Articles of ferrari of magazines of all the world | FerrariChat

Articles of ferrari of magazines of all the world

Discussion in 'Collectables, Literature, & Models' started by abavai, Dec 14, 2003.

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  1. abavai

    abavai Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    I want to see articles of ferrari of vintage magazines.
    I am looking an article of dino 246 and 328 gts .
    Can you help me?
    I want to scan pic and articles of magazines.
  2. Miltonian

    Miltonian F1 Veteran

    Dec 11, 2002
    Milton, Wash.
    Full Name:
    Jeff B.
    I have LOTS of old car magazines, it's my hobby. I have a spare copy of this one, in perfect condition, which I will give you as a Christmas present if you wish. It has lots of really good pictures. I could probably come up with 20 Dino articles if I spent some time searching!
    Jeff B.
  3. Tspringer

    Tspringer F1 Veteran

    Apr 11, 2002

    Any chance you could come up with any cool old articles on the Daytona?

    I want to try and collect all the Daytona related articles I can. If you have any and would make me copies.... I would be eternally grateful!

  4. Miltonian

    Miltonian F1 Veteran

    Dec 11, 2002
    Milton, Wash.
    Full Name:
    Jeff B.
    Terry: I checked a couple of my indexes and blew the cobwebs off some old memories, and easily found 19 Daytona magazine articles in the last half hour. I probably have more. There is most likely a "Brooklands Book" or something similar that has tons of Daytona material, do you have anything like that? I can make copies of some of this stuff, but it's better to have originals, as quite often the best pictures take up more than one page. It also takes quite a bit of time to make copies, and I'm slow to follow up. If you wish, I'll see if I can put together a list of what I have found so far, and see if anything is of particular interest to you. Remember this one?
  5. Tspringer

    Tspringer F1 Veteran

    Apr 11, 2002
    Never seen that one miltonian!

    19 articles ? So far????

    What is a "Brooklands Book" ?

    Man, I would kill for your articles! I you wanted to take them to a copy center and have them make color copies of them all..... I would gladly pay! If its too big a hassle, its ok, I understand. I'll just have to keep my eyes out and try to find the magazines.

  6. Miltonian

    Miltonian F1 Veteran

    Dec 11, 2002
    Milton, Wash.
    Full Name:
    Jeff B.
    Terry: I'm up to 25 after looking in my closet! A "Brooklands Book" is a printed collection of magazine reprints of articles pertaining to a particular make/model/series vehicle. I know there is one for the 3x8/Mondial/348 series, don't know if there is one for the Daytona. I'll make a list for you this evening if I get time, OK?
    Oh - there is supposed to be an article comparing the Daytona with the 575M in the January 2004 "Classic & Sportscar", due out soon.
  7. Tspringer

    Tspringer F1 Veteran

    Apr 11, 2002

    You DA MAN! Ill search around the net and see if I can find any such book on the Daytona. If you are willing to get copies made of these articles for me, let me know where to send some funds and how much. Im going to put together a binder and collect as many articles as I can along with original sales materials and such.

  8. Miltonian

    Miltonian F1 Veteran

    Dec 11, 2002
    Milton, Wash.
    Full Name:
    Jeff B.
    Terry: I'll be sending you a private message with some info, OK?
  9. abavai

    abavai Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    Miltomain. thanks .I will send an email.
  10. Tspringer

    Tspringer F1 Veteran

    Apr 11, 2002

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