User and shop manuals describe the U.S. double points installation and gapping but nothing for the single point system which is in my '76 308. Don't know the gap, don't know where to get new points, distributor cap or capacitater. Manuals also do not describe what lubricant to use on rotor shaft and lubricant on the distributor shaft and O-ring and spline. My guess is a light coating of bearing grease for both. Can anyone help me?
Having the proper owners manual for you car would be a big help in the long run... Is it a Euro, or US market car? From the owners manual page 74 & 75 Static ignition advance 6 degrees Automatic advance of distributor 16 degrees 30' at 3000 rpm Advance on engine 33 degrees at 5000 rpm Contacts gap: 0,012 ÷ 0,015 Breaker points opening angle: 30 degrees ± 2 degrees Closing angle (dwell) 60degrees ± 2degrees Ignition firing order: 1-5-3-7-4-8-2-6
The gap for single points is the same as for dual points, which I show as mm. 0,35 +- 0,03 (0.012" - 0.015") but what really is important is the dwell, which should be 39 degrees. Bosch makes a lubricant specific to distributors, which I have been using for years - the tube is almost empty, so I need to get some more. I would guess that any good hi-temp synthetic grease would be OK.