458 - AVH failure warning after battery disconnect and reconnected | FerrariChat

458 AVH failure warning after battery disconnect and reconnected

Discussion in '458 Italia/488/F8' started by Shermanator, Nov 27, 2021.

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  1. Shermanator

    Shermanator Karting

    Aug 31, 2018
    SoCal, Colorado
    Full Name:
    Sherman Gregory
    Anyone know how to reset the AVH system?

    I pulled my battery out to check the date code on it. I followed the detailed procedure for changing the battery that is published elsewhere in this forum. Now I am getting an AVH failure warning. I played with the parking brake control until the "Brake" indicator went off. Then I drove about 3 miles and it drove fine. No brake drag or anything noticeable.

    I doubt there is any hardware problem because this was triggered by having the battery disconnected. I think that I just need to reset the software.
  2. Shermanator

    Shermanator Karting

    Aug 31, 2018
    SoCal, Colorado
    Full Name:
    Sherman Gregory
    A third start cycle after each time giving in a minute in position II before hitting the start button seems to have cleared it. 458s are really finicky about loosing battery power. I think my battery is old so I am going to get a new one soon, so this was practice. I will see then if it does the same thing.
    rob5819 and turbokraft like this.
  3. turbokraft

    turbokraft Rookie

    Jun 10, 2019
    Full Name:
    Johnathan David Adams
    Common for the dash to become a "Christmas tree of colorful lights" if the battery is not near 100%. I bought an Autel scanner that has some pretty in depth Ferrari coverage and a scan showed multiple codes in many modules that had no affect on the car that I could detect. The first time this happens is terrifying. Glad you resolved this and thank you for the follow up.

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