for those of you following my 550 exhaust saga over the past year or so (and i know you all are!), there's another new chapter. here's where our story last left off in april: i decided after a few thousand miles that just couldn't take the lame stock exhaust note one more day! after much hemming and hawing [is that how you spell those two words?] about whether to go fuchs/cargraphic or tubi or tubi/stebro, i decided to revert a bit. the tubi cans were put back on this morning. boy, i missed that sound. i'm going to see how i react to it - the resonance, etc. - one more time. if it's a mess, i'll probably try the stebro central tunnel and see what that does. if all else fails we'll go back to the drawing board and evaluate stock -vs- cargraphic/fuchs. everybody with a fuchs setup raves about it (though i'm the only human on planet earth apparently who's got an issue with the tubi), but i unfortunately haven't been able to hear one, so it was an expensive blind-faith investment to make; as opposed to the tubi cans which were in my garage gathering dust. fingers crossed! doody.
Doody, good luck... i printed out and have at home, your 8-page .pdf document comparison of the 355 to the 550; very cool 'article'... i should do the same with this... If you can, attach a clip of the sound of the new exhaust in this thread or a separate post... The most breathtaking sound i've ever heard on a 550 was with a Tubi Solo exhaust... It's simply unparalleled... ...and yes, "hemming" and "hawing" are correctly spelled...
Doody: good to hear you bit the bullet one way or the other. Keep us posted on the rattle/resonance with the new install. Hopfully no more headaches... Although, there's always a spot open for you here to drive a CG car... --Dan
Doody: Get the Stebro central resonator!! Its not expensive and it not only makes the car sound wicked at the upper RPM range it definitely revs faster and harder at the top end!!! Regards, Mark
enzomoon: you're talking about this doohickey, correct? the tubi does not do much for the upper end, for sure. but i'm not necessarily looking for LOUDER. does the stebro make things much louder in general? the tubi is definitely louder across the entire RPM range than stock, though not too much so above 3K or thereabouts. what i'm really interested in knowing is whether the stebro helps to calm down some of the in-cabin resonance of the tubi. for example, with the tubi on now, i can watch the steering wheel vibrate at low RPMs - obviously the stock exhaust doesn't do that. i'm hoping the fact that the tunnel is right under the cabin will calm some of that sort of thing down. will it? data? thoughts? experience? tia, doody! ps: does this thing install with four weld points or four clamps? or two and two? and the pipes between this and the tubi cans stays stock, right? [yes, i am confused about this particular central tunnel jobbie thingy whatsit ]
That item is what is commonly referred to as an x-pipe. It basically replaces the stock H-pipe that is on most cars. Provides more flow for the exhaust and will give the car a deeper tone. If you are not looking to go louder, this may not be the mod for you as all the ones I have installed and seen make the car louder and raspier. It looks to me that the pipe can be either welded or clamped. Since you seem to be up in the air about whether you want it or not, I would suggest calmping as it is easy to remove and usually ends up with a better seal then welding. Hope this helps.
HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF G-D !!!!!!!!!!!!!! they put the stock cans in the trunk, so i had to unload them when i got home. each stock can easily ways more than BOTH tubi cans together! egads! and the tubi cans are much smaller as well. interesting, and back-breaking! i guess if you want to put your 550 on a weight reduction plan, losing the stock exhaust with 8.5 tons of silencing material in there is the first step! doody.
Doody: I got my stock cans as well...they are stupidly loud. Actually, I was at FoSF service yesterday hanging out and taing care of some stuff, and I heard a stock 550...or I was told I heard one! Talk about muted... --Dan
Doody, Just to complicate matters more, I believe Capristo is about the ship their 550 exhaust. I have no clue how it sounds, but if it is anything like their 360 offering the cabin stays very quiet and all the wild stuff is going on outside. -- Michael
Doody- I've ridden in Dan's 550/Cargraphic many times, and the sound, especially from outside the car, is incredible. It's really the perfect system, not resonant inside the car at any speed, you really want to keep the windows down to hear it echoing off canyon walls and the like. When you roll the windows back up, I think myself and Dan's only complaint would be that the 550 is so well engineered, that you hear exhaust and drivetrain noise about equally, and both fairly muted. I've also heard a Tubi550, and it nearly gave me a headache. Didn't seem to do much in the upper ranges either, where is where the Cargraphic/Fuchs shines. I would heavily recomend this investment oppertunity, you surely qualify, and will reap an immense return within 30 days! Best! Ben.
