458 turn signal relay/fuse question | FerrariChat

458 turn signal relay/fuse question

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by rkaiser, Aug 28, 2019.

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  1. rkaiser

    rkaiser Rookie

    Aug 25, 2016
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Ron Kaiser
    Hello everyone. I have a ‘13 spider with a turn signal issue. The blinkers will not work at all. The buttons on the steering wheel click as normal but the front and rear blinkers do not activate or show on the dash. The hazard lights do work and I hear the relay click lower left steering column.

    I assume there is a relay issue. I also noticed the TPMS Sensor will not calibrate any longer. I think maybe the relay or fuse issue may be related.

    Anyone know the location, relay/fuse type and number for replacement? Seems silly to go to the dealer for a simple fuse/relay replacement.

    Thank You in advance.
  2. Qavion

    Qavion F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 20, 2015
    Full Name:
    Ian Riddell
    I see the owner's manual doesn't provide any clues. There is no fuse listed specifically for the turn indications, just the hazards (and your hazards are working). Perhaps there is a fuse which powers the steering wheel functions or instrument functions. Is there anything else on the steering wheel which is not working?

    If you don't have an owner's manual, just scroll through the pages on this website (using the arrow keys) for the location and identification of other fuses:


    If you can find the relay (or module) which clicks during hazard operation, perhaps you could write down any part numbers on the module. I couldn't find an part numbers on the Ricambi website.

    The TPS does have its own fuse, but it may not be a fuse issue.

    rkaiser likes this.
  3. Qavion

    Qavion F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 20, 2015
    Full Name:
    Ian Riddell
  4. rkaiser

    rkaiser Rookie

    Aug 25, 2016
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Ron Kaiser
    Thank You for the details. I will check the steering wheel related fuses. I would assume blinker, headlights etc would all be tied together or be in a similar location. If I find it, I am writing a supplement for the damn manual :)
    Qavion likes this.
  5. Nexxas

    Nexxas Rookie

    Jul 15, 2019
    Orlando, FL
    Full Name:
    Fabian Alexander
    What was the resolution? The turn signal buttons on the steering wheel aren't working, but the hazards activate the blinkers fine.
  6. Ianjoub

    Ianjoub Formula Junior

    Dec 22, 2019
    Homosassa, FL USA
    Full Name:
    Ian Joubert
    Not sure if this helps or not:

    Most vehicles have a turn signal flasher and a hazard flasher. The flasher may be bad. They are usually the same and can be swapped to test.
  7. 338Lapua

    338Lapua Formula Junior

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Normally if the turn signals do not work it is the NVO board within the steering wheel itself. There is no fuse for the "blinkers". I had this happen on my '13 Spider and it is not uncommon for the board to go bad. The part is about $900 and can be swapped out by your self. Be careful though - If you have LED's on the steering wheel , then you will need to get the board that has the LED's activated. If you get the wrong board, the dealer will need to get the proxy file from Ferrari to activate them.
  8. Qavion

    Qavion F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 20, 2015
    Full Name:
    Ian Riddell
    Most vehicles or most Ferraris? :p

    The Ferrari 348 was probably the last to have multiple relays for turn and hazard (3 in fact), but these were not always interchangeable. After the 348, they switched to a single (7-pin) module for turn and hazard (355, 456M, 550, 360.... ) but now they seem to have overcomplicated things with the 458.
    Ianjoub likes this.
  9. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Must be something with 2013 model year. A friend had an issue with turn signals on his 2013 458 B and similar description for repair. I think total cost out the door with tax was around $2k
  10. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Correct, when the hazards quit working on my F355 spider, and I saw the cost for a replacement relay, I figured I had nothing to lose to open it up and check. I lucked out and found a very obvious bad cold solder on the small circuit board inside. I quick touch up with a soldering pencil and it was back working again.
  11. 338Lapua

    338Lapua Formula Junior

    Sep 5, 2015
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    I don't know if it is an issue with that specific year or not. I bet we'll see more of these failures in the other years as well. Matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up in the F12 as well since they share the same steering wheel. I paid $1500 for the replacement (part/labor/tax) from the local dealer. $2000 seems high but it probably depends on the shop doing the work.
  12. Nexxas

    Nexxas Rookie

    Jul 15, 2019
    Orlando, FL
    Full Name:
    Fabian Alexander
    Thank you! I also have a feeling it's the NVO board because hazards activate the blinkers and dash lights correctly, but the turn signal buttons aren't doing either. I appreciate the heads up on the steering wheel LED's (now just need to research Part # 255426 or 308322).

