488 Pista vs 720s track battle | FerrariChat

488 Pista vs 720s track battle

Discussion in '458 Italia/488/F8' started by BG23, Oct 2, 2019.

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  1. BG23

    BG23 Formula Junior

    Jun 16, 2015
    Igor Ound likes this.
  2. IPO1

    IPO1 F1 Rookie

    Dec 23, 2015
    Pretty good considering 720 = 488 not Pista.

    7XXLT will be comparable to Pista and will probably smoke it. We'll see.

    I do think the Pista is hot though and wish I had allocation.
  3. dustman

    dustman F1 Veteran
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 12, 2007
    Nice. I’d hope the track car won.

    REALZEUS F1 Veteran

    Feb 16, 2011
    Bournemouth, UK
    The 488 is out of production. F8 it is then.
    As for the track version of the 720, let's wait and see...
  5. tekaefixe

    tekaefixe Formula 3

    May 10, 2012
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    Totally crappy race. Put MPSC2 R in the Mac and we will see...well we already know who would win dont we ;)
    Gh21631 likes this.

    REALZEUS F1 Veteran

    Feb 16, 2011
    Bournemouth, UK
    No we don't. Most track test have been won by the Pista, that's all we know. Also, we don't know what tyres those two were on. What makes you think that the Pista was on Cup 2 R, whilst the McLaren was not on Trofeo R?
  7. PistaGuyAZ

    PistaGuyAZ Karting

    Apr 10, 2019
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    Ryan Woon
    They were on stock tires, Cup2’s and Corsas.
  8. LVP488

    LVP488 F1 Veteran

    Jan 21, 2017
    The good news is that since the F8 is very close to the Pista (they are split by half a second at Fiorano when using the same tyres), it may still win over the 720... and maybe achieve similar times as the 720 if both run on road tyres.
  9. SoCal to az

    SoCal to az F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 25, 2012
    Jesus Christ- arguing over 1/2 second as to which car is best. Lame
    Jo Sta7, Luque, showme1946 and 4 others like this.
  10. dmark1

    dmark1 F1 World Champ
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    Feb 26, 2008
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    I know :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  11. exoticcardreamer

    exoticcardreamer Formula 3

    Dec 9, 2014
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    It took me a long time to understand that the discussions surrounding lap times and these cars had more to do with Formula 1 fans continuing the argument or arguing as if it was Formula 1... As you know; half a second/lap is a big difference when a race is over 60 laps or so.

    They just happen to suck in people who don't track much or other Formula 1/race fans into the discussion.
    Gh21631 and SoCal to az like this.
  12. Caeruleus11

    Caeruleus11 F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 11, 2013
    I also think running the 720 in its full on track mode but the Pista in race is a bit of a hamstring to the Pista, I think it would be a little bit quicker in CT Off - as the car is clearly in capable hands.
    REALZEUS likes this.
  13. exoticcardreamer

    exoticcardreamer Formula 3

    Dec 9, 2014
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    It is difficult to assess this because they aren't showing the full unedited lap from the helmet cam. They could be putting the video together using multiple laps/angles, etc. (Just an example but in one of the videos from motortrend, it showed pobst driving the 570s in automatic mode) and he doesn't drive in auto mode)

    Pista was in race mode (from the helmet cam) but 720s was in track/sport mode (you can see the dials from his helmet cam). It wasn't in track/track with esc dynamic mode on (and I can tell you that it is a big, big difference in 720s with track/track esc dynamic mode).
    Caeruleus11 likes this.
  14. Newjoint

    Newjoint Formula 3

    Jan 17, 2016
    The 1/2 seconds is indeed a big difference in a multi lap race. In the real ie street world the difference is of no consequence other than bragging rights. Both are great cars and the individual gravitates to one or the other based on other characteristics such as style, ergonomics, car feel etc and we all have different priorities

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  15. Caeruleus11

    Caeruleus11 F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 11, 2013
    Great spotting, I thought he said they had the 720 in track mode so being unfamiliar with McLarens controls, I thought that meant track/track. Perhaps they were trying to equalize the different modes between the cars. I have noticed the same thing with a lot of these videos, they sometimes even just cut in stock footage...
  16. exoticcardreamer

    exoticcardreamer Formula 3

    Dec 9, 2014
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    Ha, ha. I only examined the video more after seeing your posting about it. I didn't think to look initially as I thought everything would be all off in both cars. Just an fyi- that view of the display in 720 can be used in any mode. It is only a view.

    I'm assuming that one of the owners put in a restriction that everything couldn't be off and maybe oliver tried to equalize it the best way that he could between the two cars.
    tekaefixe and Caeruleus11 like this.
  17. Gh21631

    Gh21631 F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 24, 2011
    The 720 is quicker than the Pista, it just is. Believe whatever you want. The Pista feels incredible though - handling, acceleration, braking or whatever is just awesome BUT so is the 720. It just comes down to what you personally prefer. I love both and I can't think of two other cars I would rather have right now in these price ranges.

    For those of you that live on forums with no personal experience build quality is comparable and so is reliability, neither is perfect but still very good.

