Anyone have a hot sauce recipe? | FerrariChat

Anyone have a hot sauce recipe?

Discussion in 'Drink, Smoke, and Fine Dining' started by velocetwo, Mar 27, 2010.

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  1. velocetwo

    velocetwo F1 World Champ

    Dec 11, 2006
    Left Coast
    last year I grew about 5 diffrent types of chili's and made hot sauce, it came out OK,But would like to try another recipe. Any out there?
  2. Radiopilot

    Radiopilot Karting

    Dec 10, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    Full Name:
    Nick R.
    #2 Radiopilot, Mar 27, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2010
    Here is my favorite hot sauce that is excellent on many foods especially Spanish dishes.

    Puerto Rican Pineapple Vinagre

    ½ ripe pineapple
    6-10 Habanero peppers or assorted hot peppers, stems cut off and sliced
    1 large Spanish onion, sliced
    10 garlic cloves, half cut in half, the others lightly mashed
    2 sprigs fresh oregano leaves, lightly pressed
    ½ tsp. salt (more or less)
    10 black peppercorns
    ¼ cup cider vinegar

    Slice off the top and bottom of pineapple and then slice off the peel. Use the rind to make juice, boil in large pot with plenty of water to cover all the rind until the rind is very tender, about 30 minutes, more or less. Or buy diced fresh pineapples chuncks that will do instead of purchasing a whole pineapple. Yes, you can use store bought juice that doesn't have additives, just add water bring it to a boil.

    While the rind is boiling, wash, peel and slice the onion and peppers (slice the peppers lengthwise), and use gloves to handle them. Peel the garlic, slice half the pieces lengthwise and slightly mash the rest just a bit to break up the garlic.

    Put the peppers, onions and garlic in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid, add the oregano sprig, salt and pepper corns. Strain the pineapple juice in the pot and pour in the jar half full, add the vinegar, and continue to fill the jar with juice. Put a slice of the rind in the jar too.

    Let this sit in the counter for two weeks before using. You can refrigerate it after the two weeks if you like. This gets better as it sits.

    * If there was not enough juice to fill the jar, add more water to the rinds and boil again for another 25 minutes or so. In Puerto Rico the preferred pepper is ají caballero, but that's hard to find in the states, substitute with Habaneros or Jalapeños.
  3. velocetwo

    velocetwo F1 World Champ

    Dec 11, 2006
    Left Coast
    Thanks so much I will give it a try and let you know how it comes out! I am sure it will be good.
  4. tazandjan

    tazandjan Three Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Jul 19, 2008
    Clarksville, Tennessee
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    Terry H Phillips
    Red Chile Sauce for Mexican Food. Developed over a couple of decades by my wife and I. As a bonus, how to make enchiladas and Spanish rice, too. The enchilada sauce is made this way by the best Mexican food restaurants. Three different heats of chiles. Make it as hot as you like by varying the heat of the dried peppers.

    Terry Phillips



    ½ C. oil
    ½ C. flour
    4 cloves garlic
    Combine above ingredients in large sauce pan and heat on low until rue becomes a rich brown color.

    Dissolve in 2 C. hot water:
    11 tsp. mild chile powder
    4 tsp. Med-hot chile powder
    2 tsp. hot chile powder
    6 tsp. Cumin powder
    1 tsp. Oregano leaves
    Add chile-water mixture slowly to rue, stirring constantly, until thickened.
    Add 3 C. *chicken broth (or warm water) to mixture, stirring until it boils.
    Turn down heat and simmer until desired thickness, stirring occasionally.
    Add 1 ½ tsp. salt, or to taste. (*Best!)
    This makes a large batch of sauce.


    Brown ¼ C. chopped onion in small amount of oil. Add ½ small can tomato sauce, ¼ tsp. salt,
    ½ tsp. oregano leaves, 1/8 tsp. garlic powder, ½ tsp. chile powder, ¼ tsp. cumin powder, and ½ C. chicken
    broth. (You can fry cooked rice with cooked onion and the seasonings before adding tomato sauce and broth, for a good flavor. Then add sauce and chicken broth and cook for about 15 minutes. I have made it both ways and like each one.)
    When simmering a few minutes, add 2 C. cooked rice. Let mixture cook and lightly brown
    About 15 minutes over low heat. If you have enchilada sauce made up, add a bit to rice, but not too
    much, (about ¼ to ½ cup). You can put rice in oven to keep warm while making enchiladas.


