Correct labels for the heat/defroster controls | FerrariChat

Correct labels for the heat/defroster controls

Discussion in '' started by dinonz308, Apr 27, 2024.

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  1. dinonz308

    dinonz308 Formula Junior
    Rossa Subscribed

    Nov 26, 2017
    Full Name:
    Hi all,

    I'm trying to determine which are the correct labels for the heat and defroster (early 86 QVs) sliders.

    In one car (LHD) I just have the same two black and white/silver gradients in opposite directions.

    In the other car (RHD) the heat label is the same gradient, with a red and blue dot at either end.

    I've searched online for images, and I have seen images of early cars with both combinations I have, plus later QVs with the single heat slider both with and without the red/blue dots.

    Anyone know which is correct? Or is there a pattern for why they're different.?


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