Anyone in Vegas have a Scud? | FerrariChat

Anyone in Vegas have a Scud?

Discussion in 'Las Vegas' started by RoyalPink, Mar 22, 2024.

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  1. RoyalPink

    RoyalPink Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Mar 18, 2019
    Southern Utah
    Full Name:
    John D.
    If possible I'd like a ride in one. Getting one regardless but it'd be nice to go for a ride beforehand. Been looking for about six months now for the right one. I live in St. George.
  2. TheMayor

    TheMayor Nine Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    If no one has one I'm pretty sure one of the track rental places like Dream Racing has a lap experience. I did that with before I bought a 458.

    Its not the same as driving in city streets and often they change out the Carbon Brakes with standard to save costs but it will give you a feel for the acceleration, braking, handling, and sound.

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