    Any tips/tutorials/video on removal for a 458? (This is a 2010) It appears removing the faceplate is just a matter of it popping off after airbag removal. How do I remove the airbag though -- same process as this F430 video?
  13. 338Lapua

    338Lapua Formula Junior

    Sep 5, 2015
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    The airbag is removed via two screws that are located on the side of the steering column shroud, just behind each paddle. You need a tamper proof torques head bit to remove the screws. Once both screws are taken out, the airbag simply slides right out. The NVO board is the one located at 6:00 in the opening. It will have a number of wires plugging into it. Disconnect your battery before removing!
  14. Ianjoub

    Ianjoub Formula Junior

    Dec 22, 2019
    Homosassa, FL USA
    Full Name:
    Ian Joubert
    I am not a Ferrari factory certified tech:

    If removing an airbag, the procedure is to remove BOTH battery cables then touch them together to discharge any residual current before removing the airbag.
  15. up4speed

    up4speed F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 16, 2012
    Long Island, NY
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    I looked up part #'s out of curiosity (I don't have this problem with my car...yet, lol). I just see 2 different boards, depending on assembly #. How do you know if the board has "LED's activated"? I didn't see any reference to that. Also, If the wrong board is installed (without the LED activation), is that something that an X431 Pro tool can take care of, or is it a must visit to the dealer?
  16. 338Lapua

    338Lapua Formula Junior

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Chris - Unfortunately, I'm not sure how you tell which part number has the LED activated. From my experience, you must go to the dealer to have the LED's activated. Since it requires a proxy file from Ferrari, that is the only way I know.
  17. up4speed

    up4speed F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 16, 2012
    Long Island, NY
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    Ok thanks, I guess I'll do more research if a friends, or my car has that problem.
  18. Nexxas

    Nexxas Rookie

    Jul 15, 2019
    Orlando, FL
    Full Name:
    Fabian Alexander
    Good question. Because I just called a Ferrari dealer and explained this concern and they said one board is for earlier models, and others for later models. So I just ordered the one for the specific VIN number, even though I am not 100% certain the LEDs came factory with this car.

    But post here how your experience turns out.
  19. up4speed

    up4speed F1 Rookie
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    Feb 16, 2012
    Long Island, NY
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    That's all I saw also. I only saw 2 boards. One for earlier cars, the other for later (approx. 2014 & 2015's).
    I don't have an issue with my car (yet, lol), I just like to learn about it.
  20. TUTTSF

    TUTTSF Karting

    Sep 21, 2018
    So. Cal
    Any update to this on cost and is this a dealer only or something you can diy if you get the new control board. My 2013 458 spider blinkers died this morning.
  21. Nexxas

    Nexxas Rookie

    Jul 15, 2019
    Orlando, FL
    Full Name:
    Fabian Alexander
    So the part itself is like $300-600. I can’t remember. And yes it’s easy to do yourself (always unplug battery before doing anything), however, if you have the shift lights on your steering wheel, you have to get the ECU reset at the dealership. And the gotcha is, only an authorized dealership can do it (files come from Ferrari Italy). And the only way they’ll possibly do it is if you bought the part from an authorized dealership (and it’s in the Ferrari system). End of the day, check with your local dealer to see what they allow. And hopefully you got a good contact there. Best of luck! ;)

    FORZABLU Rookie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Where is the Relay T 01 located on 458 Italia? Cannot find it in a photo of fuse boxes
  23. Qavion

    Qavion F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 20, 2015
    Full Name:
    Ian Riddell
    I see the owner's manual doesn't show a graphic of relay panel B (to the left of the steering wheel).

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    You have a choice of 4 relays. If the amperage of the relays is printed on the relays, T01 is the 20 amp relay.

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