308 Oil pressure drop | FerrariChat

308 Oil pressure drop

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by 4returbo, Jun 3, 2006.

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  1. 4returbo

    4returbo Karting

    Oct 14, 2003
    Full Name:
    Rick Oliver
    On start up my oil pressure seems fine and normal. As the car heats up over 200 oil temp the pressure drops. I think its about 60 @ 6000rpm and just past positive numbers at idle. Can this be adjusted with the oil pressure regulator or do I need a oil pump rebuild? Just so you know, the sending unit was replace about a year ago and it had an oil change last fall by Cauley Ferrari.
  2. DavidDriver

    DavidDriver F1 Rookie

    May 9, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA
    Full Name:
    David Driver
    Your car sounds like it's working properly. The spec is 10lb/1K(rpm) at operating temperature.

    Read this article by Aehaas:

    You don't need to "fix" anything. Mine is the same.
  3. matteo

    matteo F1 World Champ

    Aug 1, 2002
    On a plane somewhere
    Full Name:
    Heir Butt

    Oil gets thinner as it heats up.
  4. f14dexter

    f14dexter Rookie

    May 4, 2005
    Virginia Beach, VA
    Full Name:
    same here.
  5. DavidDriver

    DavidDriver F1 Rookie

    May 9, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA
    Full Name:
    David Driver
    ...and there ya have it Rick!

    Good luck.
  6. moretti

    moretti Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 1, 2003
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    mind you, if you put a mechanical gauge on it you will find much more reassuring numbers .

    I saw the same thing years ago on my GT4 and the sender unit got damaged so I got the dealer to put a new one in ($500 here in Oz) and it failed due to faulty diaphram - several units failed actually). Seemed there was a bad batch of these sender units made so I converted to a mechanical system and was always happy to see the unit dispaly 95psi cold and 75psi warm with 45 and 25 respectively at idle.

    You can't beat direct mechanical gauges for comfort, the eelctrical sender units never give me that secure feeling (worked on too many aircraft to trust crappy auto systems)
  7. DavidDriver

    DavidDriver F1 Rookie

    May 9, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA
    Full Name:
    David Driver

  8. don_xvi

    don_xvi F1 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    Outside Detroit
    Full Name:
    Don the 16th
    Take your pick. AEHass' "rule" or, as I pointed out in his threads when he first espoused this theory (why isn't anyone listening?) what the manual says:
    "When the temperature is between 212F (sic) and the engine revs are approximately 6000 RPM the oil pressure should not be below 78 lb/sq in or orver 92,5 lb/sq in. If, with the engine running at the same speed and temperature, the pressure is less than 64 lb/sq in the engine revs should be properly reduced and the reason for the low oil pressure established."
    -1978 308 GTS owners manual p.60

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