    REALZEUS F1 Veteran

    Feb 16, 2011
    Bournemouth, UK
    The Earth is flat, it just is...
  19. willcrook

    willcrook Formula 3

    Feb 3, 2009
    at the moment on the used market here it's £200,000 cheaper to buy a 720s than a pista, the value for money is nuts.
    Gh21631 likes this.
  20. Ferrari 308 GTB

    Ferrari 308 GTB F1 Veteran

    Feb 21, 2015
    #20 Ferrari 308 GTB, Oct 4, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2019
    Surprised they could get Statham ,Dwayne and the girl into the 720S;),quiet though isn't it?

    tekaefixe likes this.
  21. Coincid

    Coincid F1 Rookie

    Dec 9, 2014
    Would love to see a thorough comparative review of the 720S and the Pista that vividly enunciates the subjective differences between the cars. Which one is more engaging and compelling to drive? Does one provide greater feedback and connection between driver and car? While both are similarly blazingly quick, are they differentiated by one creating the sensation of being faster. Does one car insulate instead of connect the car to the road? Which car elicits more excitement and adrenaline flow ?

    This inquiring mind is highly curious to know.
  22. Jo Sta7

    Jo Sta7 F1 Veteran
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    Oct 13, 2015
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  23. mkraft3003

    mkraft3003 Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 20, 2016
    Tampa, Fl
    Here is my LONG review having owned both (I wrote this for the Mclaren forums but haven’t posted there yet):

    As a way of a brief background I have previously owned a 12c, 650s, Huracan, 458 spider, 488gtb, 720s, 812 superfast and now the Pista. I’ve also had a number of Porsches, Astons, SLS, ZR1, R8 for a running total of 38 cars in 26 years. I usually keep the cars for 12-18 months and fully accept that I have a car addiction/hobby.

    I am not a fanboy of any particular brand but am a car nut/enthusiast. If I had to lean to any one particular brand I would probably favor McLaren as they have been very good to me. I took a tour of the factory a few years ago and they were nothing but accommodating and made you feel like you were part of the family. I know a lot of people have been comparing the 720s to the Pista and I figured since I have had both I will give you my review.

    I’ll start the review by a few qualifications. These cars are not my daily drive and I typically will drive them on Saturday or Sunday to/from the gym/grocery store and a few times a month to the office. I will NOT race another driver on a public road but if there is a stretch of road with no cross traffic and no pedestrians I will open it up. I have plenty of track experience but do not take my personal cars on the track. So back to the review:

    Design/looks: This is a very subjective category and the old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people prefer brunettes, other blondes and other redheads. That is not to say one is better than the other. So in MY opinion I thought the 720s was very futuristic looking. The comparisons to a fighter jet are pretty accurate. There were some angles that I thought it looked amazing and other angles that I did not like. The double doors and the dihedral doors are like nothing else. The car would get looks no matter where it went and every time you open the door you felt like a rockstar. In regards to the Pista I think that it looks great from every angle and it looks downright mean and exotic. If the 720s is the B2 stealth bomber than the Pista is the F22 Raptor. Again, these are my personal opinions and would expect others to differ.

    Interior: The interior of these cars is very different. The 720s continues the futuristic theme with the interior. The cabin feels very closed in like a fighter jet. The iris is still not that great and the folding dash is always an attention getter. The Pista has been the same interior since the 458. My 812 had the new interior which was a step in the right direction. The one thing I like, and prefer, with the Pista is I feel more like a F1 car. I appreciate the large rev counter directly in front of you and really like the steering wheel with shift lights and all controls right at your finger tips.

    Driving: Let’s get this one out of the way. The 720s is the fastest thing out there. The speed is just ridiculous and it is as smooth as can be. The Pista on the other hand feels very close but the speed feels much different. The Pista is exactly what they advertise, a track car. It feels loud, raw and ready for the track. Every time the cars shifts it feels like you are smacked in the back like the old 458 did. It is a great feeling. The 720s is absolutely, hands down a car you could daily drive. I would not want to drive more than 1 hour in the Pista. Seat in the pants feel between the two of them is very close. I would think the Pista would be faster on a track while the 720s would take it in the 1/4.

    Overall: This is a very hard choice. Both cars are amazing but I feel like value and depreciation have to be factored in. Let me be clear, I never buy a car thinking it won’t lose money. They are all depreciating assets. I do have to admit that I lost a ton in my 12c and 650s. With the 720s I lost a lot after 14 months but not as much as the 12c or 650s. With my 812 I lost much less but got out before they announced the spider and more cars hit the market. In a perfect world the Pista would follow the path of the Speciale and other limited cars, but this is not the perfect world. My hope is that the Pista will not depreciate as fast and hold some of its value but time will tell.

    I love that Mclaren is pushing the envelope with their technology. They are a great company and ever new models causes the entire segment to up their game. On the other hand, Ferrari has the history and pedigree. Everyone knows the brand and immediately recognizes it. I loved the 720s and thought it was a great car. With that being said, I could not be happier with the Pista. It does not pretend to be something else and is a special car.
    TJspyder, Luque, RWP137 and 9 others like this.
  24. Newjoint

    Newjoint Formula 3

    Jan 17, 2016
    The 720S is so fast it warps time and space allowing the three to fit in it!

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat
    Ferrari 308 GTB likes this.

    REALZEUS F1 Veteran

    Feb 16, 2011
    Bournemouth, UK
    It was a nonsensical response to the nonsensical statement made in the exact previous post of mine.

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