BEWARE of Scam !!!! | FerrariChat

BEWARE of Scam !!!!

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by paulie_b, Jan 28, 2004.

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  1. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    If anyone on FChat is selling any items please be aware of the following.
    I was approached by a reader of FChat in mid December who wanted to buy 2 pairs of Scuderia Shields that I had for sale. He claimed to be an "Auto Agent" from the U.K. He wanted to send me a cashiers check for the shields but it turned out that the check he sent me a fraudulent check. After depositing the check into my account I waited longer than usual to see if the check was good and that it cleared. I felt something was fishy. It turned out that the check was bogus! The envelope that the check was sent in was delivered to me by UPS. It was an international package from UPS but after I called UPS to check the tracking number I found out that the package originated from Lagos, Nigeria. He was supposed to be from the U.K. !
    Our correspondence was by email and also Sprint Relay. I never heard of Sprint relay until recently. The operator acts as an intermediary between the 2 parties on the line. Not sure why he used this method of phone call. I will call Sprint today and ask some questions. To make a long story short.......he is a thief.......and everyone should be aware of this scam.
    I did NOT send the shields.
    Please be aware of the following names for any emails:Austine Ashiedu, Brad Dennis and George Harris.
    I am going to keep rattling his tree. If others want to help, I will post his email address and we can ALL send his nasty notes.
  2. JSinNOLA

    JSinNOLA F1 World Champ
    Sponsor Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Mar 18, 2002
    Denver, CO
    Great heads up. I hope nobody gets duped!
  3. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    Thanks John. In a few days check back on this post. I hope everyone on FChat writes to this thief to help piss him off!
  4. greg512tr

    greg512tr Formula Junior

    Feb 19, 2002
    Dallas TX
    Full Name:
    Greg B
    Below is another scammer to watch out for. I purchased a 250 window crank from him that he listed on e-bay. He gave me excuses for months for not sending the part and now I havent heard from him. Sad how some people are.

    [email protected]
  5. enjoythemusic

    enjoythemusic F1 World Champ

    Apr 20, 2002
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  6. KKSBA

    KKSBA F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
    SBarbara-La Jolla CA
    Full Name:
    I believe Sprint Relay is for translation services, like the ATT global services.

    Since most Nigerian scams require them to get your bank account #, I wonder if the cashiers check was meant to get your bank account # as it is sometimes printed on the back when you deposit it.

    Do you have the bad check in your possession? If not, I would find out where it is and if any of your bank account information was compromised.

    It doesn't seem worth it to use an international courier envelope, telephone translation service, and fake cheque just to get some shields... More likely they were after a bigger prize.
  7. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    I have the bad check in my possesion. No banking info was given to them.
    **Any FChatters going on a hunting safari trip to Africa in the near future?
  8. 62 250 GTO

    62 250 GTO F1 Veteran

    Jan 9, 2004
    Nova Scotia Canada
    Full Name:
    The relay service is for people with hearing problems. They type, then the operator talks to you, then type what you say for the "other person.
    I have been contacted 3 times by the relay service {different person each time} and have about 30 bogus people blocked from my email account for trying these types of things. Lucky for me the car is in storage downtown and not in my driveway... just incase these are local calls. :eek:
  9. tifosi

    tifosi F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa

    Sep 5, 2001
    Full Name:
    Tom D
    usually they also want you to refund them an amount between the check and the price of the product you are selling via wire. Normally it takes two to three weeks for the bank to tell you their check was bad - be careful
  10. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    Tifosi is correct.
  11. Fastviper

    Fastviper F1 Rookie

    Nov 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    every one of you that sells something and gets a cashiers ck, call whatever bank is on it first ask for the person at that branch they will tell you if it is real or not, Dont deposit it and wait its just a phone call to the bank.

  12. branko

    branko F1 Rookie

    Mar 17, 2003
    Birmingham, Alabama
    Full Name:
    Branko Medenica
    Great idea, Steven.
  13. enjoythemusic

    enjoythemusic F1 World Champ

    Apr 20, 2002
    Full Name:

    The problem with calling the bank is, i received a fraudulent check that was drawn on a legitimate account. In other words, the scammers forged a check from a LEGIT account that indeed had the funds.

