in SC for the FCA, and that's Charles Perry in Charleston. I'm sure he'd appreciate your assistance in organizing activities, and I'd be glad to provide a list of SC members (I've asked for a sortable database) with contact information if the two of you would like to put something together... I'd be happy to support it. Charles' contact info is in the Regional Newsletter you should have gotten in the mail from me in the last few days. If you don't have it, email or PM me and I'll give it to you.

  12. Mike C

    Mike C F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Aug 3, 2002
    Southeast USA
    Full Name:
    Mike Charness
    I meant "that weekend" -- the 21st...
  13. MadMaxx

    MadMaxx Karting

    Nov 5, 2003
    No ferrari, but F-car enthusiest :) Greenville, SC. Ex Viper and now Ex Lotus owner. Have met Coach, but not anyone else in the area.

  14. RedlineG60

    RedlineG60 Formula 3

    Dec 25, 2003
    Simpsonville, SC
    Full Name:
    Andy Thomason

    Coachi, is your 550 silver by chance? i know ive only seen one 550 around this area but it was in Greenville. One of my friends' friend's dad has a silver 360 Spyder and ive seen an old lady in a red 360 Spyder then realized how mad i was that i couldnt get in it and drive it like it was meant to be driven lol
    And i saw a black 308 at my high school once but i dont know who that one is.
  15. coachi

    coachi Formula 3

    May 1, 2002
    SC USA
    My 550 is rosso fierano, a rather new color for Ferraris. It is a beautiful color.
  16. coachi

    coachi Formula 3

    May 1, 2002
    SC USA
    i am attempting to post photo:
  17. L8Braker

    L8Braker Formula 3

    Nov 10, 2003
    Asheville NC
    Full Name:
    Jeremy Stafford
    That is beautiful! Do you ever take it up ceasar's head? Or do you drive it through the mountains at all? It would be fun to get the NC-SC people to meet and do a drive through the surrounding areas. We had a great time at our Farmington meet and we are planning a tale of the dragon run....
  18. RedlineG60

    RedlineG60 Formula 3

    Dec 25, 2003
    Simpsonville, SC
    Full Name:
    Andy Thomason
    awesome color
  19. coachi

    coachi Formula 3

    May 1, 2002
    SC USA
    lets start collecting names and email addresses as well as city of residence of Ferrari owners in SC....would be great to get together sometime this summer
  20. coachi

    coachi Formula 3

    May 1, 2002
    SC USA
    would anyone volunteer to collect these addresses as a registry? Thanks
  21. L8Braker

    L8Braker Formula 3

    Nov 10, 2003
    Asheville NC
    Full Name:
    Jeremy Stafford
    Hello SC guys from a NC guy.

    If you are interested in meeting up with some of us please visit the tail of the dragon thread. I know a few of you are close enough to the GSP area to come meet us either at the dragon or in Asheville.

  22. Mike C

    Mike C F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Aug 3, 2002
    Southeast USA
    Full Name:
    Mike Charness
    I would be glad to collect them, since I already have the contact info of those who are members of FCA.

    Email me information if you would like to be included in the South Carolina list, at [email protected]

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