Clinton ordered Osama Bin Laden "Spared"..... | FerrariChat

Clinton ordered Osama Bin Laden "Spared".....

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Kds, Mar 17, 2004.

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  1. Kds

    Kds F1 World Champ

    Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:26 p.m. EST
    NBC: Clinton Ordered bin Laden Spared

    A secret CIA videotape shows that the Clinton administration had pinpointed the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden a year before the 9/11 attacks, but declined to kill him because of White House orders that he should be taken alive.

    The video, obtained and broadcast by NBC News, "illustrates an enormous opportunity the Clinton administration had to kill or capture bin Laden," the network reported Tuesday.

    Images filmed in Afghanistan by CIA Predator Drones show a man clad in white robes who towers over his entourage. (Bin Laden is 6' 5" tall.)

    The film was shot over Tarnak Farm, the walled compound where bin Laden was believed to live at the time. The layout of the buildings in the Predator video perfectly matches previous photos and diagrams of Tarnak Farm prepared by U.S. intelligence.

    The clip left CIA analysts convinced they had located the man who in 1998 had bombed U.S. embassies in East Africa and whose agents, four years earlier, had detonated a bomb in the parking garage of the World Trade Center.

    "It’s dynamite. It’s putting together all of the pieces, and that doesn’t happen every day," said William Arkin, a former intelligence officer and now military analyst for NBC.

    Though President Clinton has boasted repeatedly that he issued orders to kill bin Laden, no action was taken when the White House finally got its chance.

    Why not?

    Gary Schroen, a former CIA station chief in Pakistan, told NBC that the White House had in fact ordered the CIA to do just the opposite - take bin Laden alive or not at all.

    The order "reduced the odds from, say, a 50 percent chance down to, say, 25 percent chance that we were going to be able to get him," Schroen told the network.

    The directive effectively killed the plan and, along with it, the U.S.'s best chance to prevent the 9/11 attacks.
  2. LAfun2

    LAfun2 Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Do you think had Bin Laden been killed by the Clinton administration, his cell would not have gone forward with 9/11?
  3. karmavore

    karmavore Formula 3

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Just say it... you all really think that Clinton and Osama planned 911 in secret meetings at a White Water home over cheeseburgers and BJs by Monica to ruin the chances for reelection by a potential future Republican administration I right?

  4. LAfun2

    LAfun2 Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I will frogman. THank you. Stay safe out there :)
  5. Kds

    Kds F1 World Champ

    Luke.... sounds like fun......the cheeseburgers and other things that is.


    Would WWII have started if Hitler had slipped on a bratwurst and killed himself in the fall ?
  6. 96impalaSS

    96impalaSS F1 Rookie

    Dec 8, 2003
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    You know I dont care how ignorant people think Bush is at least he does attempt to do what he thinks is good for our country. Clinton didnt act, Bush is a moron but at least he takes action.
  7. tifosi69

    tifosi69 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2003
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Full Name:
    Al-Al Cool J
    Clinton SOLD us down the river... the Chinese are now nuclear capable, 20 years ahead of schedule thanks to him selling missile technology, just one example.
  8. rcallahan

    rcallahan F1 Rookie

    Jul 15, 2002
    Santa Barbara
    Full Name:
    Bob Callahan
    The quote regarding OBL is not true.

  9. 96impalaSS

    96impalaSS F1 Rookie

    Dec 8, 2003
    Full Name:
    Excellent point.
  10. tifosi69

    tifosi69 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2003
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Full Name:
    Al-Al Cool J
    SS you are RIGHT, laugh at him or whatever but he is a man of principle, he fights for what he believes is RIGHT!!
  11. Senna1994

    Senna1994 F1 World Champ

    Nov 11, 2003
    Orange County
    Full Name:
    Anthony T
    The Man he feared was Abu Nidal. Not Bin Laden.
  12. tifosi69

    tifosi69 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2003
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Full Name:
    Al-Al Cool J
    That is correct. Nevertheless, Clinton still had OBL handed to him and he said "no thanks" probably because he was getting his knob polished when he took the call.
  13. Senna1994

    Senna1994 F1 World Champ

    Nov 11, 2003
    Orange County
    Full Name:
    Anthony T
    And eating a slice of Pizza. I still can't believe they have not caught this ******. They should of shot a missle up his rear when they had a chance.
  14. tifosi69

    tifosi69 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2003
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Full Name:
    Al-Al Cool J
    LOL he was a fat ass wasn't he?
  15. ross

    ross Three Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Mar 25, 2002
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    well i am no great fan of clinton (never voted for him, cheered the impeachment proceedings etc), but i will say that this kind of post mortem accusational stuff is not right either.
    i am sure that he also considers this to be a mistake now, but at the time it may have been considered to be a better thing to take him alive - for god knows what reason.

    what i am also pretty sure about is that if somebody else digs deep enough, they will find kerry saying something in agreement to clinton's decision at that time, and today can get a quote from him saying something like - i told bill to wack him, but he didn't listen ! thats just the kind of guy i suspect him to be.
  16. ART360

    ART360 Guest


    That quote from North is FALSE. It was the guy who just died. Look at for the skinny.

