Chicago Fchat Holiday get together | FerrariChat

Chicago Fchat Holiday get together

Discussion in 'Chicago' started by Bob308GTS, Nov 3, 2003.

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  1. Bob308GTS

    Bob308GTS Formula 3

    Sep 26, 2001
    Full Name:
    Bob Campen
    Continued from the old board, the FCA holiday gig is on Dec. 7th, still thinking Dec. 13th or 14th for this. Charlie Fox's in Batavia on one of those days, afternoon or eve. either would work, is there any interest in doing this? As of when the old board closed, myself, Andreas and Frank had shown interest.

    Let me know
  2. Tod328gts

    Tod328gts Formula Junior

    Jul 23, 2003
    River Forest, IL
    Full Name:
    Tod Whitmore
    Hi Bob,

    I might be able to make that too with my girlfriend.... :confused: SHould work, will now more when it gets closer, don't think we have anything planned for that weekend...
  3. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    If nothing else I might hijack Bob's X-mas party to distribute the calendars to those folk who don't go to the FCA event or The Rock.

    But the streets have to be dry or I can't drive.
  4. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    I just got my FCA monthly newsletter. It outlines the FCA Holiday Party & Brunch. 11AM-3PM on Sunday Dec.7th.,At Grazies in DesPlaines. $40.00 per person. Need to make reservations with Mike Epifanio or Rick Schaefer,it said. Not sure if we'll go,yet. My Wife and I would like to get together with you guys at Charlie Fox's. The weekend of Friday the 5th,and Saturday the 6th. would be fine with us. The following weekend would be fine,too,except that, that is my weekend visitaion with my little guy,so,would probably have to bring him along,too. So,whichever you decide is fine with us.
  5. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Wow, no discount if you bring your own car?


    How about Fox valley, do we get a discount there if we show up in a Ferrari?
  6. Bob308GTS

    Bob308GTS Formula 3

    Sep 26, 2001
    Full Name:
    Bob Campen
    So far there are 8/9 of us, let's narrow down the time and date, Dec. 13th or 14th afternoon or eve., or if it would work better for all involved the 6th would work also
  7. Darolls

    Darolls F1 Veteran

    Jul 2, 2003
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    I should be able to make it but, I'll need a reminder closer to the date.

    At my age, my memory span is about 5 seconds!

    I think that's about on par with a fish.
  8. Bob308GTS

    Bob308GTS Formula 3

    Sep 26, 2001
    Full Name:
    Bob Campen
    Got ya covered Skip, it would be a good time for you to tell some stories about 30 years of Ferrari ownership
  9. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Just got off the phone with Mike Wogronic. He has technical difficulties signing on to this board, so Bob you probably should give him a call to let him know about our event at his place. I gave him a heads-up and with all for it. Pretty amazing guy I have to say.
  10. Bob308GTS

    Bob308GTS Formula 3

    Sep 26, 2001
    Full Name:
    Bob Campen
    How does sat. the 6th about 1 PM work for everyone?
  11. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    You moved it up by a week? A bit much of a Ferrari dose with the FCA X-mas party on Sunday.

    I could do it though.
  12. Bob308GTS

    Bob308GTS Formula 3

    Sep 26, 2001
    Full Name:
    Bob Campen
    Just tossing out a date, can always go back a week
  13. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    That sounds great,Bob. IF the weather is still "Decent",and we drive our Ferrari out. Can you still get the O.K. from the guy at Larsen to park the F-car there? If not,thats O.K.,too.
  14. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    Larsen? I thought it would be at Foxvalley motors, not?
  15. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    I believe Bob said Charlie Fox's-the place where we had Pizza on our drive. But,Fox Valley Motors is not far from there. I'd be glad to meet up with you somewhere on your way out,and stop by there on the way. I go there FREQUENTLY to eyeball all of the Beautiful,Exotic Car Candy that they have. Their inventory changes frequently,so,I am always surprised at something new there. Last week,I drove by there,and they had 2 Gallardo's outside in front. They also have(had? by now?) a Maybach. Some 360's,a Yellow 328 "rebodied" car,with Black and Red seats,(argh!) They had a white Pantera,a few weeks ago. But,I think it's been sold.
  16. Bob308GTS

    Bob308GTS Formula 3

    Sep 26, 2001
    Full Name:
    Bob Campen
    Plans are currently to meet at Charlie Fox's, but we can expand on this also
  17. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Yes,Bob.I really liked the Pizza there. Nice,cozy atmosphere,too. After I told my wife about it,she's been wanting to check it out. So,this will be an opportune occassion.
  18. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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  19. Bob308GTS

    Bob308GTS Formula 3

    Sep 26, 2001
    Full Name:
    Bob Campen
    I was almost thinking the same thing, who wants to check for times still open the first couple weekends in Dec.
  20. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Gotta pass. But,don't change plans on my account. If thats what everyone would rather do,thats cool with me.
  21. Bob308GTS

    Bob308GTS Formula 3

    Sep 26, 2001
    Full Name:
    Bob Campen
    Frank, we have not firmed up plans yet, chances are they are booked with company parties anyway
  22. Darolls

    Darolls F1 Veteran

    Jul 2, 2003
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    Again, I can't keep up with this :(

    My email add. is [email protected], and my phone # is 847-255-5885.

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