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Bittersweet Closure

Discussion in 'Mid-Atlantic Region - USA (PA, DE, MD, DC, VA)' started by muk_yan_jong, Mar 20, 2024.

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  1. muk_yan_jong

    muk_yan_jong Formula Junior

    Oct 11, 2008
    Full Name:
    Brian McK

    All things in their time, but IYKYK. The significance of this local F40 is HUGE. Well... To me at least.

    Got a lot of time driving and caring for her during my time there. Most memorable were the shakedowns after a (RC Pre-Competizione) rebuild. He was tired of contorting in and out of the thing and let/helped me learn about what a F40 can do.

    At one point we serviced 4 of them and for a short time I was the trusted driver and QC guy before return. One of my Glory Days stories I'll never stop telling.

    Godspeed, thank you for trusting me, and Eyes Up.

    dsd, gt1995, ChoonHound and 2 others like this.
  2. Challenge

    Challenge Formula 3

    Sep 27, 2002
    Full Name:
    I had the pleasure of riding in this one, driven in anger, at Summit Point ~20 years ago. It was the pinnacle of all my automotive experiences.
    Bisonte likes this.
  3. Bisonte

    Bisonte F1 Veteran
    Rossa Subscribed

    Mar 27, 2007
    Northern Virginia
    Full Name:
    Wow, the end of an era—EYES UP, indeed.
  4. E60 M5

    E60 M5 Moderator
    Moderator Owner

    Jan 2, 2006
    Wash DC area
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    Great F40, indeed the old "eyes up"!!
  5. DennisForza

    DennisForza Formula 3

    May 23, 2006
    Arlington, VA
    Full Name:
    The link no longer works, did it sell that fast? :(
  6. sherrillt

    sherrillt Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 1, 2009
    Northern Virginia
    It's been pending sale for a while (waiting on money). I guessthe funds finally came through.
  7. mswiek

    mswiek Formula Junior

    Jan 5, 2004
    Yeh, a real local legend of many years passing along to a new home. My favorite memory of that car was back on 2007 when I participated in the Ferrari 60th Anniversary Global Relay. Allie in the F40 led the procession drive from Ferrari of Washington down to the formal reception at the Italian Embassy in DC. A sight to behold and remember was watching Allie'e wife climbing out of the car with elegant awkwardness at the Embassy in her evening dress.

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