Vettel had some car issues near the end of FP3, hopefully all sorted for Qual. Edit: Vettel needs a new engine. Otherwise Ferrari looking strong again. Qual in 2hours time! Forza Ferrari + Ricci
Ferrari are having to replace the entire power unit assembly (engine/turbo and MGUK), and replace it with a previously used assembly to avoid any penalties. With only 2 hours between FP3 & qualifying, they're going to be cutting it close!
No further action re PAL-VER. "Both could have acted differently, neither acted intentionally, no driver wholly or predominantly to blame"
Lot of chat about the drain issue at last night's drivers' briefing. Apparently HAM even asked who would pay for the damage to GRO's car.
Incredible job by Ferrari to fit an entire new power-unit to Vettel's car within 2 hours! (And just to correct My previous posts - As reported by others on Fchat already, Channel 4 in the UK have now confirmed that the power-unit that is brand new, and was due to be introduced next week in Japan - They had previously been told by someone within Ferrari that it was a old, previously used engine)
Just need to see if it's up to speed now Kimi top the sheets. Edit looks like I have my answer...