    Sorry to further spread harsh reality :(

    Enjoy the Drive,

    Steven R. Rochlin
  14. MS250

    MS250 Two Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Dec 10, 2003
    Full Name:
    Thanks for the heads up guys !! Get this guy off the system, can we report it somehow? Let us know what else you find out.
  15. bert308

    bert308 Formula 3

    Nov 30, 2002
    Roermond Netherlands
    Full Name:
    Bert Kanters
    I can confirm this one. It is Jim Carpenter from the GTO conversions, known as "race308" on ebay. I ordered replica GTO mirrors from him and paid with paypal but never got them. I did a succesful recharge with my credit card company. AFTER that he dares to mail me that the glass for the mirrors had just came in and if I still wanted them. After 3 months of silence and not replying many mails from me!
  16. greg512tr

    greg512tr Formula Junior

    Feb 19, 2002
    Dallas TX
    Full Name:
    Greg B
    Bert-Were you responding to my post that [email protected] is Jim Carpenter? If so do you have a contact phone number or does he have a business? I think he said he had a warehouse in Vegas or somewhere and that is where the part was...
  17. bert308

    bert308 Formula 3

    Nov 30, 2002
    Roermond Netherlands
    Full Name:
    Bert Kanters
  18. joeyy

    joeyy Karting

    Nov 11, 2003
    long island
    Full Name:
    Jim carpenter is in Arizona and he is a scammer. I bought a hood prop rod from him and he sent one to me that was taken out of a burned car. not even worth the postage (junk) i sent it back to him and never got my money back.
  19. skipgt4

    skipgt4 Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
    GR Michigan
    Full Name:
    Charles VDB
    paulie_b you have a PM
  20. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    Skip, I responded back.
    Others.....the incident was reported to the FBI and then I was referd to the Secret Service. Both of the agencies were familiar with the process of this type of scam. Ultimately, there is nothing we, the U.S., can do. Per both agencies, " we do not have a relationship with Nigeria regarding matters like this". These guys are very slick and get to rip off alot of people using these tactics.
  21. J Nicks

    J Nicks Karting

    Dec 4, 2003
    Thanks for the heads up, we should all do this. Thanks again
  22. Horsefly

    Horsefly F1 Veteran

    May 14, 2002
  23. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    I am not "politically correct", I just did not read the post last year. I wish I did. I will read your post today. Apparently this type of activity has been rampent for a while. We as individual U.S. citizens, as well as a country, do not have any recourse against Nigeria per the FBI and Secret Service agents I spoke to this week.
  24. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    anyone interested in sending this guy a nasty message?
    would love to have a few dozens FChatters join in to annoy this thief.
    what do you think? he deserves it.
  25. theunissenguido

    theunissenguido Formula 3
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Jan 21, 2004
    Full Name:
    The same story : I have some parts for Mondial to sell and a car for sale. There is someone willing to buy them, but with this story behind. He has a client in the UK who needs to pay this man 6,200 Euro. The parts cost him 2,000 Euro.He suggest me, his client in the UK sends me a cheque for 6,200 Euro, I'll keep 2,000 Euro for me (cost of the parts) and the rest I have to send him with Western Union to a name,address he will send me by E-mail. When I ask this man to give me his real name,address,phone or picture of his ferrari, he dont send it. Its looks like he is only interested to recieve the money (the rest of the amount).
    The man even called me at home. When I ask what year and model Ferrari he has, he couldn't answer me.

    Someone else is willing to buy a car from me ( 7,000 UK pounds), and its the similar story. Also sending a cheque with tomuch money (13,000 UK pounds) and the rest I have to send him by Western Union to a name he will send me on E-mail.
    So, in the future, deals with cheques and over-amount are out of the question.Thanks for your scam-storys....
    Greetings Guido

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