    Soften corn tortillas by spraying with cooking spray (or lightly buttering) and then put in plastic bag
    And microwave on high for 1 minute (or until softened), or wrap in foil and put in 350-degree
    oven for 5 minutes.
    Spray dish with cooking spray or butter the dish before adding stuffed tortillas.
    Grate Monterey Jack or similar cheese and slice green onions.
    Stuff tortillas with cheese and onions and roll up, placing seam on bottom of dish.
    Pour enchilada sauce over top of enchiladas, and sprinkle some cheese over the
    top, ending with any left-over sliced green onions sprinkled over the cheese.
    Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and
    The sauce is bubbly.
  5. El Wayne

    El Wayne F1 World Champ
    Staff Member Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Aug 1, 2002
    San Marino, CA
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    L. Wayne Ausbrooks
    Thanks, Terry! Been buying canned sauce and modifying it all these years. Yours sounds much better, though, and now you've motivated me to start making it from scratch. I'll let you know how the first attempt turns out.
  6. velocetwo

    velocetwo F1 World Champ

    Dec 11, 2006
    Left Coast
    Looks good I am going to try it out this weekend. thanks!!!

    I have been reading about fermenting peppers to make hot sauce. I guess this is the way they make tabasco sauce. Looks interesting
  7. Jdubbya

    Jdubbya The $10 Trillion Man
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 28, 2003
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    OK, break out the Necromancer card if you must but I'm digging this one up from way back. :)

    I've been making my own hot sauce for years. Used to get fresh produce from a really small farmer, it was really just a big garden in his back yard, and one day he tosses me a whole plastic grocery bag of all different peppers. I laughed and said, "What the hell am I gonna do with that many peppers?". He said to make hot sauce and he had a couple good recipes to share. So I tried it and was hooked.

    That was probably 7-8 years ago. He's sold the house/farm and moved away somewhere, but I've made new batches at least every couple years if not every year.

    Some years I've had a garden and tried growing enough peppers to make the year's batch of hot sauce from my garden. Last year I didn't get enough peppers but added some from the store. This was a mix of all kinds of peppers with Habanero, Serrano, Jalapeno, and Fresno Jalapeno. Turned out pretty well, not too spicy but a nice heat.

    Last years batch, I made a LOT. Have been sharing it and still have a bunch. It doesn't have to be in the fridge but I keep it there.
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    The recipe I use is this one, I usually add more garlic and toss in a little onion for flavor. It's a cooked not fermented sauce but you do let it sit in a cupboard or closet for 3-4 months. Then like the recipe says you can keep it thick or strain it and thin it out. I do that and add a bit more distilled water and vinegar.

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    I retired last year so wanted a big garden this year and did it. Started a bunch of peppers from seed and have been enjoying them all summer. had a whole bunch of habanero which I don't really eat with or in much so decided to make a batch of habanero lime hot sauce. Holy pepper that is some spicy stuff. Finished it up a good hour ago and am still coughing and blowing my nose from it cooking. Haven't tried it on anything yet but tasted a bit and it's HOT.

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    This is the recipe I used for making it although I had something more like 30+ peppers and some were huge. So once I try this on something I may thin it out some more. We'll see. It's a little sweet even with just 4 teaspoons of sugar. If I make this again I'll cut that probably in half. I also added a couple lime's juice and a bit of zest.

    I am also growing my favorite pepper, Bulgarian Carrot and hope to have enough to make a sauce out of them too before long, still have some ripening. They're probably a little hotter than a jalapeno but not as hot as a habanero.We'll see, not sure what recipe I'll use for them if I get enough although the first one says you can use any pepper.

    So now that I dug up this old thread and posted all this, who else likes hot sauce and what recipes are you using?
    Nembo1777 and NbyNW like this.
  8. Jdubbya

    Jdubbya The $10 Trillion Man
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Had a bunch of green chilies left at the end of the growing season this year. So thought I'd make some green chili hot sauce. I fermented this one. It came out pretty well after sitting in the dark for a couple months. I like the habanero one I posted above much better. This one was mostly green Big Thai chilies. Had two plants of these and they were prolific, grew to well over 7' tall. Huge plants and lots of peppers and I had and used lots of them over the summer as they ripened just in cooking and such.

    I don't like this one all that much to be honest, it separates very easily sitting in the fridge which is no big deal.(and I understand I could prevent this by adding something like lecithin to help emulsify it) But it's got a different flavor to it since all the peppers were unripe. Almost a grassy or leafy taste if that makes sense. Not bad but not great either. Tried more vinegar but that didn't help. Not sure what to try different.

    Fermenting, the yellowish/green ones are Fresno's that hadn't ripened either...
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    And finished sauce.

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  9. NbyNW

    NbyNW F1 Rookie
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