Doody - very attentive reader since i am taking delivery of my 550 TOMORROW. Yes, this is THE day. The beauty has stock exhaust, so maybe there is something to do there. I drove one with a Tubi, found it stunning but way too loud at idle. Waaay too much. I very much understand the dilemna resulting in putting these cans on and off, too much, too little, and so it goes ... Are there different Tubi set-ups ? Rear cans only or rear cans plus center pipe ? If so, which of the two is responsible for this deaffening idle resonnance ? I searched for the Fuchs/Cargraphics site but could not find it. Are these distributed in Europe ? I also recall a recent thread (can't find it back) where one of our comrades was suggesting bypassing the vacuum valve on his 575, anyone tried this out ?
Heiko at hgparts (chat board sponsor) has both the Tubi's and the new Capristo's. The grapevine said the Tubi's were too loud and had been modiefied. Manu from the UK suggested just straight piping the two rear silencers. Doody: where did you read about the "X" cross over pipe. The 575 seems ideal to work on mostly because the cats are forward of the pipes, cans, etc. that you would change..ergo, no engine check lights like in the 360 with test pipes.
Hi Doody, I remember you asking about this once before. I had my 550 changed from stock to Tubi straight pipes only which just replace the rear silencers and its an awesome option as you get great sound without the resonance. speak to Manu at scuderia Systems....he has seen it and done it hundreds of times. Good luck Zak
dhabaz - so this literally replaces the can with a pipe that runs from where the can connects to through to the tailpipes? that must be loud as all freakin' get-out, isn't it? based on the comparison with the weight of the stock cans, there sure ain't much sound control going on in the tubi cans, but they aren't featherlight either - they're doing something. doody.
Hi doody, yes its straight through the rear cans but you still have the central large can Its not that loud or certainly not uncomfortbale as you can easily have good conversation in cabin and not intrusive on long journeys. I absolutely am thrilled with it. Another colleague of mine has the exact same car...year. spec and colour but with stock and when he heard mine couple of weeks back he was completely blown away with the change. zak. if you ever in london gimme a shout.
Hi guys, Getting confused ... Does Tubi have anything else than the two rear silencers ? (part of their site is down). Or is there an option where the central can gets replaced and this is the one creating the nasty resonnance ? I tried to make an awkward sketch ot the exhaust system, do you mean that the solution is to replace the rear silencers by straight pipes, no cans at all ?
Thanks. Does anyone have before/after dyno curves ? Gonna have to wait anyway until the Ferrari warranty expires.
hi shark, yes there is the option of replacing the two rear silencer cans with TUBi pipes that are just going straight through. You still have the central can but not the two rear ones. its just stainless pipes made by Tubi. You wont get the resonance. Zak is a mess, but is up and running. they show two products for the 550, for all MYs: 01069611000 Silencer for 550 Maranello/Barchetta (Set) 01069661000 Only Tube Silencer for 550 Maranello/Barchetta (Set) i assume the picture below is of the former, this is what i have. i assume the latter are the "straight pipes" which i assume are the same thing as the "test pipes". according to the cans are $2900 a set (directionally comparable to the other options on the market) but the straight pipes are actually $2600 a set. how can a pair of stainless steel pipes cost over $2500? does anybody have a picture of these things? doody. PS: for that matter, how can some stainless steel cans with nothing inside of them cost $2900? sheesh.
found it. it's a publicity shot from the factory. it's in the sales brochure, but i scanned it out of the Automobili "Ferrari 550 Maranello" book since i'd have to crease the crap out of my sales brochure to get it in the scanner. but that's why the quality isn't so great. doody.
Doody: The Central Resonator does decrease low rpm resonance and seems to quiet the idle exhaust slightly. It really sounds wonderful above 3,000 rpm under full load...much louder and richer than Tubi cans alone. I can't comment on how it compares to some of these other systems mentioned as I haven't heard them....good luck!! Stebro claims an increase of 8HP but it definitely felt like more, especially in combination with my new K&N filters. Regards, Mark