1967 Ferrari 330 GTS s/n 10113 | FerrariChat

1967 Ferrari 330 GTS s/n 10113

Discussion in 'Vintage (thru 365 GTC4)' started by sagaponack, Dec 6, 2003.

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  1. sagaponack

    sagaponack Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
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    What do you guys think of this car on sheehans site www.ferraris-online.com?

    I hate red.But the condition here seems superb. What about the price?

    Any thoughts?

  2. Bryan

    Bryan Formula 3

    Interesting that the car is also for sale directly via FML and the owner is in Indiana.

    330 GTS, S/N 10113 (1967). Red with cream interior. Tan carpets & tan top. Stunning condition, mechanically flawless. Serious concours competitor. Manuals, tools, maintenance & restoration information. 15,920 miles. $277,000. 11/03
    Mike Westrick, 260-433-5835 (IN)

    Not many 330 GTS cars are ever sold, so it's difficult to say that any particular S/N is over or under priced. The present FML Asking Price is $220kUS.
  3. sagaponack

    sagaponack Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
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    If you had to get someone to check it out. (i.e., fly to Indiana and spend a morning with it.) Who would you use? I am qualified to do anything more than a cursory inspection, especially with respect to parts that may not be "correct" or matching. I would not trust a local ferrari dealer with a vintage inspection.


  4. jsa330

    jsa330 F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Personally, given the choice of the two 330 GTS models Sheehan has on his site, I would spend what it takes to get a topnotch PPI on Racquel Welch's old car and then negotiate hard. But, I'm coming from the viewpoint of much less purchasing power ( I have a 4 headlight 64 330), and, do you want a driveoff perfect car or somewhat of a project? That's a huge $$ difference.

    I recommend you call Bob Smith of Bob Smith Coachworks in Gainesville, Texas, and fly him out to inspect whatever car you become serious about. At the price level and appreciation potential category that you are looking in you can't afford to do less, whether you would use him or someone of the same caliber. Bob is a nice guy and extremely focused.
    I was looking at 2HL 330 in Santa Fe and he very generously offered to squeeze a PPI into a trip he was making out there to pick up a customer's car to drive to Pebble Beach last year. For Bob, a PPI takes a whole day with the car and then more for "data anaysis" when he gets back to his shop. That one got away from me but I was very impressed with Bob. This is a guy with a national reputation.
  5. Bryan

    Bryan Formula 3

    The Welch car is a 275 GTS; hence, the big reason for the price delta.
  6. sagaponack

    sagaponack Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
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    That sounds like the perfect guy. I may take him up on it. What would you guess he would charge as a fee excluding expenses.



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