430-What type of fuses:ATO/ATC,Micro 2,Low-profile Mini,Normal Mini | FerrariChat

430-What type of fuses:ATO/ATC,Micro 2,Low-profile Mini,Normal Mini

Discussion in '360/430' started by TheDiffuser, Nov 29, 2018.

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  1. TheDiffuser

    TheDiffuser Formula Junior

    Nov 11, 2017
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    The Diffuser
    As per the title, I need to order some Fuse taps to do an install of a dashcam.

    Ive had a good search online, but cant find what type of fuses the 430 has (that you would tap into).

    There is a page here that lists the options but not what type of fuse tap is for the F430:


    Could someone assist please?

    Options are:

    • Full size ATO/ATC
    • Micro 2
    • Low-profile Mini
    • Normal Mini

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  2. Bob in Texas

    Bob in Texas F1 Rookie

    Apr 23, 2012
    Just East of Weird
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    As far as I know it's a normal mini. I get them at the local auto parts store without any fuss as to what I'm looking for. See the pic. Mini compared to normal size fuse.
    Are you looking for an always-on tap or switched?

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  3. mike32

    mike32 F1 Veteran

    May 13, 2016
    Isle of man- uk
    If you are installing a dash cam from a feed which is always on, like the interior light-you need an inline glass fuse in the positive line. Not sure why you want to use these 2 prong fuses as you then need a fuse holder.
    Other wise plug it into the 12 volt socket so it comes on when you drive the car.
  4. TheDiffuser

    TheDiffuser Formula Junior

    Nov 11, 2017
    Full Name:
    The Diffuser
    Hi Bob

    It's for a dash cam which will need to operate in 'park mode' so i guess the tap will be an always on?
  5. DefunctNeurons

    DefunctNeurons Formula Junior

    May 15, 2018
    Alpharetta, GA
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    I just had this same question and also didn’t find an answer. Easiest way is to look in one of the fuse boxes under the dash, but my car’s been in the shop. Unfortunately, I went ahead and ordered anyway and probably got the wrong one (ATO). @mike32, the hardwire kits all use the extend-a-fuse holders, so we need the correct size.

    I’ll have both my car and my dash cam back tomorrow and will figure it out if you don’t beat me to it!

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat.com mobile app
  6. TheDiffuser

    TheDiffuser Formula Junior

    Nov 11, 2017
    Full Name:
    The Diffuser
    Please post a few pics of installed fuses and dash an if poss please.
  7. cpep

    cpep Formula Junior

    Nov 11, 2017
    new york
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    I just installed one and I ran it to the battery with a mini inline. It was simple because you have a straight run down to the battery. I want mine on all the time when I park it and figured why go to a constant in the fuse box when I could just run straight to the battery. Just need to remember to turn it off when I put it in the garage or it records over everything on the disc in a day.
  8. DefunctNeurons

    DefunctNeurons Formula Junior

    May 15, 2018
    Alpharetta, GA
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    That actually makes a lot of sense using an inline fuse straight to the battery. I’m going to be installing with an additional Cellink Neo battery so that I don’t drain the car battery. I did the same thing in my BMW M3, which uses an expensive lithium car battery. So now I’m wondering if I can skip the fuse box with this setup and also go directly to the car battery. Anyone else have a similar setup?

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat.com mobile app
  9. TheDiffuser

    TheDiffuser Formula Junior

    Nov 11, 2017
    Full Name:
    The Diffuser
    Just FYI I've bought the iRoad X9. I bought the OBD plug in accessory which does parking mode and auto cuts off the dashcam, if the battery charge drops under a certain level:


    So there's no install issues, no dashcam battery pack, it's plug and play. I thought it was a pretty good solution.

    I was going for the Blackvue 900 2chn and bought the iRoad once I did some further research.

    Anyway thought it may be of interest. I'll report back in once everything is fully installed.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    DefunctNeurons likes this.
  10. DefunctNeurons

    DefunctNeurons Formula Junior

    May 15, 2018
    Alpharetta, GA
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    Never saw that option before! An OBD plug would be great. Will look at that for my wife’s car.

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