    What was left out of this little bit of b/s is that the same guy said that the same thing happened while Bush was in office after Clinton. Someone forgot to mention that. It's amazing how someone's bias will lead to their telling a part of the story, in an effort to tell the truth in a misrepresentation. I watched the show and that's exactly what he said. Check it out.

    When will the right start telling story with all the facts, instead of portions thereof. Same thing happened in Spain right after the bombing, and they got caught, just after the election, check it out at: No wonder they lost the election: caught in their own lies.

  17. 96impalaSS

    96impalaSS F1 Rookie

    Dec 8, 2003
    Full Name:
    This whole elction this year is a loose loose situation. Kerrys a dousche, Bush is a gimp. I am Republican so I guees Im going for Bush.
  18. rico

    rico Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    9/11 would have happened whether bin Laden was dead or alive.

    al Qaeda are a network but once training is completed by the Taliban (or 'Students') all communication is finished with the headquarters in Afghanistan or wherever. The scholars of al-Qaeda then travel to their destination where they begin preparing for the act they intend to do.

    Therefore the pilots who crashed the planes on 9/11 wouldn't have had direct contact with bin Laden for months if not years prior to the event.

    Organisations like this are incredibly interesting due to their makeup, but at the same time very frightening.
  19. MarkG

    MarkG Formula Junior

    Nov 3, 2003
    Colorado Springs
    Full Name:
    1.“had Bin Laden been killed by the Clinton administration, his cell would not have gone forward with 9/11?”…

    hard to say; it may have meant an even worse attack as retaliation. Might have cut off the head of the snake and no 9/11.

    2. “Would WWII have started if Hitler had slipped on a bratwurst and killed himself in the fall ?”

    doubtful – Hitler ruled through force of personality; none of the people he surrounded himself with would have been up to the task of filling his boots.

    3. “Bush is a moron but at least he takes action” … “but he is a man of principle, he fights for what he believes is RIGHT”

    do not mistake narrow mindedness for principal; and remember, OBL is ALSO doing what HE thinks is RIGHT. (we still need to kill OBL, the SOB!)

    4. Clinton could not legally kill OBL under US law (one that needs to be changed)

    5. “Clinton SOLD us down the river... the Chinese are now…”

    China did not become part of WTO until AFTER Bush got elected; and it’s the current administration sending US jobs to China;

    Of course the world would be better off if Clinton also hadn’t sent Neville Chamberlain to Munich to deal with Hitler; if Clinton hadn’t sold eastern Europe down the drain at Potsdam, giving everything to Stalin; if Clinton hadn’t had John Wilkes Booth kill Abe Lincoln or hadn’t been the 2nd shooter at the grassy knoll in Dallas; if Clinton hadn’t had Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sell nuke secrets to the Russians; if Clinton hadn’t voted to crucify Jesus; if the Clintons hadn’t imported slaves, created AIDS and so on.

    I don’t like Clinton anymore than most, but he’s not to blame for all the world’s problems. He’s gone. Move on. Get over it.
  20. Kds

    Kds F1 World Champ

    Clinton is not gone.....he's just not the president anymore......but the Democratic party is chugging along as ever......which is why history is not to be ignored.
  21. tifosi69

    tifosi69 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2003
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Full Name:
    Al-Al Cool J
    You are correct Ross, they already dug it up, I read in Wall Street Journal a few weeks back. Sorry, already threw it away. John Kerry walks into a bar and the bartender asks: why the LOOOOOOOOONG face?
  22. tifosi69

    tifosi69 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2003
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Full Name:
    Al-Al Cool J
    Exactly KDs and he is the puppetmaster for Terry "McAwful" McAuliffe that piece of trash. Everyone knows who REALLY runs the DNC.
  23. Kds

    Kds F1 World Champ

    I agree with you MarkG.....

    Clinton is not to blame for everything.........he was just "the errand boy sent to do a man's job"........(with apologies to Copolla and Brando for that one)'s the left wing, socialist, "we hate America"..."let's subjugate ourselves to the will of the world".....Democratic party policies that are to blame......

    You were right......I was wrong.....heh.
  24. tifosi69

    tifosi69 Formula 3

    Dec 23, 2003
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Full Name:
    Al-Al Cool J
    Some good points but I take umbrage with a few things:

    3. narrowmindedness is not the issue, I am a firm believer that there is RIGHT and WRONG, GOOD or EVIL, I don't give a damn about OBL's levell of principle or tenacity, there is NO way whatsoever to justify flying planes into non-millitary civilian targets

    5. WTO, that is not what I was referring to. That is a separate issue. Clinton and Gore whored out the democratic party for campaign contributions and GAVE away (sold) missile technology.... to the ******* communists!!
  25. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    We, as a society, as humans, as a species, will not learn from our actions; we'll only "correct" our "mistakes", ultimately leading us down a dead end path... i truly believe the world will one day end (probably 100s of years from now) and all of civilization as we know it, will completely and totally obliterated and wiped out... Then, maybe in 10 - 20,000 thousand years, life will begin again, as it began so many million years ago and the cycle will repeat; hopefully with different circumstances the second time around... We'll never evolve fast enough to correct the mistakes we've made. It will all end some day, because of us.

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